
时间:2017-03-18 14:58:44

标签: awk gawk



$ cat file
    A      7  C       3

如果我们想确保每个数字都是.2f格式,并且我们想保留字段之前/之后/之间的间距,那么我们可以编写(使用GNU awk将第4个arg分割为()):

$ cat tst.awk
    for (i in flds) {
        if (flds[i] ~ /[0-9]/) {
            flds[i] = sprintf("%.2f",flds[i])

    #### print the flds[] array, interleaving seps[] values:
    printf "%s", seps[0]
    for (i=1; i in flds; i++) {
        printf "%s%s", flds[i], seps[i]
    print ""

$ awk -f tst.awk file
    A      7.00  C       3.00

我们将数组展平为字符串以进行打印的最后一个循环对于许多awk脚本来说是很常见的。有时分隔符存储在如上所述的不同数组中,有时它们是特定字符,有时它们不是必需的。此外,我们希望flds []打印的顺序可以基于如上所述的数字上升索引,或者它可以是降序(例如模仿UNIX工具" rev")或者它可以基于flds []值而不是它们的指数。

那么 - 是否有一个awk实用程序函数,它使用指定顺序的提供的分隔符将数组转换为字符串?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我们一直在与GNU awk开发人员进行讨论,以提供问题中描述的功能,但是直到if / when到达时,以下用户空间特定于gawk(用于sorted_in)函数将执行该操作工作。注意不要将元素添加到调用之前不存在的flds,seps或PROCINFO数组中。它可以使用如下:

$ cat tst.awk
    for (i in flds) {
        if (flds[i] ~ /[0-9]/) {
            flds[i] = sprintf("%.2f",flds[i])

    print "arr2str() usage examples:"
    print "1)", arr2str(flds,OFS)
    print "2)", arr2str(flds,seps)
    print "3)", arr2str(flds,seps,"@ind_num_desc")
    print "4)", arr2str(flds,seps,"@val_str_asc")
    print "5)", arr2str(flds,",")

$ awk -f arr2str.awk -f tst.awk file
arr2str() usage examples:
1) A 7.00 C 3.00
2)     A      7.00  C       3.00
3) 3.00       C  7.00      A
4)     3.007.00  A      C
5) A,7.00,C,3.00

$ cat arr2str.awk
# Usage:
#    arr2str(flds[,seps,[sortOrder]])
# flds:
#    This function converts the mandatory "flds" array argument into a string.
# seps:
#    If "seps" is not present then the "flds" values will simply be concatenated
#    in the returned string.
#    If "seps" is present and is a string then that "seps" value will be inserted
#    between each "flds" value in the returned string.
#    If "seps" is present and is an array then each "seps" value with the same index
#    as a "flds" index will be inserted in the returned string before or after
#    (sort order dependent) the corresponding "flds" value with that same index.
#    - All "seps" values that do not have an index in "flds" will be inserted in
#      the returned string before or after all of the "flds" and other "seps" values.
#      This ensures that a "seps" array that, for example, starts at zero as a result
#      of a previous split(str,flds,re,seps) will have its zeroth entry included.
# sortOrder:
#    If "sortOrder" is present then it will be used as the order the "flds" values
#    are visited in, otherwise it uses PROCINFO["sorted_in"] if set, otherwise it
#    uses ascending numeric indices.
#    - If the sort order is descending (ends in "desc") and "seps" is an array then
#      the "seps" values are inserted before each "flds" value, otherwise after them.
# Example:
#    $ cat tst.awk
#    BEGIN {
#        orig = ",a+b:c-d="
#        split(orig,flds,/[^[:alpha:]]/,seps)
#        printf "orig: <%s>\n", orig
#        printf "asc:  <%s>\n", arr2str(flds,seps)
#        printf "desc: <%s>\n", arr2str(flds,seps,"@ind_num_desc")
#    }
#    $ awk -f arr2str.awk -f tst.awk
#    orig: <,a+b:c-d=>
#    asc:  <,a+b:c-d=>
#    desc: <=d-c:b+a,>

function arr2str(flds, seps, sortOrder,      sortedInPresent, sortedInValue, currIdx, prevIdx, idxCnt, outStr) {

    if ( "sorted_in" in PROCINFO ) {
        sortedInPresent = 1
        sortedInValue = PROCINFO["sorted_in"]

    if ( sortOrder == "" ) {
        sortOrder = (sortedInPresent ? sortedInValue : "@ind_num_asc")
    PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = sortOrder

    if ( isarray(seps) ) {
        # An array of separators.
        if ( sortOrder ~ /desc$/ ) {
            for (currIdx in flds) {
                outStr = outStr (currIdx in seps ? seps[currIdx] : "") flds[currIdx]

        for (currIdx in seps) {
            if ( !(currIdx in flds) ) {
                outStr = outStr seps[currIdx]

        if ( sortOrder !~ /desc$/ ) {
            for (currIdx in flds) {
                outStr = outStr flds[currIdx] (currIdx in seps ? seps[currIdx] : "")
    else {
        # Fixed scalar separator.
        # We would use this if we could distinguish an unset variable arg from a missing arg:
        #    seps = (magic_argument_present_test == true ? seps : OFS)
        # but we cant so just use whatever value was passed in.
        for (currIdx in flds) {
            outStr = outStr (idxCnt++ ? seps : "") flds[currIdx]

    if ( sortedInPresent ) {
        PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = sortedInValue
    else {
        delete PROCINFO["sorted_in"]

    return outStr