Sub CopyReds()
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim sPrice As Worksheet
Dim sResult As Worksheet
Set sPrice = Sheets("Prices")
Set sResult = Sheets("Result")
i = 2
For j = 2 To 217
Do Until i = 1086
If sPrice.Cells(j, i).Offset(j, 0).Interior.Color = 13551615 Then
sPrice.Cells(j, i).Copy Destination:=sResult.Cells(2, 2).Offset(j, 1)
End If
Next j
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Option Explicit
Sub CopyReds()
Dim sPrice As Worksheet: Set sPrice = Sheets("Prices")
Dim sResult As Worksheet: Set sResult = Sheets("Result")
Const colPriceName As Long = 2 ' The column in which cells can be colored red and contains the names to copy
Const clrCopy As Long = 13551615 ' The color which indicates that the cell should be copied (red)
Const colResult As Long = 2 ' The column where the results should be copied
Const rowResultFirst As Long = 2 ' First row on sResult to use for output
Dim rowResult As Long: rowResult = rowResultFirst
Dim rowPrice As Long: For rowPrice = 2 To sPrice.UsedRange.Rows.Count - sPrice.UsedRange.Row + 1 ' Loop until last row
If DisplayedColor(sPrice.Cells(rowPrice, colPriceName)) = clrCopy Then
sResult.Cells(rowResult, colResult).Value = sPrice.Cells(rowPrice, colPriceName).Value
rowResult = rowResult + 1
End If
Next rowPrice
End Sub
如果使用条件格式,则VBA不会读取显示的实际颜色,而是显示没有条件格式的颜色。所以你需要一辆车来确定显示的颜色。我根据this source编写了此代码,但重新进行了重构,例如现在它在国际环境中不起作用,其可读性很差:
Function DisplayedColor(rngCell As Range, Optional bCellInterior As Boolean = True, Optional bReturnColorIndex As Long = False) As Long
Dim ewbTemp As Workbook: Set ewbTemp = Application.Workbooks.Add() ' Creates a new workbook, so that none of the cells of other workbooks is tampered with (not even temporarily) - this may be overkill, you may centralize this object or use existing cells
DisplayedColor = -1 ' Assume Failure and indicate Error
If 1 < rngCell.Count Then
Debug.Print "Error in DisplayedColor: rngCell contains more than 1 cell"
Exit Function
End If
Dim objTarget As Object: Set objTarget = rngCell
Dim i As Long: For i = 1 To rngCell.FormatConditions.Count
With rngCell.FormatConditions(i)
Dim bFormatConditionActive As Boolean: bFormatConditionActive = False
Dim varValue As Variant: varValue = rngCell.Value
Dim strFormula1 As String: strFormula1 = FormulaFromFormulaLocal(.Formula1, ewbTemp.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1))
Dim varEval1 As String: varEval1 = rngCell.Worksheet.Evaluate(strFormula1)
If .Type = xlCellValue Then
Select Case .Operator
Case xlEqual
bFormatConditionActive = varValue = varEval1
Case xlNotEqual
bFormatConditionActive = varValue <> varEval1
Case xlGreater
bFormatConditionActive = varValue > varEval1
Case xlGreaterEqual
bFormatConditionActive = varValue >= varEval1
Case xlLess
bFormatConditionActive = varValue < varEval1
Case xlLessEqual
bFormatConditionActive = varValue <= varEval1
Case xlBetween, xlNotBetween
Dim strFormula2 As String: strFormula2 = FormulaFromFormulaLocal(.Formula2, ewbTemp.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1))
Dim varEval2 As String: varEval2 = rngCell.Worksheet.Evaluate(strFormula2)
bFormatConditionActive = varEval1 <= varValue And varValue <= varEval2
If .Operator = xlNotBetween Then
bFormatConditionActive = Not bFormatConditionActive
End If
Case Else
Debug.Print "Error in DisplayedColor: unexpected Operator"
Exit Function
End Select
ElseIf .Type = xlExpression Then
bFormatConditionActive = varEval1
Debug.Print "Error in DisplayedColor: unexpected Type"
Exit Function
End If
If bFormatConditionActive Then
Set objTarget = rngCell.FormatConditions(i)
Exit For
End If
End With
Next i
If bCellInterior Then
If bReturnColorIndex Then
DisplayedColor = objTarget.Interior.ColorIndex
DisplayedColor = objTarget.Interior.Color
End If
If bReturnColorIndex Then
DisplayedColor = objTarget.Font.ColorIndex
DisplayedColor = objTarget.Font.Color
End If
End If
ewbTemp.Close False
End Function
Function FormulaFromFormulaLocal(strFormulaLocal As String, rngDummy As Range) As String
Dim strOldFormula As String: strOldFormula = rngDummy.Formula
rngDummy.FormulaLocal = strFormulaLocal
FormulaFromFormulaLocal = rngDummy.Formula
rngDummy.Formula = strOldFormula
End Function
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Sub CopyReds()
Dim sPrice As Worksheet: Set sPrice = Sheets("Prices")
Dim sResult As Worksheet: Set sResult = Sheets("Result")
Const colPriceName As Long = 2 ' The column in which cells can be colored red and contains the names to copy
Const clrCopy As Long = 13551615 ' The color which indicates that the cell should be copied (red)
Const colResult As Long = 2 ' The column where the results should be copied
Const rowResultFirst As Long = 2 ' First row on sResult to use for output
Const lngCount As Long = 10 ' Copy lngCount lowest elements (the actual number may be higher due to ties)
Const colSort As Long = 2 ' The column in which cells contain the values from which the lowest lngCount should be selected
Dim varLimit As Variant: varLimit = Application.WorksheetFunction.Small(sPrice.UsedRange.Cells(2, colSort).Resize(sPrice.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1, 1), 10)
Dim rowResult As Long: rowResult = rowResultFirst
Dim rowPrice As Long: For rowPrice = 2 To sPrice.UsedRange.Rows.Count - sPrice.UsedRange.Row + 1 ' Loop until last row
If sPrice.Cells(rowPrice, colSort).Value <= varLimit Then
sResult.Cells(rowResult, colResult).Value = sPrice.Cells(rowPrice, colPriceName).Value
rowResult = rowResult + 1
End If
Next rowPrice
End Sub
Sub CopyReds()
Dim sPrice As Worksheet: Set sPrice = Sheets("Prices")
Dim sResult As Worksheet: Set sResult = Sheets("Result")
Const rowResultFirst As Long = 2 ' First row on sResult to use for output
Const rowPriceFirst As Long = 2 ' First row on sPrice to process
Const lngCount As Long = 10 ' Copy lngCount lowest elements (the actual number may be higher due to ties)
Const colDate As Long = 1 ' The column which contains the dates
Const colValueStart As Long = 2 ' The column where values start
Dim rowResult As Long: rowResult = rowResultFirst
Dim rowPrice As Long: For rowPrice = rowPriceFirst To sPrice.UsedRange.Rows.Count - sPrice.UsedRange.Row + 1 ' Loop until last row
Dim colResult As Long: colResult = 1
sResult.Cells(rowResult, colResult).Value = sPrice.Cells(rowPrice, colDate).Value
colResult = colResult + 1
Dim varLimit As Variant: varLimit = Application.WorksheetFunction.Small(sPrice.Cells(rowPrice, colValueStart).Resize(1, sPrice.UsedRange.Columns.Count - colValueStart + 1), lngCount)
Dim colPrice As Long: For colPrice = colValueStart To sPrice.UsedRange.Columns.Count - colValueStart + 1
If sPrice.Cells(rowPrice, colPrice).Value <= varLimit Then
sResult.Cells(rowResult, colResult).Value = sPrice.Cells(rowResultFirst - 1, colPrice).Value
colResult = colResult + 1
End If
Next colPrice
rowResult = rowResult + 1
Next rowPrice
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:0)
为了澄清我的评论,您需要“推进”Cells(j, i)
或Offset(j, 0)
For j = 2 To 217
For i = 2 To 1086
Debug.Print sPrice.Cells(j, i).Interior.Color ' <-- for Debug only
If sPrice.Cells(j, i).Interior.Color = 13551615 Then
sPrice.Cells(j, i).Copy Destination:=sResult.Cells(2, 2).Offset(j, 1)
End If
Next i
Next j