import java.io.Console;
public class Introduction {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Console console= System.console();// creates a java Object which has method that allows us to write
console.printf("Hallo parvel");
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Introduction.main(Introduction.java:10)
/home/parvel/.cache/netbeans/8.1/executor-snippets/run.xml:53: Java returned: 1
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds).
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module Acc where
open import Data.Nat hiding (_≟_; _+_; _≤_)
open import Data.Integer hiding (_≟_; suc)
open import Data.String
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-- Trivial example of an EDSL inspired by
-- http://www.lpenz.org/articles/hedsl-sharedexpenses/
-- We have n people who go on a trip
-- they pay for things
-- they give each other money
-- at the end we want to have the balance on each account
-- Syntax
infixr 10 _•_
infixr 10 _and_
infix 20 _⇒_
data Person : Set where
P : String → Person
data Exp : Set where
_⇒_ : Person → ℕ → Exp
_[_]⇒_ : Person → ℕ → Person → Exp
_and_ : Exp → Exp → Exp
data Accounts : Set where
□ : Accounts
_,_ : (String × ℤ) → Accounts → Accounts
data _∈ᵣ_ : (String × ℤ) → Accounts → Set where
hereᵣ : ∀ {ρ s v} → (s , v) ∈ᵣ ((s , v) , ρ)
skipᵣ : ∀ {ρ s v s' v'} →
{α : False (s ≟ s')} → (s , v) ∈ᵣ ρ → (s , v) ∈ᵣ ((s' , v') , ρ)
update : Accounts → String → ℤ → Accounts
update □ s amount = (s , amount) , □
update ((s₁ , amount₁) , accounts) s₂ amount₂ with (s₁ ≟ s₂)
... | yes _ = (s₁ , (amount₁ + amount₂)) , accounts
... | no _ = (s₁ , amount₁) , update accounts s₂ amount₂
data account : Exp → Accounts → Accounts → Set where
spend : ∀ {s n σ} → account (P s ⇒ (suc n)) σ (update σ s -[1+ n ])
give : ∀ {s₁ s₂ n σ} → account (P s₁ [ suc n ]⇒ P s₂) σ
(update (update σ s₁ -[1+ n ]) s₂ (+ (suc n)))
_•_ : ∀ {e₁ e₂ σ₁ σ₂ σ₃} →
account e₁ σ₁ σ₂ → account e₂ σ₂ σ₃ → account (e₁ and e₂) σ₁ σ₃
andComm : ∀ {σ σ' σ'' e₁ e₂} → account (e₁ and e₂) σ σ' →
account (e₂ and e₁) σ σ'' → σ' ≡ σ''
andComm (a₁ • a) (b • b₁) = {!!}
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