
时间:2017-03-22 12:40:05

标签: c# generics template-specialization


    public T test0<T>()
        return default(T);

    // handling T=float case
    public float test0()
        return 0;


    public T this[int i]
        get { return default(T); }
        set { }

    public float this[int i]
        get { return 0; }
        set { }


    public float this<float>[int i]
        get { return 0; }
        set { }

它说&#34; ..已经定义了一个名为&#39; this&#39;使用相同的参数类型&#34;在浮动版本上。我可以检查通用[]访问器中的所有类型,但是太多if-elseiftypeof()会降低性能(我将把它用作非托管数组而不是托管数组)和dynamic不是一个选项,因为我主要使用.Net 3.5。在另一个问题中,我已经知道我无法获得泛型类型的指针,因此我决定每个float,double,int和byte类型使用多个重载,并在此数组访问重载中使用这些重载(但是不是同一种方法,而是不同的方法,不会失去性能。)


MyArr<float> arr = new MyArr<float>();

// specifically rounds to nearest for floats

MyArr<int> arr = new MyArr<int>();

// specifically adds 1 to some performance counter variable

MyArr<byte> arr = new MyArr<byte>();

// does nothing special

如果答案为否,那么我将使用额外的Interface来实现此功能,但我不确定是否可以将另一个界面添加到项目中单个功能。 (我应该问&#34;是否只为一种方法添加另一个界面好吗?&#34;在另一个问题中?)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





答案 1 :(得分:1)

您可以使用包含helper classnested generic class委托的Func/Action来实现Indexer / Property / Method的专业化。

internal static class IndexerImpl
    private static T IndexerDefaultImpl<T>(int i) => default(T); //default implementation

    private static T IndexerImpl2<T>(int i) => default(T); //another implementation for short/int/long

    private static string IndexerForString(int i) => (i * i).ToString(); //specialization for T=string
    private static DateTime IndexerForDateTime(int i) => new DateTime(i * i * i); //specialization for T=DateTime

    static IndexerImpl() //install the specializations
        Specializer<string>.Fun = IndexerForString;
        Specializer<DateTime>.Fun = IndexerForDateTime;

        Specializer<short>.Fun = IndexerImpl2<short>;
        Specializer<int>.Fun = IndexerImpl2<int>;
        Specializer<long>.Fun = IndexerImpl2<long>;

    internal static class Specializer<T> //specialization dispatcher
        internal static Func<int, T> Fun;
        internal static T Call(int i)
            => null != Fun
                ? Fun(i)
                : IndexerDefaultImpl<T>(i);

public class YourClass<T>
    public T this[int i] => IndexerImpl.Specializer<T>.Call(i);


internal static class IndexerImpl
    private static T IndexerDefaultImpl<T>(int i, YourClass<T> yourClass) => default(T); //default implementation

    private static T IndexerImpl2<T>(int i, YourClass<T> yourClass) => default(T); //another implementation for short/int/long

    private static string IndexerForString<T>(int i, YourClass<T> yourClass) => (i * i).ToString(); //specialization for T=string
    private static DateTime IndexerForDateTime<T>(int i, YourClass<T> yourClass) => new DateTime(i * i * i); //specialization for T=DateTime

    static IndexerImpl() //install the specializations
        Specializer<string>.Fun = IndexerForString;
        Specializer<DateTime>.Fun = IndexerForDateTime;

        Specializer<short>.Fun = IndexerImpl2;
        Specializer<int>.Fun = IndexerImpl2;
        Specializer<long>.Fun = IndexerImpl2;

    internal static class Specializer<T> //specialization dispatcher
        internal static Func<int, YourClass<T>, T> Fun;
        internal static T Call(int i, YourClass<T> yourClass)
            => null != Fun
                ? Fun(i, yourClass)
                : IndexerDefaultImpl(i, yourClass);

public class YourClass<T>
    public T this[int i] => IndexerImpl.Specializer<T>.Call(i, this);


在专门化非泛型类的通用属性/方法时,default implementation / specializationsnested specialization dispatcher class可以直接放在您的班级中。



internal static class GetValueImpl<R, S>
    private static T DefImpl<T>(R r, S s) => default(T);
    private static int IntRet(R r, S s) => int.MaxValue;

    internal static class Specializer<T>
        internal static Func<R, S, T> Fun;
        internal static T Call(R r, S s) => null != Fun ? Fun(r, s) : DefImpl<T>(r, s);

    static GetValueImpl()
        Specializer<int>.Fun = IntRet;

public class TestClass
    //R and S are not specialized, we are specializing T
    public T GetValue<R, S, T>(R r, S s) => GetValueImpl<R, S>.Specializer<T>.Call(r, s);


public void Test()
     var foo = new TestClass();

     //GetValueImpl<long, long> will be created at runtime
     var v1 = foo.GetValue<long, long, int>(1, 2);    //GetValueImpl<long, long>.Specializer<int> will be called, specialized
     var v2 = foo.GetValue<long, long, string>(1, 2); //GetValueImpl<long, long>.Specializer<string> will be called
     var v3 = foo.GetValue<long, long, long>(1, 2);   //GetValueImpl<long, long>.Specializer<long> will be called

     //GetValueImpl<long, int> will be created at runtime
     var v4 = foo.GetValue<long, int, int>(1, 2);     //GetValueImpl<long, int>.Specializer<int> will be called, specialized
     var v5 = foo.GetValue<long, int, double>(1, 2);  //GetValueImpl<long, int>.Specializer<double> will be called

请注意,静态构造函数将为GetValueImpl<long, long>GetValueImpl<long, int>运行2次,因此不要在辅助类的静态构造函数中添加额外的代码。