Select distinct CSDirector=r1.CSDirector,
Category = r1.Category,
Segment = r1.Segment,
MonthPerc = (r1.MonthSales - r2.MonthSales) / case when isnull(r2.MonthSales,0) = 0 then 1 else r2.MonthSales end,
YTDSales = r1.YTDSales,
YTDSalesLast = r2.YTDSales,
YTDPerc= (r1.YTDSales - r2.YTDSales) / case when isnull(r2.YTDSales,0) = 0 then 1 else r2.YTDSales end,
ProjSales = r1.ProjSales,
YTDProjSales = r1.YTDProjSales,
YTDBudgetPerc = r1.YTDBudgetPerc,
NewBiz = isnull((Select NewBiz from MasterUnitsProjSales where Unit = r1.unit and Cyear=@Cyear),0)
into #CombinedYears
From #CurrentYear r1 inner join #PriorYear r2 on r1.unit=r2.unit
order by NewBiz,r1.Unit
declare @Unit varchar(30);
declare @paramdate datetime;
set @paramdate = convert(datetime,convert(char(4),@CYear)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#Units', 'U') IS NOT NULL
select distinct unit
into #Units
from ReportingMonthlySales;
, New = sum(case when ccl.Subcategory = 'New' then rms.MonthlySales else 0 end)
, Assumed = sum(case when ccl.Subcategory = 'Assumed' then rms.MonthlySales else 0 end)
, Existing = sum(case when ccl.Subcategory = 'Existing' then rms.MonthlySales else 0 end)
, Organic = sum(case when ccl.Subcategory = 'Organic' then rms.MonthlySales else 0 end)
into #CategorizedUnits
from #Units u
join CustomerCategoryLog ccl on u.Unit = ccl.Unit and @paramdate >= ccl.begindate and @paramdate <= ccl.enddate
join ReportingMonthlySales rms on u.Unit = rms.Unit and rms.cyear = @cyear and rms.cmonth = @cmonth
group by u.unit;
-- Now combine combined years and categorized units
select CY.CSDirector, CY.Category, CY.Segment, CY._Unit,
CU.New, CU.Assumed, CU.Existing, CU.Organic,
CY.NumUnits, CY.NumUnitsLast, CY.MonthSales, CY.MonthSalesLast,
CY.MonthPerc, CY.YTDSales, CY.YTDSalesLast, CY.YTDPerc,
CY.ProjSales, CY.YTDProjSales, CY.YTDBudgetPerc, CY.NewBiz
from #CombinedYears CY
left join #CategorizedUnits CU on CU.Unit = CY.Unit
...但是它失败了&#34; 错误207:列名无效&#39; r1&#39;。&#34;在这一行:
select CY.CSDirector, CY.Category, CY.Segment, CY.r1.unit,
Select distinct CSDirector=r1.CSDirector,
Category = r1.Category,
Segment = r1.Segment,
Select distinct CSDirector=r1.CSDirector,
Category = r1.Category,
Segment = r1.Segment,
_Unit = r1.unit,
select CY.CSDirector, CY.Category, CY.Segment, CY.r1.unit,
select CY.CSDirector, CY.Category, CY.Segment, CY._Unit,
...但是当我尝试时,我得到了&#34; 错误207:列名无效&#39; _Unit&#39;。&#34;在这一行:
select CY.CSDirector, CY.Category, CY.Segment, CY._Unit,
那么我怎样才能抓住&#34; Unit&#34;来自#CombinedYears表的值?
--select CY.CSDirector, CY.Category, CY.Segment, CY.r1.unit,
--select CY.CSDirector, CY.Category, CY.Segment, CY._Unit,
select CY.CSDirector, CY.Category, CY.Segment, CY.unit,
...使用&#34; 错误207:列名称无效&#39;单位&#39;。&#34;
--CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ReportMonthlySalesEnhanced]
-- @CYear int;
-- @CMonth int;
declare @CYear int = 2017; -- remove before above is uncommented
declare @CMonth int = 3; -- " "
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#Units', 'U') IS NOT NULL
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#CurrentYear', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #CurrentYear
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#PriorYear', 'U') IS NOT NULL
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#CombinedYears', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #CombinedYears
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#CategorizedUnits', 'U') IS NOT NULL
Drop Table #CategorizedUnits
Select CSDirector,
NumUnits=isnull((Select sum(NumUnits) from ReportingMonthlySales where unit=r1.unit and
cyear=r1.cyear and cmonth = @Cmonth),0),
MonthSales=isnull((Select sum(MonthlySales) from ReportingMonthlySales where unit=r1.unit and
cyear=r1.cyear and cmonth = @Cmonth),0.00),
YTDSales = (Select sum(MonthlySales) From ReportingMonthlySales where unit=r1.unit and
cyear=r1.cyear and cmonth <= @Cmonth),
ProjSales = (Select ProjectedSales from MasterUnitsProjSales where UNit = r1.Unit and
YTDProjSales = (Select ProjectedSales from MasterUnitsProjSales where UNit = r1.Unit and
Cyear=r1.cyear) / 12 * @Cmonth,
YTDBudgetPerc = (Select sum(MonthlySales) From ReportingMonthlySales where unit=r1.unit and
cyear=r1.cyear and cmonth <= @Cmonth) /
case when (Select ProjectedSales from MasterUnitsProjSales where UNit = r1.Unit and
Cyear=r1.cyear) = 0 then 1 else ((Select ProjectedSales from MasterUnitsProjSales where UNit = r1.Unit and
Cyear=r1.cyear) / 12 * @Cmonth) end
into #CurrentYear
From MasterUnitsProjSales r1
where r1.Cyear=@CYear
order by r1.NewBiz,r1.Unit
Select CSDirector,
NumUnits=isnull((Select sum(NumUnits) from ReportingMonthlySales where unit=r1.unit and
cyear=r1.cyear - 1 and cmonth = @Cmonth),0),
MonthSales=isnull((Select sum(MonthlySales) from ReportingMonthlySales where unit=r1.unit and
cyear=r1.cyear - 1 and cmonth = @Cmonth),0.00),
YTDSales = (Select sum(MonthlySales) From ReportingMonthlySales where unit=r1.unit and
cyear=r1.cyear - 1 and cmonth <= @Cmonth),
ProjSales = (Select ProjectedSales from MasterUnitsProjSales where UNit = r1.Unit and
Cyear=r1.cyear - 1 ),
YTDProjSales = (Select ProjectedSales from MasterUnitsProjSales where UNit = r1.Unit and
Cyear=r1.cyear - 1) / 12 * @Cmonth,
YTDBudgetPerc = (Select sum(MonthlySales) From ReportingMonthlySales where unit=r1.unit and
cyear=r1.cyear - 1 and cmonth <= @Cmonth) /
case when (Select ProjectedSales from MasterUnitsProjSales where UNit = r1.Unit and
Cyear=r1.cyear - 1 ) = 0 then 1 else ((Select ProjectedSales from MasterUnitsProjSales where UNit = r1.Unit and
Cyear=r1.cyear - 1) / 12 * @CMonth) end
into #PriorYear
From MasterUnitsProjSales r1
where r1.Cyear=@CYear
order by r1.NewBiz,r1.Unit
Select distinct CSDirector=r1.CSDirector,
Category = r1.Category,
Segment = r1.Segment,
r1.unit [_Unit],
MonthPerc = (r1.MonthSales - r2.MonthSales) / case when isnull(r2.MonthSales,0) = 0 then 1 else r2.MonthSales end,
YTDSales = r1.YTDSales,
YTDSalesLast = r2.YTDSales,
YTDPerc= (r1.YTDSales - r2.YTDSales) / case when isnull(r2.YTDSales,0) = 0 then 1 else r2.YTDSales end,
ProjSales = r1.ProjSales,
YTDProjSales = r1.YTDProjSales,
YTDBudgetPerc = r1.YTDBudgetPerc,
NewBiz = isnull((Select NewBiz from MasterUnitsProjSales where Unit = r1.unit and Cyear=@Cyear),0)
into #CombinedYears
From #CurrentYear r1 inner join #PriorYear r2 on r1.unit=r2.unit
order by NewBiz,r1.Unit
declare @Unit varchar(30);
declare @paramdate datetime;
set @paramdate = convert(datetime,convert(char(4),@CYear)
select distinct unit
into #Units
from ReportingMonthlySales;
, New = sum(case when ccl.Subcategory = 'New' then rms.MonthlySales else 0 end)
, Assumed = sum(case when ccl.Subcategory = 'Assumed' then rms.MonthlySales else 0 end)
, Existing = sum(case when ccl.Subcategory = 'Existing' then rms.MonthlySales else 0 end)
, Organic = sum(case when ccl.Subcategory = 'Organic' then rms.MonthlySales else 0 end)
into #CategorizedUnits
from #Units u
join CustomerCategoryLog ccl on u.Unit = ccl.Unit and @paramdate >= ccl.begindate and @paramdate <= ccl.enddate
join ReportingMonthlySales rms on u.Unit = rms.Unit and rms.cyear = @cyear and rms.cmonth = @cmonth
group by u.unit;
-- Now combine combined years and categorized units
select CY.CSDirector, CY.Category, CY.Segment, CY._Unit,
CU.New, CU.Assumed, CU.Existing, CU.Organic,
CY.NumUnits, CY.NumUnitsLast, CY.MonthSales, CY.MonthSalesLast,
CY.MonthPerc, CY.YTDSales, CY.YTDSalesLast, CY.YTDPerc,
CY.ProjSales, CY.YTDProjSales, CY.YTDBudgetPerc, CY.NewBiz
from #CombinedYears CY
left join #CategorizedUnits CU on CU.Unit = CY._Unit
答案 0 :(得分:3)
select * from #CombinedYears
应该能够识别字段名称 或者在下面的查询中明确命名字段... [_ Unit]。
Select distinct CSDirector=r1.CSDirector,
Category = r1.Category,
Segment = r1.Segment,
r1.unit [_Unit], -- here
MonthPerc = (r1.MonthSales - r2.MonthSales) / case when isnull(r2.MonthSales,0) = 0 then 1 else r2.MonthSales end,
YTDSales = r1.YTDSales,
YTDSalesLast = r2.YTDSales,
YTDPerc= (r1.YTDSales - r2.YTDSales) / case when isnull(r2.YTDSales,0) = 0 then 1 else r2.YTDSales end,
ProjSales = r1.ProjSales,
YTDProjSales = r1.YTDProjSales,
YTDBudgetPerc = r1.YTDBudgetPerc,
NewBiz = isnull((Select NewBiz from MasterUnitsProjSales where Unit = r1.unit and Cyear=@Cyear),0)
into #CombinedYears
From #CurrentYear r1 inner join #PriorYear r2 on r1.unit=r2.unit
order by NewBiz,r1.Unit