单元测试Angular 1.5组件,需要ngModel

时间:2017-03-24 17:38:36

标签: javascript angularjs unit-testing

要测试angular 1.5组件,文档建议您使用ngMock的$ componentController而不是使用$ compile,如果您不需要测试任何DOM。

但是,我的组件使用ngModel,我需要将其传递到$ {1}} for $ componentController,但是没有办法以编程方式获取ngModelController;测试它的唯一方法是实际$在其上编译一个元素,因为这个问题仍然是开放的:https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/7720

有没有办法测试我的组件控制器而不需要使用$编译它?我也不想自己模仿ngModelController,因为它的行为有点广泛,如果我的测试依赖于假的而不是真实的东西,那么新版本的Angular可能会破坏它(尽管可能不是'给定Angular 1的问题正逐步消失。)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

tl; dr:解决方案在第三个代码块中。



不是那种态度。 ;)

你可以通过编程方式获得它,只是一个小环形交叉口。这样做的方法是in the code for ngMock's $componentController service(在此解释);使用$injector.get('ngModelDirective')进行查找,控制器函数将作为controller属性附加到它:

this.$get = ['$controller','$injector', '$rootScope', function($controller, $injector, $rootScope) {
    return function $componentController(componentName, locals, bindings, ident) {
        // get all directives associated to the component name
        var directives = $injector.get(componentName + 'Directive');
        // look for those directives that are components
        var candidateDirectives = directives.filter(function(directiveInfo) {
            // ...

        // ...

        // get the info of the component
        var directiveInfo = candidateDirectives[0];
        // create a scope if needed
        locals = locals || {};
        locals.$scope = locals.$scope || $rootScope.$new(true);
        return $controller(directiveInfo.controller, locals, bindings, ident || directiveInfo.controllerAs);

虽然在实例化时需要为$element$attrs提供ngModelController本地化。 The test spec for ngModel demonstrates exactly how to do this in its beforeEach call

beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
    var attrs = {name: 'testAlias', ngModel: 'value'};

    parentFormCtrl = {
        $$setPending: jasmine.createSpy('$$setPending'),
        $setValidity: jasmine.createSpy('$setValidity'),
        $setDirty: jasmine.createSpy('$setDirty'),
        $$clearControlValidity: noop

    element = jqLite('<form><input></form>');

    scope = $rootScope;
    ngModelAccessor = jasmine.createSpy('ngModel accessor');
    ctrl = $controller(NgModelController, {
        $scope: scope,
        $element: element.find('input'),
        $attrs: attrs

    //Assign the mocked parentFormCtrl to the model controller
    ctrl.$$parentForm = parentFormCtrl;


describe('Unit: myComponent', function () {
    var $componentController,

    beforeEach(inject(function (_$componentController_, _$controller_, _$injector_, _$rootScope_) {
        $componentController = _$componentController_;
        $controller = _$controller_;
        $injector = _$injector_;
        $rootScope = _$rootScope_;

    it('should update its ngModel value accordingly', function () {
        var ngModelController,

        locals = {
            $scope: $rootScope.$new(),
            //think this could be any element, honestly, but matching the component looks better
            $element: angular.element('<my-component></my-component>'),
            //the value of $attrs.ngModel is exactly what you'd put for ng-model in a template
            $attrs: { ngModel: 'value' }
        locals.$scope.value = null; //this is what'd get passed to ng-model in templates
        ngModelController = $injector.get('ngModelDirective')[0].controller;

        ngModelInstance = $controller(ngModelController, locals);

        $ctrl = $componentController('myComponent', null, { ngModel: ngModelInstance });


        //Check against both the scope value and the $modelValue, use toBe and toEqual as needed.
        expect(ngModelInstance.$modelValue).toBe('some expected value goes here');
        expect(locals.$scope.value).toBe('some expected value goes here');


describe('...', function () {
    var ngModelController;

    beforeEach(inject(function(_ngModelDirective_) {
        ngModelController = _ngModelDirective_[0].controller;