Mac上的ffprobe / avprobe和youtube_dl的Python问题

时间:2017-03-26 18:49:17

标签: python-2.7 youtube youtube-dl ffprobe avprobe

我昨天开始自学Python,所以提前为任何礼仪错误道歉。我的挑战是获取.csv歌曲标题列表,在YouTube上搜索每个视频,然后使用youtube-dl下载音频。我的代码似乎适用于一个输出文件,但循环结束的原因我无法解决。主要错误是DownloadError: [0;31mERROR:[0m ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one.但我已经安装了这些(据我所知)。我已经尝试并试图解决这个问题,但没有任何基础知识,我已经淹死了。我正在使用python 2.7.13。有什么建议?对不起,丑陋的代码!


import csv
import youtube_extract

#concatenate column elements of each row:
with open('Songs for wedding test.csv') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    with open('Songs for wedding test output.csv', 'w') as g:
        writer = csv.writer(g)
        for row in reader:
            new_row = [' '.join([row[0], row[1]])] + row[2:]

with open('Songs for wedding test output.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
    spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';')
    #Make into a list:
    data = list(spamreader)
    #Convert into usable strings:
    for i, item in enumerate(data): 
        data2[i] = str(data[i])
    print data2


#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys; sys.path
import os
import youtube_dl
import urllib
import urllib2
import bs4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def extract_download(textToSearch):
    #Get rid of square brackets and quotes:
    query = urllib.quote(str(textToSearch).replace('[','').replace(']','').replace('"','').replace('"',''))
    url = "" + query
    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    html =
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
    for a in soup.findAll(attrs={'class':'yt-uix-tile-link'}, limit=1):
        vidid = '' + a['href']
        print vidid

    os.chdir('/Users/smurfo/Music/Wedding songs')
    ydl_opts = {
        'format': 'bestaudio/best',
        'download_archive': 'downloaded_songs.txt',
        'verbose': True,
        'outtmpl': 'Wedding songs/%(title)s.%(ext)s',
        'postprocessors': [{
            'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
            'preferredcodec': 'mp3',
            'preferredquality': '192',
    with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[vidid])

    os.chdir('/Users/smurfo/Dropbox/Coding/Python learning')


================================== RESTART: /Users/smurfo/Dropbox/Coding/Python learning/csv ==================================

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/beautifulsoup4-4.5.3-py2.7.egg/bs4/", line 181
UserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("html.parser"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently.

The code that caused this warning is on line 1 of the file <string>. To get rid of this warning, change code that looks like this:

 BeautifulSoup([your markup])

to this:

 BeautifulSoup([your markup], "html.parser")
[debug] Encodings: locale US-ASCII, fs utf-8, out us-ascii, pref US-ASCII
[debug] youtube-dl version 2017.03.24
[debug] Python version 2.7.13 - Darwin-16.4.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
[debug] exe versions: none
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[youtube] 7fkOqXAHLKQ: Downloading webpage
[youtube] 7fkOqXAHLKQ: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] 7fkOqXAHLKQ: Extracting video information
[youtube] {22} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {43} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {18} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {36} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {17} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {136} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {247} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {135} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {244} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {134} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {243} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {133} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {242} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {160} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {278} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {140} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {171} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {249} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {250} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[youtube] {251} signature length 43.40, html5 player en_US-vflEzRdnB
[debug] Invoking downloader on u''
[download] Destination: Wedding songs/Parov Stelar - Jimmys Gang (Official Video).webm

[K[download]   0.0% of 3.01MiB at 10.26KiB/s ETA 05:00
[K[download]   0.1% of 3.01MiB at 20.50KiB/s ETA 02:30
[K[download]   0.2% of 3.01MiB at 36.44KiB/s ETA 01:24
[K[download]   0.5% of 3.01MiB at 65.40KiB/s ETA 00:46
[K[download]   1.0% of 3.01MiB at 111.40KiB/s ETA 00:27
[K[download]   2.0% of 3.01MiB at 192.12KiB/s ETA 00:15
[K[download]   4.1% of 3.01MiB at 334.31KiB/s ETA 00:08
[K[download]   8.3% of 3.01MiB at 543.36KiB/s ETA 00:05
[K[download]  16.6% of 3.01MiB at 748.14KiB/s ETA 00:03
[K[download]  33.1% of 3.01MiB at 940.02KiB/s ETA 00:02
[K[download]  66.3% of 3.01MiB at  1.22MiB/s ETA 00:00
[K[download] 100.0% of 3.01MiB at  1.43MiB/s ETA 00:00
[K[download] 100% of 3.01MiB in 00:02
[0;31mERROR:[0m ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/", line 1930, in post_process
    files_to_delete, info =
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/postprocessor/", line 239, in run
    filecodec = self.get_audio_codec(path)
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/postprocessor/", line 154, in get_audio_codec
    raise PostProcessingError('ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one.')
PostProcessingError: ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/smurfo/Dropbox/Coding/Python learning/csv", line 26, in <module>
  File "/Users/smurfo/Dropbox/Coding/Python learning/", line 39, in extract_download[vidid])
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/", line 1884, in download
    url, force_generic_extractor=self.params.get('force_generic_extractor', False))
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/", line 772, in extract_info
    return self.process_ie_result(ie_result, download, extra_info)
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/", line 826, in process_ie_result
    return self.process_video_result(ie_result, download=download)
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/", line 1527, in process_video_result
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/", line 1865, in process_info
    self.post_process(filename, info_dict)
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/", line 1932, in post_process
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/", line 589, in report_error
    self.trouble(error_message, tb)
  File "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl/youtube_dl/", line 559, in trouble
    raise DownloadError(message, exc_info)
DownloadError: [0;31mERROR:[0m ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您希望音频为mp3。 YouTube仅提供其他格式的音频,例如m4a。因此,youtube-dl下载m4a文件并将其转换为mp3。 youtube-dl不包含自定义mp3转换器。它使用ffmpeg或avconv进行音频转换。

因此,如果要转换音频,则需要安装ffmpeg或avconv。如何在macOS上is documented in detail at our sister site superuser

你得到的其他警告是因为错误配置的美丽汤。不要试图自己解析搜索结果,让youtube-dl这样做,'ytsearch1:flying bunny'行的URL应该可以解决问题。