我需要从sql db中设置的时间停止脚本。我的想法是使用If else。
你可以看到我在python中并不是很好但继续前进: - )
import MySQLdb as mdb
import sys
import wiringpi as wiringpi
import os
import settings
from time import sleep
from time import time
from datetime import datetime, date, time
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "Usage: ./thermostat.py <scheduleid>"
scheduleid = sys.argv[1]
# Enable GPIO
os.environ['WIRINGPI_GPIOMEM'] = '1'
# open a database connection
con = mdb.connect(host=settings.SQLSERVER,user=settings.SQLUSER,passwd=settings.SQLPASS,db=settings.SQLDB);
# prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
cursor_actual = con.cursor ()
cursor_target = con.cursor ()
cursor_stats = con.cursor ()
cursor_endtime = con.cursor ()
# execute the SQL query using execute() method.
cursor_actual.execute ("SELECT temperature FROM temperature WHERE timestamp = (SELECT MAX(timestamp) FROM temperature)")
cursor_target.execute (("SELECT targettemp FROM rules WHERE id = %s"),(scheduleid))
cursor_endtime.execute ("SELECT timeend FROM schedules WHERE id = '4'")
# fetch all of the rows from the query
actual = cursor_actual.fetchall()
target = cursor_target.fetchall()
endtime = cursor_endtime.fetchall()
# print the rows
for row in actual:
actual = row[0]
for row in target:
target = row[0]
#delta now time
utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
midnight_utc = datetime.combine(utcnow.date(), time(0))
delta = utcnow - midnight_utc
# Switching ON and OFF the boiler
if actual < target and endtime < delta.total_seconds():
cursor_stats.execute("INSERT INTO stats(timestamp,currenttemp,targettemp,state) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,%s,%s,'ON')",(actual,target))
print "The temperature is {} and the target temperature is {} so the heating is turned ON".format(actual,target)
print endtime
print delta.total_seconds()
exec settings.on
cursor_stats.execute("INSERT INTO stats(timestamp,currenttemp,targettemp,state) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,%s,%s,'OFF')",(actual,target))
print "The temperature is {} and the target temperature is {} so the heating is turned OFF".format(actual,target)
print endtime
print delta.total_seconds()
exec settings.off
# close mysql cleanly
cursor_actual.close ()
cursor_target.close ()
con.close ()
# Exit the script
pi@Relay-Boiler:~/scripts $ ./3.py 1
The temperature is 21.05 and the target temperature is 40.0 so the heating is turned OFF
((datetime.timedelta(0, 68400),),)