逗人 这是我的.bat命令行 我从url使用bitsadmin / transfer命令下载。 但是得到了错误(比如断开网络...等)我需要继续执行保持命令。
@echo off
:: Filter updater for HCK and HLK
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Settings :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: Notice: As of July 2015, the HCK and the HLK filter updates are the exact same file, downloaded from the same location!
SET "source=https://sysdev.microsoft.com/member/SubmissionWizard/LegalExemptions/HCKFilterUpdates.cab"
SET "destination=C:\FilterUpdates.cab"
if not exist "%DTMBIN%\" (
echo ERROR: folder "%DTMBIN%"
echo does not exist! Please verify that you have the controller installed.
exit /B 1
echo Please make sure that all instances of the Studio are turned OFF!
echo Downloading Filters...
bitsadmin /transfer "Downloading Filters" "%source%" "%destination%"
if errorlevel 1 goto end
echo Extracting...
expand -i "%destination%" -f:UpdateFilters.sql "%DTMBIN%\"
if not errorlevel 0 echo ERROR & exit /B 1
echo Installing...
pushd "%DTMBIN%\"
if not errorlevel 0 echo ERROR & exit /B 1
"%DTMBIN%\updatefilters.exe " /s
if not errorlevel 0 echo ERROR & exit /B 1
答案 0 :(得分:1)
生成的错误级别引起的:其中一些是负值,而测试if errorlevel 1
将被评估为false(if errorlevel n
if not %errorlevel%==0 exit /b 1
会有错误并会生成errorlevel 0
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
:: Filter updater for HCK and HLK
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Settings :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: Notice: As of July 2015, the HCK and the HLK filter updates
:: are the exact same file, downloaded from the same location!
SET "source=https://sysdev.microsoft.com/member/SubmissionWizard/LegalExemptions/HCKFilterUpdates.cab"
if not exist "%DTMBIN%\" (
echo ERROR: folder "%DTMBIN%"
echo does not exist! Please verify that you have the controller installed.
exit /B 1
SET "destination=C:\FilterUpdates.cab"
if exist "%destination%" del /q "%destination%"
echo Please make sure that all instances of the Studio are turned OFF!
echo Creating download task...
set "taskName=[HCK_FilterUpdater]"
>nul (
rem remove task if already present
bitsadmin /list | find "%taskName%" && bitsadmin /cancel "%taskName%"
rem create the task
bitsadmin /create "%taskName%"
rem include our file in the task
bitsadmin /addfile "%taskName%" "%source%" "%destination%"
rem start the download
bitsadmin /resume "%taskName%"
echo Downloading...
set "exitCode="
for /l %%a in (1 1 500) do if not defined exitCode for /f "delims=" %%a in ('
bitsadmin /info "%taskName%"
^| findstr /b /l /c:"{"
') do for /f "tokens=3,*" %%b in ("%%a") do (
if "%%~b"=="TRANSFERRED" (
set "exitCode=0"
>nul bitsadmin /complete "%taskName%"
echo ... done
if "%%~b"=="ERROR" (
set "exitCode=1"
bitsadmin /geterror "%taskName%" | findstr /b /c:"ERROR"
>nul bitsadmin /cancel "%taskName%"
if not defined exitCode (
echo(%%b %%c
timeout /t 2 >nul
if not defined exitCode ( echo TIMEOUT & exit /b 1 )
if not exist "%destination%" ( echo ERROR & exit /b 1 )
echo Expanding...
>nul expand -i "%destination%" -f:UpdateFilters.sql "%DTMBIN%"
if errorlevel 1 ( echo ERROR & exit /b 1 )
echo Installing...
pushd "%DTMBIN%" || ( echo ERROR & exit /b 1 )
".\updatefilters.exe " /s || ( echo ERROR & exit /b 1 )
答案 1 :(得分:-1)
似乎一旦命令 shell 处于 bitsadmin 模式,您就无法将其取出。不幸的是,我的解决方案是两个单独的 .bat。