
时间:2017-03-28 12:33:39

标签: c++ templates unresolved-external


我已将模板类拆分为标头和源文件。在头文件的底部我包括源文件,我现在在源文件上使用#ifndef / #define / #endif guards。许多人向其他人建议我应该使用内联来定义我的功能;这是一个家庭作业,不允许。我也读过表明我不应该使用.cpp源文件的答案,而是使用像.tcc / .tcp这样的东西,以便IDE知道它们是模板源文件,但这并不是&#39工作要么。



Including .cpp file in the header file for a template class What is the correct file extension for a C++ template implementation file? Splitting templated C++ classes into .hpp/.cpp files--is it possible? C++ Unresolved external symbol with Class templates Why do I get "unresolved external symbol" errors when using templates?



    //This file contains the declarations and signatures for Array class
//members and functions. The class is used to manage memory

#ifndef ARRAY_HPP
#define ARRAY_HPP
#include "Point.hpp"                                            //the array is of points and needs the Point.hpp file

namespace DanWhite
    namespace Containers
        template <class T> class Array
            T* pointarray;  //the dynamic array itself
            int size;   //the size of the array

            Array();    //creates a dynamic array of 10 points
            Array(int arraysize);   //creates a dynamic array of <arraysize> points
            Array(const Array<T> &AnotherArray);    //creates a dynamic array exactly the same as another

            ~Array();   //destructor

            int Size() const;   //returns the size of the array
            void SetElement(int element,
                const T& point);    //sets a specific element in the array
            T GetElement(int element) const;    //returns a specific element in the array

            Array<T>& operator=(const Array<T>& source);    //sets the points of an array equal to another
            const T& operator[](int element) const; //allows reading an element in an array
            T& operator[](int element); //allows writing to an element in an array

#ifndef ARRAY_CPP
#define ARRAY_CPP
#include "Array.cpp"



    //this source file implements all of the functions and operators in the
//Array class header file

#ifndef ARRAY_CPP
#define ARRAY_CPP

#include "Point.hpp"
#include "OOBE.hpp"
#include "Array.hpp"
#include <sstream>

using namespace DanWhite::Containers;

template <class T>
Array<T>::Array() : size(10)                                        //default constructor
    std::cout << "Array default constructed" 
        << std::endl;
    pointarray = new T[10];

template <class T>
Array<T>::Array(int arraysize)                                  //specific constructor with size
    std::cout << "Array specific constructed" 
        << std::endl;
    size = arraysize;
    pointarray = new T[size];

template <class T>
Array<T>::Array(const Array<T>& anotherarray)                       //copy constructor
    std::cout << "Array<T> copy constructed" 
        << std::endl;

    size = anotherarray.size;

    pointarray = new T[size];

    for (int i = 0; i < anotherarray.size; i++)
        pointarray[i] =  anotherarray.pointarray[i];

template <class T>
Array<T>::~Array()                                              //destructor
    std::cout << "Array destructed" << std::endl;
    delete [] pointarray;

template <class T>
int Array<T>::Size() const                                      //returns the size of the array object
    return size;

template <class T>
void Array<T>::SetElement(int element,                          //changes an element of an array object
    const T& t)
    if (element > (size-1) || element < 0)
        throw OOBE(element);
    pointarray[element] = t;

template <class T>
    Array<T>::GetElement(int element) const                 //returns an element of an array object
    if (element > (size-1) || element < 0)
        throw OOBE(element);
    return pointarray[element];

template <class T>
Array<T> & Array<T>::operator=(const Array<T> & source)             //assigns the values of one array object
                                                            //to another array object
    if (this == &source)
        return *this;

    for (int i = 0; i < source.Size(); i++)
        pointarray[i] = source.pointarray[i];

    return *this;

template <class T>
const T 
    & Array<T>::operator[](int element) const                   //returns an element of an array
    if (element > (size - 1) || element < 0)
        throw OOBE(element);

        return pointarray[element];

template <class T>
T & Array<T>::operator[](int element)       //allows changing an element of an array
    if (element > (size - 1) || element < 0)
        throw OOBE(element);

        return pointarray[element];



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