我在python中编码并使用“wave”库。 我已经设法用这个库保存新的波形文件,但没有两个声音文件重叠 - 它们将在保存时一个接一个地播放。 如果有人可以帮助如何保存文件,其中两个曲目在同时播放 在不同的音量将是伟大的。 感谢。
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您可以使用pydub库(我在std lib中围绕python wave模块编写的光包装器)来完成它:
from pydub import AudioSegment
sound1 = AudioSegment.from_file("/path/to/my_sound.wav")
sound2 = AudioSegment.from_file("/path/to/another_sound.wav")
combined = sound1.overlay(sound2)
combined.export("/path/to/combined.wav", format='wav')
import wave
w1 = wave.open("/path/to/wav/1")
w2 = wave.open("/path/to/wav/2")
#get samples formatted as a string.
samples1 = w1.readframes(w1.getnframes())
samples2 = w2.readframes(w2.getnframes())
#takes every 2 bytes and groups them together as 1 sample. ("123456" -> ["12", "34", "56"])
samples1 = [samples1[i:i+2] for i in xrange(0, len(samples1), 2)]
samples2 = [samples2[i:i+2] for i in xrange(0, len(samples2), 2)]
#convert samples from strings to ints
def bin_to_int(bin):
as_int = 0
for char in bin[::-1]: #iterate over each char in reverse (because little-endian)
#get the integer value of char and assign to the lowest byte of as_int, shifting the rest up
as_int <<= 8
as_int += ord(char)
return as_int
samples1 = [bin_to_int(s) for s in samples1] #['\x04\x08'] -> [0x0804]
samples2 = [bin_to_int(s) for s in samples2]
#average the samples:
samples_avg = [(s1+s2)/2 for (s1, s2) in zip(samples1, samples2)]