
时间:2017-03-18 21:51:01

标签: excel vba excel-vba



如果日期/时间是14/03/2017 22:00,我在单元格A2中输入55,我预计单元格E2将返回14/03/2017 23:00。 如果日期/时间是14/03/2017 22:00,我在单元格A2中输入1,我预计单元格E2将返回14/03/2017 22:01。 如果时间是14/03/2017 23:55,我进入55进入单元格A2,我希望回到15/03/2017 05:55

所以目前我正在使用这个在移位中运行良好的代码,但我无法继续使用它,即。进入下一天的生产。 范围(“A2”)。值*范围(“C2”)。值+现在()



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


With Worksheets("sheet1")
    .Range("E2") = Now
    .Range("F2") = .Range("E2").Value2 + (.Range("A2").Value2 * .Range("C2").Value2)
    .Range("G2") = Application.Ceiling(.Range("F2").Value2, TimeSerial(0, 0, 1))
    .Range("E2:G2").NumberFormat = "[Color10][$-en-US]dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm;[Color3]@"
End With


答案 1 :(得分:0)

这需要一点时间,但事实证明相当不错。按照这些说明进行测试。 在工作簿中创建要在其中执行操作的标准代码模块。默认情况下,名称将为“Module1”。我建议你将它改为“Main”或更好的描述性名称。将以下枚举粘贴到模块的顶部,包括选项语句。

Option Explicit

Enum Nws                ' Worksheet navigation
    NwsFirstDataRow = 2
    NwsQty = 1          ' Columns (not necessarily contiguous):
    NwsTime             ' time to produce one unit
    NwsStart            ' date/time
    NwsEnd              ' date/time
End Enum

此枚举用于标识工作表中的行和列。请注意,列已编号(1 = A,2 = B,3 = C等)。没有值的枚举假定前一个+1的值。因此,NwsEnd = 4 = D列。您可以根据枚举设置工作表或调整枚举值以匹配工作表,但每个数量,生产时间,生产开始时间和生产完成都必须有一列时间。 NwsFirstDataRow用于防止宏更改您不想更改的数据 - 至少是标题行中的数据,此处假定为第1行。 现在超过上面的下一个枚举。

Enum Nsh                ' Shift  (use 24h format)
    NshStart = 530      ' read as 05:30 (on current day)
    NshEnd = 2430       ' read as 00:30 (on next day)
End Enum

此枚举包含您的轮班时间代码。将来,如果您的工作时间发生变化,您只需更改这些数字即可修改代码的输出。 下一个子工作是完成大部分工作。

Sub SetCompletion(Ws As Worksheet, R As Long)
    ' 20 Mar 2017

    Dim Qty As Long
    Dim ShiftQty As Long, DayQty As Long
    Dim UnitTime As Double, StartTime As Double
    Dim ComplDate As Double
    Dim Days As Integer

    With Rows(R)
        Qty = .Cells(NwsQty).Value
        UnitTime = .Cells(NwsTime).Value
        StartTime = .Cells(NwsStart).Value
        If Qty And (UnitTime > 0) And (StartTime > 0) Then
            ComplDate = (UnitTime * Qty) + StartTime
            ShiftQty = QtyTillShiftEnd(StartTime, UnitTime)

            If ShiftQty < Qty Then
                Qty = Qty - ShiftQty
                DayQty = DailyProduction(UnitTime)
                ComplDate = StartTime + 1 + Int(Qty / DayQty)
                ComplDate = ComplDate + UnitTime * (Qty Mod DayQty)
            End If

            .Cells(NwsEnd).Value = ComplDate
        End If
    End With
End Sub


Private Function QtyTillShiftEnd(ByVal StartTime As Double, _
                                  ByVal UnitTime As Double) As Double
    ' 20 Mar 2017

    Dim ProdTime As Double

    ProdTime = (Int(StartTime) + NshToDays(NshEnd) - StartTime)
    QtyTillShiftEnd = (ProdTime + 0.0001) / UnitTime
End Function


Private Function DailyProduction(UnitTime As Double) As Integer
    ' 19 Mar 2017
    DailyProduction = Int((NshToDays(NshEnd) - NshToDays(NshStart) + 0.000001) / UnitTime)
End Function

当处理时间计算所需的双类型数时,VB难以计算零。添加到结果中的0.000001可确保在需要零时计算不会低于零。下一个函数将编码的移位时间从Enum Nsh转换为该程序可以使用的几天。

Private Function NshToDays(TimeCode As Nsh) As Double
    ' 19 Mar 2017

    Dim H As Double, M As Double

    H = Int(TimeCode / 100)
    M = TimeCode Mod 100
    NshToDays = (1 / 24 * H) + (1 / 24 / 60 * M)
End Function


Function AdjustedStartTime(ByVal StartTime As Double) As Double
    ' 19 Mar 2017
    ' return new StartTime or 0

    Dim Fun As Double
    Dim StartDate As Long
    Dim ShiftStart As Double, ShiftEnd As Double

    ShiftStart = NshToDays(NshStart)
    ShiftEnd = NshToDays(NshEnd)
    StartDate = Int(StartTime)
    StartTime = StartTime - StartDate
    Fun = StartTime

    If ShiftEnd > 1 Then
        If StartTime < (ShiftStart - Int(ShiftStart)) Then
            If StartTime > (ShiftEnd - Int(ShiftEnd)) Then Fun = ShiftStart
        End If
        If (StartTime - Int(StartTime)) < ShiftStart Then
            Fun = ShiftStart
            If StartTime > ShiftEnd Then Fun = ShiftStart + 1
        End If
    End If
    AdjustedStartTime = Fun + StartDate
End Function

此功能的作用是确保没有人像凌晨4点那样进入。如果有人这样做,那么参赛作品将改为05:30,因为这是轮班开始的时候。 此代码表中的最后一个过程将格式化单元格。

Sub FormatCells(Row As Range)
    ' 19 Mar 2017

    Dim Fmt As Variant, Clm As Variant
    Dim i As Integer

    ' match for number formats in 'Fmt' to the column numbers in 'Clm'
    Clm = Array(NwsQty, NwsTime, NwsStart, NwsEnd)
    Fmt = Array("#,##0", "hh:mm:ss", "dd mmm hh:mm", "dd mmm hh:mm")

    For i = 0 To UBound(Clm)
        Row.Cells(Clm(i)).NumberFormat = Fmt(i)
    Next i
End Sub



Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    ' 20 Mar 2017

    Dim Entry As Variant

    With Target
        ' no action when more than one cell is modified at once
        If .Cells.Count = 1 And .Row >= NwsFirstDataRow Then
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            Entry = .Value
            Select Case .Column
                Case NwsQty
                    If Val(Entry) < 1 Then
                        If Len(Entry) > 0 Then
                            MsgBox "Please enter a number representing" & vbCr & _
                                   "the quantity to be produced.", vbExclamation, _
                                   "Invalid entry"
                        End If
                        FormatCells Rows(.Row)
                        SetCompletion ActiveSheet, .Row
                    End If
                Case NwsTime
                    If Val(Entry) Then
                        SetCompletion ActiveSheet, .Row
                        If Len(Entry) > 0 Then
                            MsgBox "The production time must be entered" & vbCr & _
                                   "in the format h:m:s", vbExclamation, _
                                   "Invalid entry"
                        End If
                    End If
                Case NwsStart
                    If Val(Entry) Then
                        If (Val(Entry) < 1) Then .Value = Entry + Date
                        Entry = AdjustedStartTime(.Value)
                        If .Value <> Entry Then
                            MsgBox "On " & Format(Entry, "mmm d") & " production doesn't " & _
                                   "start until " & Format(Entry, "h:mm") & "." & vbCr & _
                                   "Your entry was adjusted accordingly.", _
                                   vbInformation, "Corrected time entry"
                            .Value = Entry
                        End If
                        SetCompletion ActiveSheet, .Row
                        MsgBox "The production start must be entered as a Time" & vbCr & _
                               "or Dtae/Time value in the format [d/m/yy] HH:mm", _
                               vbExclamation, "Invalid entry"
                    End If
                Case NwsEnd
                    MsgBox "Recalculate with a new production start?" & vbCr & _
                           "The completion date is the result of a calculation." & vbCr & _
                           "To change it, modify the unit production time.", _
                            vbInformation, "Invalid action"
            End Select
            Application.EnableEvents = True
        End If
    End With
End Sub

通过阅读可以吐出的各种错误消息,您可以了解此过程的作用。您可以修改这些文本。请注意,您可以将开始时间输入为时间或日期/时间。如果输入时间,则宏将自动添加当前日期。如果没有错误,这个宏将调用子SetCompletion,如果存在计算的所有标准,它将把完成日期写入工作表。 请注意,更改Enum Nsh后无法保护您的数据。为避免覆盖使用先前正确的班次计算的现有完成日期,请设置枚举NwsFirstDataRow以排除您希望以这种方式保护的行。


答案 2 :(得分:0)



Sub FormatCells(Row As Range)
    ' 25 Mar 2017

    Dim Fmt As Variant, Clm As Variant
    Dim i As Integer

    ' match for number formats in 'Fmt' to the column numbers in 'Clm'
    Clm = Array(NwsQty, NwsTime, NwsStart, NwsEnd)
    Fmt = Array("#,##0", "hh:mm:ss", "mmm dd hh:mm", "mmm dd hh:mm")

    For i = 0 To UBound(Clm)
        Row.Cells(Clm(i)).NumberFormat = Fmt(i)
    Next i
End Sub

还对事件过程进行了修改,现在将识别以您的格式输入的日期。请记住,你应该能够在7:30输入开始时间,并在3月25日07:30进行单元格显示。试试这个。也尝试输入“3月20日7:30”,“3/20/17 7:30”,“3/20 7:30”,然后“3/20/17 14:00”,也许是“3/20 / 17下午2:00“。如果它不起作用,那将表明幕后更大的错误。

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    ' 25 Mar 2017

    Dim Entry As Variant

    With Target
        ' no action when more than one cell is modified at once
        If .Cells.Count = 1 And .Row >= NwsFirstDataRow Then
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            Entry = .Value
            Select Case .Column
                Case NwsQty
                    If Val(Entry) < 1 Then
                        If Len(Entry) > 0 Then
                            MsgBox "Please enter a number representing" & vbCr & _
                                   "the quantity to be produced.", vbExclamation, _
                                   "Invalid entry"
                        End If
                        FormatCells Rows(.Row)
                        SetCompletion ActiveSheet, .Row
                    End If
                Case NwsTime
                    If Val(Entry) Then
                        SetCompletion ActiveSheet, .Row
                        If Len(Entry) > 0 Then
                            MsgBox "The production time must be entered" & vbCr & _
                                   "in the format h:m:s", vbExclamation, _
                                   "Invalid entry"
                        End If
                    End If
                Case NwsStart
                    If IsDate(Entry) Then
                        If (CDbl(Entry) < 1) Then .Value = Entry + Date
                        Entry = AdjustedStartTime(.Value)
                        If .Value <> Entry Then
                            MsgBox "On " & Format(Entry, "mmm d") & " production doesn't " & _
                                   "start until " & Format(Entry, "h:mm") & "." & vbCr & _
                                   "Your entry was adjusted accordingly.", _
                                   vbInformation, "Corrected time entry"
                            .Value = Entry
                        End If
                        SetCompletion ActiveSheet, .Row
                        MsgBox "The production start must be entered as a Time" & vbCr & _
                               "or Date/Time value in the format [m/d/yy] HH:mm", _
                               vbExclamation, "Invalid entry"
                    End If
                Case NwsEnd
                    MsgBox "Recalculate with a new production start?" & vbCr & _
                           "The completion date is the result of a calculation." & vbCr & _
                           "To change it, modify the unit production time.", _
                            vbInformation, "Invalid action"
            End Select
            Application.EnableEvents = True
        End If
    End With
End Sub


Sub SetCompletion(ws As Worksheet, R As Long)
    ' 25 Mar 2017

    Dim Qty As Long
    Dim ShiftQty As Long, DayQty As Long
    Dim UnitTime As Double, StartTime As Double
    Dim ComplDate As Double
    Dim Days As Integer

    With Rows(R)
        Qty = .Cells(NwsQty).Value
        UnitTime = .Cells(NwsTime).Value
        StartTime = .Cells(NwsStart).Value
        If Qty And (UnitTime > 0) And (StartTime > 0) Then
            ComplDate = (UnitTime * Qty) + StartTime
            ShiftQty = QtyTillShiftEnd(StartTime, UnitTime)

            If ShiftQty < Qty Then
                Qty = Qty - ShiftQty
                DayQty = DailyProduction(UnitTime)
                ComplDate = Int(StartTime) + 1 + NshToDays(NshStart) + Int(Qty / DayQty)
                ComplDate = ComplDate + UnitTime * (Qty Mod DayQty)
            End If

            .Cells(NwsEnd).Value = ComplDate
        End If
    End With
End Sub

实际上,这个程序应该进一步修改以识别周末,但我希望你的作品不会在周日停止: - )

如果您仍然面临日期问题,我将非常感谢您。我可以更改我的PC上的默认设置以获得更好的测试,但到目前为止我已经避免这样做了。 : - )

答案 3 :(得分:0)

应根据您要对代码进行的更改来更改事件过程中的文本。请更换如下: -

                            MsgBox "You entered a time during which production rests." & vbCr & _
                                   "The next shift after that will start on " & _
                                    Format(Entry, "dddd,") & vbCr & _
                                    Format(Entry, "mmmm d,") & " at " & _
                                    Format(Entry, "h:mm") & "." & vbCr & _
                                    "Your entry was adjusted accordingly.", _
                                   vbInformation, "Corrected time entry"
'                            MsgBox "On " & Format(Entry, "mmm d") & " production doesn't " & _
'                                   "start until " & Format(Entry, "h:mm") & "." & vbCr & _
'                                   "Your entry was adjusted accordingly.", _
'                                   vbInformation, "Corrected time entry"

