
时间:2017-03-22 15:08:17

标签: winforms visual-studio communication


Website Elements

//When Button is Pressed Create The New Job In The Specified Location and 
//then create text files to send file attributes to.
//Future: Add the ability to also use these field attributes to update and 
//create the job folder on the website as well.

private void NewJob_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text);
        if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\0-Submittals"))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\0-Submittals");
        if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\1-Pricing"))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\1-Pricing");
        if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\2-Take Off"))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\2-Take Off");
        if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\3-Files"))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\3-Files");
        if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\4-Plans"))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\4-Plans");
        if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\5-Specs"))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\5-Specs");
        if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\6-Emails"))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\6-Emails");
        if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\Properties"))
            Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\Properties");

        File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\Contact.txt", lblContact.Text);
        File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\JobName.txt", lblJobName.Text);
        File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\BidDate.txt", lblBidDate.Text);
        File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\Engineer.txt", lblEngineer.Text);
        File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\TakeOff.txt", lblTakeOff.Text);
        File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\Received.txt", lblReceived.Text);
        File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\Vendor.txt", lblVendor.Text);
        File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\Notes.txt", lblNotes.Text);


另一个问题是当您右键单击用作文件资源管理器的Web浏览器而不删除防火墙时,如何删除此错误。 Photo of the security Message


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


private void Generate_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)         {

        if (lblContact.Text.Contains("name0"))
            lblContact.Text.Replace("name0", "7");

        HtmlDocument doc = wbNewProject.Document;
        HtmlElement wbJobName = doc.GetElementById("Name"); //lblcontact.text
        HtmlElement wbEngineer = doc.GetElementById("engineer-lookup"); //
        HtmlElement wbSalesEng = doc.GetElementById("SalesEngineerUserId");
        HtmlElement wbLocation = doc.GetElementById("Location");
        HtmlElement wbBidDate = doc.GetElementById("BidDate");
        HtmlElement wbPriorApproval = doc.GetElementById("PriorApproval"); //True or False
        HtmlElement wbTakeOff = doc.GetElementById("TakeOffComplete"); //True or False
        HtmlElement wbProject = doc.GetElementById("RoleType"); //Design/Build or Plan/Spec
        wbJobName.SetAttribute("value", lblJobName.Text);

        if (lblContact.Text.Contains("Name1"))
            wbSalesEng.SetAttribute("value", "2");
        if (lblContact.Text.Contains("name2"))
            wbSalesEng.SetAttribute("value", "3");
        if (lblContact.Text.Contains("name3"))
            wbSalesEng.SetAttribute("value", "4");
        if (lblContact.Text.Contains("name4"))
            wbSalesEng.SetAttribute("value", "5");
        if (lblContact.Text.Contains("name5"))
            wbSalesEng.SetAttribute("value", "6");
        if (lblContact.Text.Contains("name6"))
            wbSalesEng.SetAttribute("value", "7");
        if (lblContact.Text.Contains("name7"))
            wbSalesEng.SetAttribute("value", "10");
        if (lblContact.Text.Contains("name8"))
            wbSalesEng.SetAttribute("value", "11");
        if (lblContact.Text.Contains("name9"))
            wbSalesEng.SetAttribute("value", "12");

        wbLocation.SetAttribute("value", lblLocation.Text);
        wbBidDate.SetAttribute("value", lblBidDate.Text);

        if (lblPriorApp.Text.Contains("Yes"))
        wbPriorApproval.SetAttribute("value", "true");
        if (lblPriorApp.Text.Contains("No"))
            wbPriorApproval.SetAttribute("value", "false");
        if (lblTakeOff.Text.Contains("Done"))
        wbTakeOff.SetAttribute("value", "true");
        if (lblTakeOff.Text.Contains("Not Done"))
            wbTakeOff.SetAttribute("value", "false");

        wbEngineer.SetAttribute("value", lblEngineer.Text);
        wbProject.SetAttribute("value", lblProject.Text);