我已经为类创建了一个通用的Linked Queue,它已经完成了,现在它是:
public class LinkedQueue<T> implements Queue<T> {
//Using head & tail approach.
private myNode<T> head;
private myNode<T> tail;
private int size;
public LinkedQueue(){
this.head = null;
this.tail = head;
this.size = 0;
public myNode<T> getterHead(){ //couldn't bring myself to write "get" instead of "getter"
return this.head;
public int size() {
return this.size; //returns number of nodes
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this.head==null;
public void enqueue(T element) {
this.head = new myNode<T>(element);
this.tail = head;
this.tail.next = new myNode<T>(element);
this.tail = tail.next;
public T dequeue() {
if(isEmpty())throw new NoSuchElementException("This queue is empty");
T returnObj = this.head.data; //saving the data of the first element(head)
//If there are at least 2 nodes, else.
if(head != tail){
this.head = head.getNext();
this.head = null;
this.tail = head;
this.size = 0;
return returnObj;
public T first() {
return this.head.data;
public T last() {
return this.tail.data;
/* I absolutely can not get past this NullPointerException that is given every time
* I try to use the iterator. It seems that current.next is always null(doesn't point to head properly?).
* HOWEVER, if you change "curr" for "head", it works. */
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return new GenericIterator();
private class GenericIterator implements Iterator<T>{
public myNode<T> curr = head;
public boolean hasNext() {
return (head != null && head.next != null);
public T next() {
T tmp = head.data; //saving current in a temporary node because we are changing the value of current in the next line
head = head.next;
return tmp;
private class myNode<T> { //parameter type T hiding type T
public T data; //The generic data the nodes contain
public myNode<T> next; //Next node
//Node constructor
public myNode(T nData) {
this.data = nData;
this.next = null;
public myNode<T> getNext(){
return this.next;
/* I absolutely can not get past this NullPointerException that is given every time
* I try to use the iterator. It seems that current.next is always null(doesn't point to head properly?).
* HOWEVER, if you change "curr" for "head", it works. */
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return new GenericIterator();
private class GenericIterator implements Iterator<T>{
public myNode<T> curr = head; //doesn't work with getter either.
//public myNode<T> curr = getterHead();
public boolean hasNext() {
return (curr != null && curr.next != null);
public T next() {
T tmp = curr.data; //NPE HERE!
curr = curr.next;
return tmp;
我尝试过的是getter / setter和三重检查所有其他方法(他们工作)。似乎问题是当我指定curr = head时,似乎myNode的属性没有附带。
head.next工作正常,curr.next == null,甚至curr.data == null,而head.data工作。
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at dk222gw_lab4.Queue.LinkedQueue$GenericIterator.next(LinkedQueue.java:101)
at dk222gw_lab4.Queue.LinkedQueueMain.main(LinkedQueueMain.java:17)
T tmp = curr.data; //node property .data & .next are null.
System.out.println(it.next()); //LinkedQueueMain.java(not included in post), both it.next() and it.hasNext() produce this NPE.