
时间:2017-03-21 16:48:23

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2008

我们有多个具有相同密钥(Item)的记录,我们希望使用更新将所有记录的总和减少到一条记录。目标记录是这些记录之一。我们也希望在多个项目上做到这一点。 示例(Original Image):

+ -------- + --------- + ---- + ------ + ---- + ------- + ------------ + ------ + ------ + ------- + ----------- + ------- + --------- +
| Location | Financial | Real | Orders | Free | Ordered | Average Sale | Result | Result | StockNo | Stock Costs | Value   | Warehouse |
+ -------- + --------- + ---- + ------ + ---- + ------- + ------------ + ------ + ------ + ------- + ----------- + ------- + --------- +
| 106      | 84        | 0    | 45     | -45  | 0       | 0            | 84     | 0      | 0000000 | 50.22       | 0.00    | 0         |
| 106      | 0         | 4    | 0      |  4   | 0       | 0            | 0      | 4      | 1004424 | 50.22       | 200.88  | 0         |
| 106      | 0         | 80   | 0      | 80   | 0       | 0            | 0      | 80     | 0000001 | 50.22       | 4017.60 | 0         |
+ -------- + --------- + ---- + ------ + ---- + ------- + ------------ + ------ + ------ + ------- + ----------- + ------- + --------- +


update Itemstock 
    Set queuequantity       = (Select Sum(IS_2.queuequantity)       from itemstock IS_2 where (IS_2.item=item) and IS_2.bookyear=2017),
        reservationquantity = (Select Sum(IS_2.reservationquantity) from itemstock IS_2 where (IS_2.item=item) and IS_2.bookyear=2017),
        warehousequantity   = (Select Sum(IS_2.warehousequantity)   from itemstock IS_2 where (IS_2.item=item) and IS_2.bookyear=2017),
        averageout          = (Select Sum(IS_2.averageout)          from itemstock IS_2 where (IS_2.item=item) and bookyear=2017),
        purchasequantity    = (Select Sum(IS_2.purchasequantity)    from itemstock IS_2 where (IS_2.item=item) and IS_2.bookyear=2017),
        financialamount     = (Select Sum(IS_2.financialamount)     from itemstock IS_2 where (IS_2.item=item) and IS_2.bookyear=2017),
        financialresult     = (Select Sum(IS_2.financialresult)     from itemstock IS_2 where (IS_2.item=item) and IS_2.bookyear=2017),
        technicalquantity   = (Select Sum(IS_2.technicalquantity)   from itemstock IS_2 where (IS_2.item=item) and IS_2.bookyear=2017),
        technicalamount     = (Select Sum(IS_2.technicalamount)     from itemstock IS_2 where (IS_2.item=item) and IS_2.bookyear=2017),
        technicalresult     = (Select Sum(IS_2.technicalresult)     from itemstock IS_2 where (IS_2.item=item) and IS_2.bookyear=2017)
    where item=(select objectid from item where Itemgroup=15900239)
        and Stockno=0
        and bookyear=2017`






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update a
set a.queuequantity = b.queuequantity,
    a.reservationquantity = b.reservationquantity,
from itemstock a
join (
    select item,
        Sum(queuequantity) as queuequantity,
        Sum(reservationquantity) as reservationquantity,
    from itemstock
    where bookyear = 2017
    group by item
    ) b on a.item = b.item
where a.item in (
        select objectid
        from item
        where Itemgroup = 15900239
    and a.Stockno = 0
    and a.bookyear = 2017