我尝试读取包含数千行和多列的文本文件,但VB6限制了整个程序只有338行。谁能给我解决这个问题? 这是我已经尝试的代码(该dat是文本文件):
Public TF As Integer, SF As String, NoRs As Integer
Public Type tFile
Number As String
Name As String
NIM As String
Class As String
Room As String
Department As String
Faculty As String
Univ As String
Role As String
End Type
Public myFile(1 To 2650) As tFile '2650 is Number of Rows in my Text File
Public Sub cFile()
TF = FreeFile
SF = App.Path & IIf(Right$(App.Path, 1) = "\", "", "\") & "String\myfile.dat"
Open SF For Input As #TF
NoRs = 0
Do Until EOF(TF)
NoRs = NoRs + 1
With myFile(NoRs)
Input #TF, _
.Number, _
.Name, _
.NIM, _
.Class, _
.Room, _
.Department, _
.Faculty, _
.Univ, _
End With
Close #TF
End Sub