*text text text Bank of America, N.A., text text text*
"\\b" + Pattern.quote(phrase) + "\\b"
但它不起作用。 这是我的代码:
String line = "text text text Bank of America, N.A., text text text";
for (String phrase: new String[] {"Bank of America", "Bank of America, N.", "Bank of America, N.A", "Bank of America, N.A.", "Bank of America, N.A.,", "Bank of America, N.A., "}){
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\b" + Pattern.quote(phrase) + "\\b");
System.out.println(phrase + " = " + p.matcher(line).find());
Bank of America = true
Bank of America, N. = true
Bank of America, N.A = true
Bank of America, N.A. = false
Bank of America, N.A., = false
Bank of America, N.A., = true
我不明白为什么“Bank of America,N”这句话的结果。对于“美国银行,N.A。”这句话是真的,是假的吗?