R Shiny源函数转换为ui.R

时间:2017-03-28 07:08:47

标签: r shiny shinydashboard


在R包shinydashboard中,我们可以先在menuItems中定义sidebarMenu,然后在tabItem处定义tabName(在menuItems中定义## ui.R ## sidebar <- dashboardSidebar( sidebarMenu( menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")), menuItem("Widgets", icon = icon("th"), tabName = "widgets", badgeLabel = "new", badgeColor = "green") ) ) body <- dashboardBody( tabItems( tabItem(tabName = "dashboard", h2("Dashboard tab content") ), tabItem(tabName = "widgets", h2("Widgets tab content") ) ) ) # Put them together into a dashboardPage dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "Simple tabs"), sidebar, body ) )稍后在代码中。这对于整理代码非常有用。



然而,在我的实际工作中,我倾向于自己设计每一个网页,所以shinydashboard不是我的选择。我怎样才能做# define the structure first tabsetPanel( tab1, tab2 ) # then work on each tab tab1 = tabPanel("tab1", ....), tab2 = tabPanel("tab2", ....) 可以做的事情,比如


我尝试使用uiOutput功能,但效果不佳(您无法将tabsetPanel直接放在 select mon,year, combo, registered, forwardedbycmo, clarification, noaction, disposed,mon_srno,undertaken from monthly_activities union select extract('month' from actiondate) as mon,extract('year' from actiondate) as year, extract('year' from actiondate)|| '-' ||to_char(to_timestamp (extract('month' from actiondate)::text, 'MM'), 'TMMon') as combo, sum(case when actioncode = '00' then 1 else 0 end) as registered, sum(case when actioncode = '4T' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as forwardedbycmo, sum(case when actioncode = '4D' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as clarification, sum(case when actioncode = '10' then 1 else 0 end) as noaction, sum(case when actioncode = '50' then 1 else 0 end) as disposed,null as mon_srno, sum(case when actioncode = '40' and fromorg='CMOFF' then 1 else 0 end) as undertaken from actionhistory where extract(month from actiondate)=extract(month from current_date) and extract(year from actiondate)=extract(year from current_date) group by mon,year order by year,mon; 中)。有没有更好的方法呢?

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