How do I change permissions on data sources?

时间:2017-03-30 18:36:46

标签: sql-server reporting-services ssrs-2016

I'm migrating an SSRS installation from SQL Server 2005 to 2016. Last time I did this was I migrated it from SQL Server 2000 to 2005 and this is still the same ReportingServices databases.

I restored it on another server, set up a SSRS instance and going through all the active reports to check them.

This time I'm also deleting all data sources that are in folders or used by single reports and pointing reports to shared data sources.

My problem is that most of the time this is run by developers who develop, upload and set permissions for folders and reports and I've found that I cannot delete some data sources. I've pointed the reports to shared data sources but I want to get rid of these unused data sources.

I've added myself to the top level and lower level folder content manager role but still cannot do it

My worry is that developers will overwrite these reports with changes and upload them with a local data source or create new data sources again. In a DR situation I don't want change dozens of data sources.

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您可以转到SSRS配置工具以确认ReportServer数据库位置,但它可能位于ReportServer $ INSTANCENAME数据库中的SQL Server上。
