
时间:2017-03-27 12:19:44

标签: java json generics gson

我想从客户端转移到服务器WHERE子句作为JSON。 我在服务器上创建了VVV bbb, ccc HASHVVV



   public class Filter<T> {
      private String fieldName;
      private String operand;
      private T value; 

   public class FilterInfo {
     private List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>();
     private String orderBy;



不幸的是,{ "filters": [ { "fieldName" : "Name", "operand" : "=", "value" : "John" }, { "fieldName" : "Age", "operand" : ">=", "value" : "30" } ], "orderBy": "Age" } Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .setPrettyPrinting() .setDateFormat(Constants.MY_DATE_FORMAT) .create(); FilterInfo filterInfo = gson.fromJson(jsonString, FilterInfo.class); 值反序列化为DateInteger


如果你弄清楚我的错误,我会很高兴,并提出好主意。 谢谢!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



当您定义类似Field<T>的泛型类型字段时 - Gson无法获得有关如何将某个值反序列化为某种类型的足够信息。这是一个基本的限制:没有类型信息。因此,Gson解析<T>,就好像它被参数化为<Object>一样。当某个目标&#34; slot&#34; (列表元素,对象字段等)被认为是java.lang.Object,Gson根据值文字的类型解析JSON值:如果它类似"...",那么它就是&#39;可能是String;如果它类似0,那么它肯定是Number并且更准确:Double(双倍是最大的标准数值 - Gson只是节省时间在数字类型检测和解析+用户代码应该有java.util.List<Number>并检测具有instanceof的特定列表元素 - 它可能是一个整数,一个长值或一个双重值 - 不是非常有用使用,因此java.lang.Double是默认策略)。所以你有字符串和双精度而不是日期和整数:Gson simple 本身不能拥有你想要的类型信息



final class FilterTypeAdapterFactory
        implements TypeAdapterFactory {

    // This is a strategy up to your needs: resolve a java.lang.reflect.Type by a filter object content 
    private final Function<? super JsonObject, ? extends Type> typeResolvingStrategy;

    private FilterTypeAdapterFactory(final Function<? super JsonObject, ? extends Type> typeResolvingStrategy) {
        this.typeResolvingStrategy = typeResolvingStrategy;

    static TypeAdapterFactory getFilterTypeAdapterFactory(final Function<? super JsonObject, ? extends Type> typeResolvingStrategy) {
        return new FilterTypeAdapterFactory(typeResolvingStrategy);

    public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(final Gson gson, final TypeToken<T> typeToken) {
        // Is it the Filter class?
        if ( Filter.class.isAssignableFrom(typeToken.getRawType()) ) {
            // Get the JsonObject type adapter
            final TypeAdapter<JsonObject> jsonObjectTypeAdapter = gson.getAdapter(JsonObject.class);
            // This is a function to resolve a downstream type adapter by the given type
            // If a downstream parser is not used, then the lookup will end up with self-recursion...
            final Function<Type, TypeAdapter<T>> typeTypeAdapterFunction = type -> {
                // Create a type token dynamically
                final TypeToken<T> delegateTypeToken = (TypeToken<T>) TypeToken.get(type);
                // And get the downstream type adapter
                return gson.getDelegateAdapter(this, delegateTypeToken);
            return new FilterTypeAdapter<>(jsonObjectTypeAdapter, typeTypeAdapterFunction, typeResolvingStrategy);
        // Not a thing we can handle? Return null, and Gson will try to perform lookup itself
        return null;

    private static final class FilterTypeAdapter<T>
            extends TypeAdapter<T> {

        private final TypeAdapter<JsonObject> jsonObjectTypeAdapter;
        private final Function<? super Type, ? extends TypeAdapter<T>> typeAdapterResolver;
        private final Function<? super JsonObject, ? extends Type> typeResolvingStrategy;

        private FilterTypeAdapter(
                final TypeAdapter<JsonObject> jsonObjectTypeAdapter,
                final Function<? super Type, ? extends TypeAdapter<T>> typeAdapterResolver,
                final Function<? super JsonObject, ? extends Type> typeResolvingStrategy
        ) {
            this.jsonObjectTypeAdapter = jsonObjectTypeAdapter;
            this.typeAdapterResolver = typeAdapterResolver;
            this.typeResolvingStrategy = typeResolvingStrategy;

        public void write(final JsonWriter out, final T value) {
            // If you ever need it, then you have to implement it
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public T read(final JsonReader in)
                throws IOException {
            // Read the next {...} and convert it to JsonObject
            final JsonObject jsonObject = jsonObjectTypeAdapter.read(in);
            // Now resolve a real type by the given JsonObject instance
            // ... and resolve its type adapter
            final TypeAdapter<T> delegateTypeAdapter = typeAdapterResolver.apply(typeResolvingStrategy.apply(jsonObject));
            // Since the reader has the {...} value already consumed, we cannot read it at this moment
            // But we can convert the cached JsonObject to the target type object
            return delegateTypeAdapter.fromJsonTree(jsonObject);




final class Filter<T> {

    final String fieldName = null;
    final String operand = null;
    final T value = null;

final class FilterInfo {

    final List<Filter<?>> filters = null;
    final String orderBy = null;




    "filters": [
        {"_type": "date", "fieldName": "fooDate", "operand": "=", "value": "1997-12-20"},
        {"_type": "int", "fieldName": "barInteger", "operand": ">=", "value": 10}
    "orderBy": "fooDate"


private static final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
        .registerTypeAdapterFactory(getFilterTypeAdapterFactory(jsonObject -> {
            if ( !jsonObject.has("_type") ) {
                return defaultFilterType;
            switch ( jsonObject.get("_type").getAsString() ) {
            case "int":
                return integerFilterType;
            case "date":
                return dateFilterType;
                return defaultFilterType;



    "filters": [
        {"fieldName": "fooDate", "operand": "=", "value": "1997-12-20"},
        {"fieldName": "barInteger", "operand": ">=", "value": 10}
    "orderBy": "fooDate"
private static final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
        .registerTypeAdapterFactory(getFilterTypeAdapterFactory(jsonObject -> {
            if ( !jsonObject.has("fieldName") ) {
                return defaultFilterType;
            switch ( jsonObject.get("fieldName").getAsString() ) {
            case "barInteger":
                return integerFilterType;
            case "fooDate":
                return dateFilterType;
                return defaultFilterType;


final class Types {

    private Types() {

    static final Type defaultFilterType = new TypeToken<Filter<Object>>() {

    static final Type integerFilterType = new TypeToken<Filter<Integer>>() {

    static final Type dateFilterType = new TypeToken<Filter<Date>>() {



final FilterInfo filterInfo = gson.fromJson(JSON, FilterInfo.class);
for ( final Filter filter : filterInfo.filters ) {
    System.out.println(filter.fieldName + filter.operand + filter.value + " of " + filter.value.getClass());



  fooDate =星期六十二月20 00:00:00 EET 1997类java.util.Date
  barInteger&gt; = java.lang.Integer类中的10个