对于项目的第1部分,您将实现类似于TCP的简单回溯N协议。该协议称为352RDPv1。 (不幸的是我的python知识不是那么强大,我被迫在python中编写代码)
我必须实现: init(udp_port1,udpport2)
import binascii
import socket as syssock
import struct
import sys
# this init function is global to the class and
# defines the UDP ports all messages are sent
# and received from.
def init(UDPportTx,UDPportRx): # initialize your UDP socket here
# create a UDP/datagram socket
# bind the port to the Rx (receive) port number
class socket:
def __init__(self): # fill in your code here
# create any lists/arrays/hashes you need
def connect(self,address): # fill in your code here
global UDPportTx # example using a variable global to the Python module
# create a new sequence number
# create a new packet header with the SYN bit set in the flags (use the Struct.pack method)
# also set the other fields (e.g sequence #)
# add the packet to the outbound queue
# set the timeout
# wait for the return SYN
# if there was a timeout, retransmit the SYN packet
# set the outbound and inbound sequence numbers
import binascii
import socket as syssock
import struct
from collections import namedtuple
import sys
import select
version = 0x1
header_len = 7
payload_len = 0
flags = 0
SOCK352_SYN = 0x01
SOCK352_FIN = 0x02
SOCK352_ACK = 0x04
SOCK352_RESET = 0x08
SOCK352_HAS_OPT = 0xA0
sequence_no = 0
ack_no = 0
timeout = 0.2
#given these values to set them to
def init(UDPportTx,UDPportRx):
global sock
global useRx
global useTx
useTx = int(UDPportTx)
useRx = int(UDPportRx)
sock = syssock.syssock(syssock.AF_INET, syssock.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.bind(('', useRx))
print "Listening on port :", useRx
class socket:
def __init__(self):
global pkt
pkt = namedtuple("pkt",["version", "flags", "sequence_no", "ack_no", "payload_len"])
def connect(self, address):
global header_raw
udpPkt = struct.Struct('!BLBBB')
header_raw = udpPkt.pack(version, SOCK352_SYN, sequence_no, ack_no, payload_len)
sock.sendto(header_raw, ('', useTx))