
时间:2017-03-21 17:49:06

标签: javascript three.js


ellipseCurve object


var curve = new THREE.EllipseCurve(
0,  0,            // ax, aY
10, 13.3,           // xRadius, yRadius
0,  2 * Math.PI,  // aStartAngle, aEndAngle
false,            // aClockwise
0                 // aRotation
var path = new THREE.Path( curve.getPoints( 100 ) );
var geometrycirc = path.createPointsGeometry( 50 );
var materialcirc = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( {
 color : 0xff0000
 } );

// Create the final object to add to the scene
var ellipse = new THREE.Line( geometrycirc, materialcirc );
this.scene.add( ellipse );







  1. 是的,所以我尝试实现与以下相同的挤出方法: https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_geometry_extrude_splines
  2. A simple closed spline

    1. 我能够将这个样条添加到我的场景中:
    2. Spline in scene


          //     My line curve                                                   //
          var curve = new THREE.EllipseCurve(
              0,  0,            // ax, aY
              10, 13.3,           // xRadius, yRadius
              0,  2 * Math.PI,  // aStartAngle, aEndAngle
              false,            // aClockwise
              0                 // aRotation
          var path = new THREE.Path( curve.getPoints( 100 ) );
          var geometrycirc = path.createPointsGeometry( 50 );
          var materialcirc = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( {
              color : 0xff0000
          } );
          // Create the final object based on points and material
          var ellipse = new THREE.Line( geometrycirc, materialcirc );
          this.scene.add( ellipse );
          //    Example of sample closed spine                                  //
          var sampleClosedSpline = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3( [
              new THREE.Vector3( 0, -40, -40 ),
              new THREE.Vector3( 0, 40, -40 ),
              new THREE.Vector3( 0, 140, -40 ),
              new THREE.Vector3( 0, 40, 40 ),
              new THREE.Vector3( 0, -40, 40 )
          ] );
          sampleClosedSpline.type = 'catmullrom';
          sampleClosedSpline.closed = true;
          //     Extrusion method to covert the spline/vector data into 3d object     //
          // I used this method and have tried the following properties but these do not work
          // var tube = new THREE.TubeBufferGeometry( curve, 12, 2, 20, true);
          // 1. ellipse.clone()
          // 2. geometrycirc.clone()
          // 3. materialcirc.clone()
          // 4. path.clone()
          // 5. curve
          // Therefore I am either doing something wrong or there must be a further process that needs
          // to be implemented.
          // this works as standard
          var tube = new THREE.TubeBufferGeometry( sampleClosedSpline, 12, 2, 20, true);
          var tubeMesh = THREE.SceneUtils.createMultiMaterialObject( tube, [
              new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( {
                  color: 0xffffff
              } ),
              new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
                  color: 0xff00ff,
                  opacity: 0.3,
                  wireframe: true,
                  transparent: true
              } ) ] );
          tubeMesh.scale.set( .2, .2, .2 );
          this.scene.add( tubeMesh );
      1. 因此,当我将spline属性放置为我创建的那个时,我得到一个黑屏并出现以下错误信息:
      2. var曲线; curve error

        和其他使用的变量(参考代码看看我试过的) other errors





        enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




// Ellipse class, which extends the virtual base class Curve
function Ellipse( xRadius, yRadius ) {

    THREE.Curve.call( this );

    // add the desired properties
    this.xRadius = xRadius;
    this.yRadius = yRadius;


Ellipse.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Curve.prototype );
Ellipse.prototype.constructor = Ellipse;

// define the getPoint function for the subClass
Ellipse.prototype.getPoint = function ( t ) {

    var radians = 2 * Math.PI * t;

    return new THREE.Vector3( this.xRadius * Math.cos( radians ),
                              this.yRadius * Math.sin( radians ),
                              0 );



// path
var path = new Ellipse( 5, 10 );

// params
var pathSegments = 64;
var tubeRadius = 0.5;
var radiusSegments = 16;
var closed = true;

var geometry = new THREE.TubeBufferGeometry( path, pathSegments, tubeRadius, radiusSegments, closed );

超级简单。 :)

ellipse rendering


three.js r.84