function updateData() {
function(data) {
var senator = data[0];
var cmicrophone = data[1];
var microphone = data[2];
var words = data[3];
$("#java").text(senator + cmicrophone + microphone + words);}
if(isset($_POST["senator"]) && isset($_POST["cmicrophone"]) && isset($_POST["microphone"]) && isset($_POST["words"])) { // If the page receives POST data, it needs to be stored
$senator = $_POST["senator"];
$cmicrophone = $_POST["cmicrophone"];
$microphone = $_POST["microphone"];
$words = $_POST["words"];
$data = json_encode(Array($senator, $cmicrophone, $microphone, $words)); // Put values into an array and encode it for storage
file_put_contents('information.txt', $data); // Put the JSON-encoded array into a text file. This function replaces the contents of the text file, which is exactly what is needed in this application. To append instead of replacing the contents, you need a FILE_APPEND flag.
} else { // If there's no POST data, the values are retrieved from the storage
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('information.txt')); // Retrieve the contents of the text file and decode them back into an array
$senator = $data[0];
$cmicrophone = $data[1];
$microphone = $data[2];
$words = $data[3];
echo "". $senator. "" .$cmicrophone. "" .$microphone. "";
$wordformat = wordwrap($words, 32, "\n", false);
echo "".$words. "";