#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct mylist { // This structure defines linked list nodes; structure
int x; // data
struct mylist * nextnode;
void userData(Node* head){ //prompts the user for data input and this data will then be assigned to the node.
int data;
printf("Enter new data: ");
scanf("%d", &data);
head -> x = data;
void printer(Node* arraylinks[]){ //function prints the linked lists in the array.
printf("entering linked lists printer\n\n");
int i = 0;
Node* current;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ // iterates the array
current = arraylinks[i]; //assign the first pointer of the linked list to current
while( current != NULL){ //traverse the linked list
printf("%d -> ", current -> x);
current = current -> nextnode;
void linkedlists(Node* arraylinks[], Node* pointer, Node* tempPointer){
int x = 10;
int lastdigit;
userData(pointer); //calls linkedlists() to get the data from the user input
lastdigit = pointer-> x % 10; //checks the last digit of the number entered by the user. if the number ends in 0 it will be stored in the linked list at arraylinks[0]
//tempPointer = arraylinks[lastdigit];
//tempPointer -> nextnode = pointer;
if(arraylinks[lastdigit] == NULL){ // if the array[lastdigit] is empty then the new node is added but with next node as NULL
arraylinks[lastdigit] -> nextnode = pointer;
pointer -> nextnode = NULL;
tempPointer = arraylinks[lastdigit]; // tempPointer gets assigned temporarily the existing linked list that's stored in that array[lastdigit]
arraylinks[lastdigit] -> nextnode = pointer;//arraylinks[lastdigit] now points to the the newnode entered.
pointer -> nextnode = tempPointer; // the new added node points to the rest of the linked list, that was temporarly saved in tempPointer
} while(x > 0);
printf("\ngoing out of the while\n\n");
printer(arraylinks); // printer function to display the linked lists that are in the array.
int main(){
Node* arraylinks[10]; //array of linked list. Each pointer points to the first item in a linked list
Node* pointer = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
Node* tempPointer =(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)) ;
linkedlists(arraylinks, pointer, tempPointer);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Node* arraylinks[10];
Node* pointer = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
Node* tempPointer =(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)) ;
linkedlists(arraylinks, pointer, tempPointer);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// This structure defines linked list nodes;
typedef struct mylist
int data;
struct mylist *next;
} Node;
#define N 10
void display( Node * arrayLinks[] )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
for ( Node *current = arrayLinks[i]; current; current = current->next )
printf( "%d -> ", current->data );
puts( "null" );
putchar( '\n' );
void push( Node * arrayLinks[], int data )
int lastDigit = data % N;
if ( lastDigit < 0 ) lastDigit = -lastDigit;
Node *tmp = malloc( sizeof( Node ) );
if ( tmp )
tmp->data = data;
tmp->next = arrayLinks[lastDigit];
arrayLinks[lastDigit] = tmp;
void clear( Node * arrayLinks[] )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
while ( arrayLinks[i] )
Node *tmp = arrayLinks[i];
arrayLinks[i] = arrayLinks[i]->next;
free( tmp );
int main(void)
//array of linked list. Each pointer points to the first item in a linked list
Node * arrayLinks[N] = { 0 };
size_t n = 0;
printf( "Enter number of items you are going to add to the lists (0 - exit): " );
scanf( "%zu", &n );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < n; i++ )
int data;
printf("Enter new data: ");
if ( scanf( "%d", &data ) != 1 ) break;
push( arrayLinks, data );
display( arrayLinks );
clear( arrayLinks );
return 0;
Enter number of items you are going to add to the lists (0 - exit): 10
Enter new data: 10
Enter new data: 20
Enter new data: 31
Enter new data: 42
Enter new data: 52
Enter new data: 65
Enter new data: 77
Enter new data: 85
Enter new data: 99
Enter new data: 9
20 -> 10 -> null
31 -> null
52 -> 42 -> null
85 -> 65 -> null
77 -> null
9 -> 99 -> null