
时间:2017-03-24 14:12:18

标签: python numpy fft

我对输出的大小感到特别困惑。对于n×n矩阵,输出似乎是n乘(n / 2)+1矩阵(对于偶数n)。为什么方阵最终会得到非方形傅里叶变换?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

numpy.fft.rfft2的输出只是标准二维FFT的左半部分(加一列),由numpy.fft.fft2计算得出。 rfft2不需要提供正确的一半结果,因为实数组的FFT具有natural and simple symmetry,因此完整FFT的右半部分可以从左半部分使用那种对称性。


In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True, linewidth=128)

In [3]: random = np.random.RandomState(seed=15206)


In [4]: x = random.randn(6, 6)

In [5]: x
array([[ 1.577,  0.426,  0.322, -0.891, -0.793,  0.017],
       [ 0.238,  0.603, -0.094, -0.087, -0.936, -1.139],
       [-0.583,  0.394,  0.323, -1.384,  1.255,  0.457],
       [-0.186,  0.687, -0.815, -0.54 ,  0.762, -0.674],
       [-1.604, -0.557,  1.933, -1.122, -0.516, -1.51 ],
       [-1.683, -0.006, -1.648, -0.016,  1.145,  0.809]])


In [6]: fft2_result = np.fft.fft2(x)

In [7]: fft2_result
array([[ -5.834+0.j   ,   1.084-2.33j ,  -6.504-3.884j,   3.228-0.j   ,  -6.504+3.884j,   1.084+2.33j ],
       [  1.475-3.311j,   1.865-3.699j,   2.777-0.095j,  -2.570-1.152j,   4.705-3.373j,   4.555-3.657j],
       [  2.758+3.339j,  -3.512+0.398j,   5.824-4.045j,   1.149-3.705j,   0.661-2.127j,  12.368+1.464j],
       [  1.326-0.j   ,   1.191-4.479j,  -3.263+6.19j ,   8.939-0.j   ,  -3.263-6.19j ,   1.191+4.479j],
       [  2.758-3.339j,  12.368-1.464j,   0.661+2.127j,   1.149+3.705j,   5.824+4.045j,  -3.512-0.398j],
       [  1.475+3.311j,   4.555+3.657j,   4.705+3.373j,  -2.570+1.152j,   2.777+0.095j,   1.865+3.699j]])

请注意,此处存在对称性:对于ij 0 <= i < 60 <= j < 6的{​​{1}},fft2_result[i, j]是{@ 1}}的复杂共轭fft_result[-i, -j]。例如:

In [8]: fft2_result[2, 4]
Out[8]: (0.66075993512998199-2.127249005984857j)

In [9]: fft2_result[-2, -4].conj()
Out[9]: (0.66075993512998199-2.127249005984857j)


In [10]: rfft2_result = np.fft.rfft2(x)

In [11]: rfft2_result
array([[ -5.834+0.j   ,   1.084-2.33j ,  -6.504-3.884j,   3.228+0.j   ],
       [  1.475-3.311j,   1.865-3.699j,   2.777-0.095j,  -2.570-1.152j],
       [  2.758+3.339j,  -3.512+0.398j,   5.824-4.045j,   1.149-3.705j],
       [  1.326-0.j   ,   1.191-4.479j,  -3.263+6.19j ,   8.939-0.j   ],
       [  2.758-3.339j,  12.368-1.464j,   0.661+2.127j,   1.149+3.705j],
       [  1.475+3.311j,   4.555+3.657j,   4.705+3.373j,  -2.570+1.152j]])

请注意rfft2_result匹配fft2_result[:, :4],至少是数字错误:

In [12]: np.allclose(rfft2_result, fft2_result[:, :4])
Out[12]: True



正如In [13]: np.fft.rfft2(x, axes=[1, 0]) Out[13]: array([[ -5.834+0.j , 1.084-2.33j , -6.504-3.884j, 3.228-0.j , -6.504+3.884j, 1.084+2.33j ], [ 1.475-3.311j, 1.865-3.699j, 2.777-0.095j, -2.570-1.152j, 4.705-3.373j, 4.555-3.657j], [ 2.758+3.339j, -3.512+0.398j, 5.824-4.045j, 1.149-3.705j, 0.661-2.127j, 12.368+1.464j], [ 1.326+0.j , 1.191-4.479j, -3.263+6.19j , 8.939-0.j , -3.263-6.19j , 1.191+4.479j]]) 的{​​{3}}所述,NumPy在指定的最后一个轴上执行实数FFT,而在其他轴上执行复数FFT。

当然,np.fft.rfftn中还有一些冗余:我们可以丢弃第一列的下半部分和最后一列的下半部分,并且仍然可以使用与以前相同的对称性。位置rfft2_result[0, 0][0, 3][3, 0]的条目都是真实的,因此我们可以放弃它们的虚部。但这会让我们的阵列表示不太方便。

答案 1 :(得分:2)




这实际上只是具有不同默认行为的rfftn。更多   详情见rfftn。

numpy.fft.rfft2(a, s=None, axes=(-2, -1), norm=None)[source]


numpy.fft.rfftn(a, s=None, axes=None, norm=None)[source]





实际输入的变换是在最后一次变换中执行的   轴,如通过rfft,然后对其余轴的变换是   由fftn执行。输出的顺序与rfft的顺序相同   最终转换轴,以及剩余的fftn   转换轴。




我没有使用过2d fftn,但我创建了这个用于解释1d fft,这可能会让你深入了解你的2d输出的解释:

import math
import numpy as np

PERIOD          = 30
SIFT            = 2 # integer from 1 to PERIOD/2

def fourier_series(array, period, sift):

    # Create an array of length data period; then reverse its order
    signal          = (array[-period:])[::-1]  

    # Extract amplitude and phase in (a + bi) complex form
    complex_fft     = np.fft.fft(signal)

    ''' Calculate amplitude, phase, frequency, and velocity '''
    # Define empty lists for later use
    amplitude       = []
    phase           = []
    frequency       = []
    velocity        = []

    # Extract real and imaginary coefficients from complex scipy output
    for n in range(period, 0, -1):   

    # The final equation will need to be divided by period
    # I do it here so that it is calculated once saving cycles     
    amplitude = [(x/period) for x in amplitude]    

    # Extract the carrier
    carrier = max(amplitude)

    # The frequency is a helper function of fft 
    # It only has access to the length of the data set
    frequency.append(np.fft.fftfreq(signal.size, 1))

    # Convert frequency array to list
    frequency       = frequency[-1]

    # Velocity is 2*pi*frequency; I do this here once to save cpu time    
    velocity        = [x*2*math.pi for x in frequency]

    ''' Calculate the Full Spectrum Sinusoid '''
    # Recombine ALL elements in the form An*sin(2*pi(Fn) + Pn) for full spectrum
    full_spectrum   = 0
    for m in range(1, period+1):
        full_spectrum += amplitude[-m]*(1+math.sin(velocity[-m] + phase[-m]))

    ''' Calculate the Filtered Sinusoid '''
    # Normalize user sift input as an integer
    sift = int(sift)

    # If sift is more than half of the period, return full spectrum
    if sift >= period/2:
        filtered_transform = full_spectrum

    # If sift is 0 or 1, return the carrier    
        filtered_transform = carrier

        # For every whole number of sift over 1, but less than 0.5*period: 
        # Add an 2 elements to the sinusoid respective of 
        # a negative and positive frequency pair
        if sift > 1:
            for m in range(1, sift): 
                p = period - m
                filtered_transform += amplitude[-m]*(1+math.sin(velocity[-m] + phase[-m]))
                filtered_transform += amplitude[-p]*(1+math.sin(velocity[-p] + phase[-p]))

    ''' Print Elements and Return FFT'''
    if 1:
        print('Carrier: %.3f' % amplitude[-period])
        print(['%.2f' % x for x in amplitude])    
        print(['%.2f' % x for x in velocity]) 
        print(['%.2f' % x for x in phase])

    return filtered_transform, carrier, full_spectrum

stochastic = # Your 1d input array
y, y_carrier, y_full = fourier_series(stochastic, PERIOD, SIFT)

答案 2 :(得分:1)


根据文档:默认情况下,第一个元素是0频率分量的系数(实际上是数组的和或平均值),从第2个开始,我们有正序频率的系数按递增顺序,并从n / 2 + 1它们按降序排列为负频率。要查看长度为10的数组的频率:

np.fft.fftfreq(10) 输出是: array([ 0. , 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1])

使用np.fft.fftshift(cf),其中cf=np.fft.fft(array),输出被移位,以便它对应于此频率排序: array([-0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0. , 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]) 这对绘图很有意义。
