
时间:2017-03-29 20:57:04

标签: python-3.x recursion linked-list binary-tree


class BTNode:
"""A node in a binary tree."""

    def __init__(self: 'BTNode', item: object, 
             left: 'BTNode' =None, right: 'BTNode' =None) -> None:

        self.item, self.left, self.right = item, left, right

class LLNode:
    """A node in a linked list."""

    def __init__(self: 'LLNode', item: object, link: 'LLNode' =None) -> None:

        self.item, self.link = item, link

    def __str__(self: 'LLNode') -> str:
        """Return an informative string showing self

        >>> b = LLNode(1, LLNode(2, LLNode(3)))
        >>> str(b)
        '1 -> 2 -> 3'
        return str(self.item) + (' -> ' + str(self.link) if self.link else '')

def preorder(root: BTNode) -> LLNode:
    """Return the first node in a linked list that contains every value from the
    binary tree rooted at root, listed according to an preorder traversal.

    >>> b = BTNode(1, BTNode(2), BTNode(3))
    >>> repr(preorder(b))
   'LLNode(1, LLNode(2, LLNode(3)))'
   >>> b2 = BTNode(4, BTNode(5))
   >>> b3 = BTNode(7, b, b2)
   >>> str(preorder(b3))
   '7 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5'

    return _preorder(root)[0]

def _preorder(root: BTNode) -> (LLNode, LLNode):
    """Return the first and last nodes in a linked list that contains every
    value from the binary tree rooted at root, listed according to an preorder

    if not root:
        return None, None

    left_head, left_tail = _preorder(root.left)

    right_head, right_tail = _preorder(root.right)

    # change from right_tail = left_tail to right_tail = left_head
    if not right_tail:
        right_tail = left_head

    if not left_head:
        left_head = right_head

    if left_tail:
        left_tail.link = right_head

    root_node = LLNode(root.item, left_head)

    return root_node, right_tail

我总是得到'7 - > 1 - > 2'而不是'7 - > 1 - > 2 - > 3 - > 4 - > 5'作为预订功能的输出。我不太清楚为什么。有人可以告诉我如何编辑我当前的代码来解决这个问题吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您的预订代码中似乎有错误处理LLNode(value, None)等回复。

具体来说,当您遍历BTNode(a, BTNode(b), BTNode(c)) bc都没有孩子的$vin = @$_GET['VIN']; 时,您无法正确合并。对于这种情况,你想再看看你的逻辑。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您尚未正确返回列表的尾部。我添加了一些调试工具来跟踪 _preorder 的操作 - 这是在发布之前应该做的事情。调试是一项关键技能。

indent = ""
def _preorder(root: BTNode) -> (LLNode, LLNode):
    """Return the first and last nodes in a linked list that contains every
    value from the binary tree rooted at root, listed according to an preorder
    global indent
    print(indent, "  ENTER", root.item if root else "NULL")

    if not root:
        return None, None

    indent += "  "
    left_head, left_tail = _preorder(root.left)
    print (indent, root.item, "Left ", left_head, left_tail, str(left_head))
    right_head, right_tail = _preorder(root.right)
    print (indent, root.item, "Right", right_head, right_tail, str(right_head))

    if not right_tail:
        right_tail = left_tail

    if not left_head:
        left_head = right_head

    if left_tail:
        left_tail.link = right_head

    root_node = LLNode(root.item, left_head)

    print (indent, "LEAVE", root.item, right_tail.item if right_tail else "NULL")
    indent = indent[2:]
    return root_node, right_tail

完整遍历的输出如下。你可以看到你从来没有正确地链接到右侧;我会把修理作为练习留给学生。 : - )

   ENTER 7
     ENTER 1
       ENTER 2
         ENTER NULL
       2 Left  None None None
         ENTER NULL
       2 Right None None None
       LEAVE 2 NULL
     1 Left  2 None 2
       ENTER 3
         ENTER NULL
       3 Left  None None None
         ENTER NULL
       3 Right None None None
       LEAVE 3 NULL
     1 Right 3 None 3
   7 Left  1 -> 2 None 1 -> 2
     ENTER 4
       ENTER 5
         ENTER NULL
       5 Left  None None None
         ENTER NULL
       5 Right None None None
       LEAVE 5 NULL
     4 Left  5 None 5
     4 Right None None None
   7 Right 4 -> 5 None 4 -> 5

Main: 7 -> 1 -> 2



left_head, left_tail = _preorder(root.left)
# returns 2, None
right_head, right_tail = _preorder(root.right)
# returns 3, None

if not right_tail:
    right_tail = left_head
# right_tail is now node 2; this isn't correct: node 3 should be in that spot.

if not left_head:
# left_head is node 2; not an issue now

if left_tail:
# left_tail is None; not an issue now

return root_node, right_tail
# You return nodes 1 and 2;
#   you never linked node 2 to node 3.
# You need to fix this.