Jenkins Android模拟器错误[错误:32位Linux Android模拟器二进制文件已弃用]

时间:2017-03-20 00:06:10

标签: android jenkins android-emulator jenkins-plugins

开发环境 CentOS 7 64位


[android] Using Android SDK: /var/lib/jenkins/tools/android-sdk
$ /var/lib/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb start-server
* daemon not running. starting it now at tcp:5855 *
* daemon started successfully *
$ /var/lib/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb start-server
[android] Starting Android emulator
$ /var/lib/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/tools/emulator -engine classic -ports 5712,5713 -report-console tcp:5831,max=60 -prop persist.sys.language=en -prop -avd hudson_en-US_240_WVGA_android-21_armeabi-v7a_jenkins -no-snapshot-load -no-snapshot-save -no-window
sh: file: command not found
sh: file: command not found
WARNING: Cannot decide host bitness because $SHELL is not properly defined; 32 bits assumed.
ERROR: 32-bit Linux Android emulator binaries are DEPRECATED, to use them
       you will have to do at least one of the following:

       - Use the '-force-32bit' option when invoking 'emulator'.
       - Set ANDROID_EMULATOR_FORCE_32BIT to 'true' in your environment.

       Either one will allow you to use the 32-bit binaries, but please be
       aware that these will disappear in a future Android SDK release.
       Consider moving to a 64-bit Linux system before that happens.

[android] Emulator did not appear to start; giving up
[android] Stopping Android emulator
$ /var/lib/jenkins/tools/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb kill-server


WARNING: Cannot decide host bitness because $SHELL is not properly defined; 32 bits assumed.
WARNING: Force to use classic engine to support snapshot.
PANIC: Missing emulator engine program for 'arm' CPU.


  • Shell executable字段留空

  • Android SDK root字段留空

  • Automatically install Android components when required已检查

  • Keep emulators in the job workspace, in the .android subdirectory, to isolate them as much as possible已检查

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