VBA表单 - Vlookup单元格并为该单元格指定值

时间:2017-03-23 22:55:51

标签: excel vba excel-vba





Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

Dim MonthlyTable As Range
Set MonthlyTable = Sheets("DATA Monthly").Range("A6:AE400")
Dim ColumnRef As Range
Set ColumnRef = Sheets("Drivers").Range("N11")

' Assign CB2 value to M11 cell reference so it can be converted to a column ref in N11.
Sheets("Drivers").Range("M11").Value = ComboBox2.Value

Dim CB1Value As String
CB1Value = "Joiners" & ComboBox1.Value
Dim CB2Value As String
CB2Value = ComboBox2.Value

MsgBox CB1Value & " " & CB2Value

Dim tb1value As Range
tb1value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CB1Value, MonthlyTable, ColumnRef, False)
tb1value.Value = TextBox1.Value

Unload Me
End Sub




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



我想使用vlookup(或索引,Match(),Match())来查找单元格   在数据表中,并将文本框中的值分配给这些值   细胞


Dim tb1value As Variant '<--| a variant can be assigned the result of Application.Match method and store an error to be properly cheeked for 
tb1value = Application.Match(CB1Value, MonthlyTable.Column(1), 0) '<--| try finding an exact match for 'CB1Value' in the first column of your data range 
If Not IsError(tblvalue) Then MonthlyTable(tb1value, columnRef.Value).Value = TextBox1.Value '<--| if successful then write 'TextBox1' value in data range cell in the same row of the found match and with `columnRef` range value as its column index

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Private Sub Solution_Click()
    ' 24 Mar 2017

    Dim MonthlyTable As Range
    Dim Rng As Range
    Dim Lookup As String
    Dim Done As Boolean

    Set MonthlyTable = Sheets("DATA Monthly").Range("A2:AE400")
    ' take the lookup value from Cbx1
    Lookup = ComboBox1.Value

    Set Rng = MonthlyTable.Find(Lookup)    
    If Rng Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox Chr(34) & Lookup & """ wasn't found.", vbInformation, "Invalid search"
        With ComboBox2
            If .ListIndex < 0 Then
                MsgBox "Please select a data type.", vbExclamation, "Missing specification"
                TextBox1.Value = MonthlyTable.Cells(Rng.Row, .ListIndex + 1)
                Done = True
            End If
        End With
    End If

    If Done Then Unload Me
End Sub

有两点需要解释。首先,表格在被拒绝的条目之后不会关闭。你必须添加一个取消按钮,以避免不必要的循环,用户不能离开表单,直到他输入正确的内容。请注意,Done仅在找到搜索条件时设置为True并且返回了一个值,并且表单在Done = True之前不会关闭。

其次,观察Cbx2的ListIndex属性的使用。 Cbx下拉列表中的所有项目都从0开始编号。 ListIndex属性指示选择了哪个项目。没有选择时为-1。如果您在下拉列表中列出工作表列的标题(您可能在初始化表单时自动执行此操作),则用户选择的标题(例如&#34; Joiners&#34;)和ListIndex。 MonthlyTable的第一列将具有ListIndex 0.因此,您可以通过添加1将ListIndex转换为MonthlyTable列。