# ImageCompare.py #
# This module contains methods to quickly and
# easily compare two images to see how different
# they are. This was created to be used as
# something of a motion detector. The idea was
# That a videoconference is working if the image
# being shown changes noticeably.
# Detecting whether an image has changed was
# implemented in two ways: Using a Histogram
# comparison (HistoCompare) and doing a pixel-
# by-pixel comparison. It was generally found
# that the histograms of two different images
# are generally more different than a pixel-by-
# pixel comparison, but the difference is small.
import Image
# Easily the most important feature of this module
# is the fact that it requires the Python Imaging
# Library (PIL) in order to be used. The PIL can
# be found at:
# http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm
# HistoCompare #
# HistoCompare takes in two histograms (generated
# using PIL) as well as an optional string and
# an optional double. the histograms are those
# of the images that you want to compare.
# If you pass in "pct" as the mode, HistoCompare
# will return the percentage difference between
# the histograms (out of the total value of the
# most valuable histogram).
# If any other string is passed in as the mode,
# then HistoCompare will return True if the
# percentage difference is less than alpha, and
# False otherwise
def HistoCompare(im1, im2, mode = "pct", alpha = .01):
if im1.size == im2.size and im1.mode == im2.mode:
h1 = im1.histogram()
h2 = im2.histogram()
SumIm1 = 0.0
SumIm2 = 0.0
diff = 0.0
for i in range(len(h1)):
SumIm1 += h1[i]
SumIm2 += h2[i]
diff += abs(h1[i] - h2[i])
maxSum = max(SumIm1, SumIm2)
if mode == "pct":
return diff/(2*maxSum)
if diff > alpha*maxSum:
return False
return True
return False
# PixelCompare #
# PixelCompare takes in two single band images
# (generated using PIL) as well as an optional
# string and an optional double.
# If you pass in "pct" as the mode, PixelCompare
# will return the percentage difference between
# the images (out of the total value of the
# most valuable histogram).
# If any other string is passed in as the mode,
# then PixelCompare will return True if the
# percentage difference is less than alpha, and
# False otherwise
def PixelCompare(im1, im2, mode = "pct", alpha = .01):
if im1.size == im2.size and im1.mode == im2.mode:
randPix = im1.getpixel((0,0))
maxSum = []
diff = []
for channel in range(len(randPix)):
diff += [0.0]
maxSum += [0.0]
width = im1.size[0]
height = im1.size[1]
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
pixel1 = im1.getpixel((i,j))
pixel2 = im2.getpixel((i,j))
for channel in range(len(randPix)):
maxSum[channel] += 255
diff[channel] += abs(pixel1[channel] - pixel2[channel])
if mode == "pct":
ret = ()
for channel in range(len(randPix)):
ret += (diff[channel]/maxSum[channel],)
return ret
for channel in range(len(randPix)):
if diff[channel] > alpha*maxSum[channel]:
return False
return True
return False
def XORCompare(im1, im2, mode="pct", alpha=.01):
if im1.size == im2.size and im1.mode == im2.mode:
XORCount = []
randPix = im1.getpixel((0,0))
for channel in range(len(randPix)):
XORCount += [0.0]
width = im1.size[0]
height = im1.size[1]
imXOR = ImageXOR(im1, im2)
maxSum = 0.0
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
pixel = imXOR.getpixel((i,j))
for channel in range(len(pixel)):
XORCount[channel] += pixel[channel]
maxSum += 255
if mode == "pct":
ret = ()
for channel in range(len(randPix)):
ret += (XORCount[channel]/maxSum,)
return ret
for channel in range(len(randPix)):
if XORCount[channel] > alpha*maxSum:
return False
return True
return False
def ImageCompare(im1, im2, mode = "pct", alpha = .01):
if im1.size == im2.size and im1.mode == im2.mode:
HistComp = HistoCompare(im1, im2, "pct")
PixComp = PixelCompare(im1, im2, "pct")
XORComp = XORCompare(im1, im2, "pct")
if mode == "pct":
return (HistComp, PixComp, XORComp)
if mode == "alpha":
if HistComp > alpha:
return False
for pct in PixComp:
if pct > alpha:
return False
for pct in XORComp:
if pct > alpha:
return False
return True
return False
def FindDifferences(im1, im2):
if im1.size == im2.size and im1.mode == im2.mode:
width = im1.size[0]
height = im2.size[1]
ret = Image.new(im1.mode, im1.size)
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
pixel1 = im1.getpixel((i,j))
pixel2 = im2.getpixel((i,j))
putPix = ()
for channel in range(len(pixel1)):
putPix += (abs(pixel1[channel] - pixel2[channel]),)
ret.putpixel((i,j), putPix)
return ret
return False
def ImageXOR(im1, im2):
if im1.size == im2.size and im1.mode == im2.mode:
width = im1.size[0]
height = im2.size[1]
ret = Image.new(im1.mode, im1.size)
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
pixel1 = im1.getpixel((i,j))
pixel2 = im2.getpixel((i,j))
putPix = ()
for channel in range(len(pixel1)):
putPix += (pixel1[channel]^pixel2[channel],)
ret.putpixel((i,j), putPix)
return ret
return False
def GetKey(size, mode, seed = 0):
import random
key = Image.new(mode, size)
for i in range(size[0]):
for j in range(size[1]):
if mode == "RGB":
key.putpixel((i,j), (random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255)))
if mode == "CMYK":
key.putpixel((i,j), (random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255), random.randint(-128,127)))
if mode == "L":
key.putpixel((i,j), random.randint(0,255))
return key
def MonitorPicture(file, method="all", tolerance=.01):
image = Image.open(file)
image2 = image
while True:
if method == "all":
if ImageCompare(image, image2, "alpha", tolerance) == False:
return "BING!"
elif method == "Histogram" or method == "hist":
if HistoCompare(image, image2, "alpha", tolerance) == False:
return "BING!"
elif method == "Pixel-by-pixel" or method == "pix":
if PixelCompare(image, image2, "alpha", tolerance) == False:
return "BING!"
elif method == "XOR" or method == "xor":
if XORCompare(image, image2, "alpha", tolerance) == False:
return "BING!"
return False, "Please enter a valid method: all, hist, pix or xor"
image2 = image
image = Image.open(file)
def EncryptImage(file, seed=0):
image = Image.open(file)
key = GetKey(image.size, image.mode, seed)
enc = ImageXOR(image, key)