我重写了它。但是当我移动我的iPad时,我试图移动我的图像,但我无法理解为什么。这是the link to my code on codepen.io。来自codepen的javascript代码如下:
"use strict";
//when the bom is loaded...
window.addEventListener("load", function followOrder(event) {
//create a variable with getElementById for being reacted on the iOS devices movements
let rabbit = document.getElementById('image');
//variables for the position
//the position of the image
let posX = 0,
posY = 0,
//the speed of the bouncing
spX = 0,
spY = 0,
//the acceleration of
accX = 0,
accY = 0;
//make it bouncing in the edges of the screen
let bouncingRabbit = function() {
//IF posX and posY is superior to zero ...
if (posX < 0 || posY < 0) {
//...so posX is equal to zero
posX = 0;
posY = 0;
//make the sp
spX = -spX;
spY = -spY;
if (posX > document.documentElement.clientWidth - 20 || posY > document.documentElement.clientHeight - 20) {
posX = document.documentElement.clientWidth - 20;
posY = document.documentElement.clientHeight - 20;
spX = -spX;
spY = -spY;
let detectTheSensor = function(e) {
//create three variables to include the accelerometer in 3d
//return the amount of acceleration recorded by the device multiply by the speed of the move
accX = e.accelerationIncludingGravity.x * 5;
accY = e.accelerationIncludingGravity.y * 5;
//create a const variable to set an interval to move the image
setInterval(function() {
/*the landscapeOrientation divide the window.innerWidth & the window.innerHeight
to get the size in px of the screen*/
let landscapeOrientation = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight > 1;
if (landscapeOrientation) {
//Calculate the screen surface
spX = spX + accY;
spY = spY + accX;
} else {
spY = spY - accY;
spX = spX + accX;
//the speed of the bouncing
spX = spX * 0.98;
spY = spY * 0.98;
//send back in integer the calculate
posY = Math.round(posY + spY / 50);
posX = Math.round(posX + spX / 50);
//invoke the bouncingRabbit
//make move the object in css
image.style.top = posX + "px";
image.style.left = posY + "px";
}, 15);
//call the addEventListener to trigger the event devicemotion
window.addEventListener("devicemotion", detectTheSensor);