Knockout foreach数组复选框无法直观更新

时间:2017-03-18 20:49:40

标签: javascript knockout.js

我有一个json数组,其中包含在foreach数据绑定中创建的元素。 然后我将所选对象保留在该数组中,以便我可以为该数组中的每个对象提供独立的“保存更改”按钮。除了对复选框的绑定外,所有这些都有效(例如primarycontactname)。

<div class="container span8" data-bind="foreach: locationssubscribed">
  <div class="well span3" data-bind="click: $parent.selectedLocationSubscribed">
    <input type="text" class="span3" data-bind="value: primarycontactname" placeholder="Contact Name.." />
    <br />      
    <div class="checkbox" data-bind="visible: (vendorbringinggifts() === 0 || vendorbringinggifts() === vendorid())">
      <input id="chkGiftsAreBeingBrought" type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: giftsarebeingbrought" />
    <button data-bind="click: $root.saveVendorToLocation, enable: needsave, text: needsave() ? 'Save Location Changes' : 'No Changes to Save', css: { 'btn-primary': needsave }" class="btn">Save Location Changes</button>


    "locationssubscribed": [
      "vendortolocationid": 10,
      "primarycontactname": "Fake Name1",
      "vendorbringinggifts": 0,
      "giftsarebeingbrought": false,
      "needsave": false
      "vendortolocationid": 11,
      "primarycontactname": "Fake Name2",
      "vendorbringinggifts": 0,
      "giftsarebeingbrought": false,
      "needsave": false
      "vendortolocationid": 12,
      "primarycontactname": "Fake Name3",
      "vendorbringinggifts": 0,
      "giftsarebeingbrought": false,
      "needsave": false
      "vendortolocationid": 13,
      "primarycontactname": "Fake Name4",
      "vendorbringinggifts": 0,
      "giftsarebeingbrought": false,
      "needsave": false
  "selectedLocationSubscribed": {
    "vendortolocationid": 12,
    "primarycontactname": "Fake Name1",
    "vendorbringinggifts": 0,
    "giftsarebeingbrought": true,
    "needsave": true

function VendorToLocation(vtl) {
  this.vendortolocationid = ko.observable(vtl.VendorToLocationID);
  this.primarycontactname = ko.observable(vtl.PrimaryContactName);
  this.vendorbringinggifts = ko.observable(vtl.VendorBringingGifts);
  this.giftsarebeingbrought = ko.observable(vtl.GiftsAreBeingBrought);
  this.needsave = ko.observable(false);

function VendorViewModel() {
  var self = this;
      self.locationssubscribed = ko.observableArray();
  self.selectedLocationSubscribed = ko.observable();
  self.selectedLocationSubscribed.subscribe(function (ftl) {
    if (ftl !== null) {

  self.getLocationsAvailable = function (vendorID) {
    $.ajax($("#GetLocationsAvailableUrl").val(), {
      data: '{ "vendorID":' + vendorID + '}',
      async: false,
      success: function (allData) {
        self.locationsavailable($.map(allData, function (item) { return new LocationsAvailable(item) }));

  self.getLocationSubscription = function (vendorID) {
    $.ajax($("#GetLocationSubscriptionUrl").val(), {
      data: '{ "vendorID":' + vendorID + '}',
      success: function (allData) {
        self.locationssubscribed($.map(allData, function (item) { return new VendorToLocation(item) }));

  self.saveVendorToLocation = function () {
    var url = $("#updateVendorToLocationUrl").val();
    var vendorid = self.selectedVendor().vendorid();
    var selectedLoc = self.selectedLocationSubscribed();
    $.ajax(url, {
      data: '{ "vtl" : ' + ko.toJSON(selectedLoc) + '}',
      success: function (result) {
        if (result === false) {
          toastr.error("ERROR!:  Either you or a competing vendor has chosen this location since you last loaded the webpage.  Please refresh the page.");
        } else {
          toastr.success("Vendor to location details saved");
          self.updateVendorView();  // added 170307 1030 to get vendor contact details to update automatically


$(document).ready(function () {

  var myViewModel = new VendorViewModel();


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

让我再次确认,因此您尝试启用关联按钮,并在用户点击<div class="well span3 ...>"内的元素时选中复选框。


function VendorToLocation(vtl) {
  var self = this;
  self.vendortolocationid = ko.observable(vtl.vendortolocationid);
  self.primarycontactname = ko.observable(vtl.primarycontactname);
  self.vendorbringinggifts = ko.observable(vtl.vendorbringinggifts);
  self.giftsarebeingbrought = ko.observable(vtl.giftsarebeingbrought);
  self.needsave = ko.observable(vtl.needsave);

  // I prefer to put all the logic in here instead of being embedded to the HTML
  self.isCheckboxVisible = ko.pureComputed(function(){
    return self.vendorbringinggifts() === 0 || self.vendorbringinggifts() === self.vendortolocationid();

function VendorViewModel() {
  var self = this;
  self.locationssubscribed = ko.observableArray(
      new VendorToLocation ({
        "vendortolocationid": 10,
        "primarycontactname": "Fake Name1",
        "vendorbringinggifts": 0,
        "giftsarebeingbrought": false,
        "needsave": false
      new VendorToLocation ({
        "vendortolocationid": 11,
        "primarycontactname": "Fake Name2",
        "vendorbringinggifts": 0,
        "giftsarebeingbrought": false,
        "needsave": false
      new VendorToLocation ({
        "vendortolocationid": 12,
        "primarycontactname": "Fake Name3",
        "vendorbringinggifts": 0,
        "giftsarebeingbrought": false,
        "needsave": false
      new VendorToLocation ({
        "vendortolocationid": 13,
        "primarycontactname": "Fake Name4",
        "vendorbringinggifts": 0,
        "giftsarebeingbrought": false,
        "needsave": false
  // To store the selected location
  self.selectedLocationSubscribed = ko.observable();

  // To modify selected location, enable the button and modify the checkbox whenever user click on an element that uses this as its click event
  self.selectLocationSubscribed = function(data, event) {
    if(data !== null) { 
      // If you want to change needsave of other properties to false (disable all other buttons) before that you can do it here
      ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.locationssubscribed(), function(location) {
        if(data.vendortolocationid() !== location.vendortolocationid()){
      // code ends here
      // And then you modify the selected needsave the selected object to true to enable the button

    // To perform the default browser click action
    return true;

$(document).ready(function () {
  var myViewModel = new VendorViewModel();
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

<div class="container span8" data-bind="foreach: locationssubscribed">
  <div class="well span3" data-bind="click: $parent.selectLocationSubscribed">
    <input type="text" class="span3" data-bind="value: primarycontactname" placeholder="Contact Name.." />
    <br />      
    <div class="checkbox" data-bind="visible: (vendorbringinggifts() === 0 || vendorbringinggifts() === vendorid())">
      <input id="chkGiftsAreBeingBrought" type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: giftsarebeingbrought" />
    <button data-bind="click: $root.saveVendorToLocation, enable: needsave, text: needsave() ? 'Save Location Changes' : 'No Changes to Save', css: { 'btn-primary': needsave }" class="btn">Save Location Changes</button>

答案 1 :(得分:0)

click绑定会阻止默认操作。要启用默认操作return true from the event handler。这意味着您无法直接将observable传递给click绑定。

click: $parent.handleClick


self.handleClick = function (item) {
    // do something with item
    return true;  // don't prevent default action