
时间:2017-03-31 23:45:03

标签: c# generics implicit-conversion


  • 失败,因为“使用泛型类型'MyClass&lt; T&gt;'需要'1'类型参数“:

    public static implicit operator MyClass(bool value) { return new MyClass<string>(value.ToString()); }

  • 失败,因为“未绑定的通用名称在此上下文中无效”,并且因为“用户定义的转换必须转换为封闭类型或从封闭类型转换”:

    public static implicit operator MyClass<>(bool value) { return new MyClass<string>(value.ToString()); }

  • 失败,因为“用户定义的转换必须转换为封闭类型或来自封闭类型”:

    public static implicit operator MyClass<string>(bool value) { return new MyClass<string>(value.ToString()); }

  • 失败,因为“无法隐式转换类型'MyClass&lt; string&gt;'到'MyClass&lt; T&gt;'“:

    public static implicit operator MyClass<T>(bool value) { return new MyClass<string>(value.ToString()); }


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

不,你不能这样做。 C#规范很明确,您的implicit运算符必须转换为其声明的类型或从其声明的类型转换。它必须是完全转换,并且由于声明类型正好是MyClass<T>,因此转换必须是或来自该转换。

参见例如Can i use a generic implicit or explicit operator? C#C# Implicit operator with generic

冒着宽恕或赞同XY Problem的风险,这里有几个hacky替代方案:

// Break generics by checking the type explicitly. Requires ugly casting
// and intermediate boxing, though it's possible that with some run-time
// use of Expressions, you could cache a delegate that would handle the
// conversion without the boxing. It'd still be ugly though.
class Class1<T>
    public Class1(T t) { }

    public static implicit operator Class1<T>(bool value)
        if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
            return (Class1<T>)(object)(Class1OfString)value;

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid type T");

// Subclass the generic, and declare the conversion there. Of course, then
// to use the conversion, you have to reference this type explicitly. Ugly.
class Class1OfString : Class1<string>
    public Class1OfString(string text) : base(text) { }

    public static implicit operator Class1OfString(bool value)
        return new Class1OfString(value.ToString());

class A
    public static void M()
        // These all compile and execute fine
        Class1OfString c1 = true;
        Class1<string> c2 = (Class1OfString)true;
        Class1<string> c3 = true;


值得指出的是,除了处理泛型与特定的困难之外,implicit的使用还有其他原因。 The documentation在顶部指出应该仅使用implicit &#34;如果保证转换不会导致数据丢失&#34; 和实现&#34;不应该抛出异常&#34; 。在这两种情况下,这都是&#34;因此可以安全地使用它们而无需程序员的意识&#34; 。换句话说,implicit的本质是它们被隐式调用,而程序员甚至不必考虑它。因此,他们必须始终工作,这不一定是上述一些示例的情况(在一个示例中,您无论如何都必须使用显式语法,因此您不妨实现无论如何,运营商为explicit

