使用R(R 3.3),XLConnect
包V 0.2.12,rJava
包V 0.9.8,收到错误。
wb <- loadWorkbook(paste0("C:\\Users\\james.keane\\Documents\\R\\RETC R
Scripts\\Client Progress Report\\", fileName, separate = ""), create =
setStyleAction(wb,XLC$"STYLE_ACTION.NONE") # This allows the
spreadsheet to be populated with data without chaninging the formating
of the spreadsheet
# Check to see if sheet exists
tabNames <- getSheets(wb)
if(length(grep(taxSeason, tabNames)) >= 1){
writeWorksheet(wb, paste(taxSeason, "Property Tax Appeal Status",
separate = " "), sheet = taxSeason, startRow = 1, startCol = 1,
header = FALSE)
writeWorksheet(wb, reportClient[,1:22], sheet = taxSeason, startRow =
3, startCol = 1, header = FALSE)
writeWorksheet(wb, reportClient[,28:33], sheet = taxSeason, startRow =
3, startCol = 28, header = FALSE)
cloneSheet(wb, "Template", taxSeason)
writeWorksheet(wb, paste(taxSeason, "Property Tax Appeal Status",
separate = " "), sheet = taxSeason, startRow = 1, startCol = 1,
header = FALSE)
writeWorksheet(wb, reportClient[,1:22], sheet = taxSeason, startRow =
3, startCol = 1, header = FALSE)
writeWorksheet(wb, reportClient[,28:33], sheet = taxSeason, startRow =
3, startCol = 28, header = FALSE)
保存工作簿并打开文件后,我将有以下标签:image of tabs after code run
在代码运行之前,只有三个选项卡“Exhibit A”,“Template”和“Data Validation”。代码运行后,它应克隆模板选项卡,将其重命名为相应的taxSeason年份,然后使用writeWorkSheet