Netlogo - 识别代理集的子集

时间:2017-03-17 20:28:50

标签: netlogo


create-people population-size
  set people-nearby turtle-set other people in-radius neighborhood-radius

to create-network
  let num-links round (average-node-degree * population-size) / 2  

  while [ count links < num-links and count people with [length sort people-nearby > 0] > 0 ]

  [ ask one-of people
    [ *... initiate probabilistic link creation process...*
     create-unlink-with chosen-friend

一旦A人与某人(即B人)相连,就会从A人people-nearby集中删除B人。通过排除作为people-nearby集合成员的所有附近人员(即,人员A已经连接的人员 - 这个,更新了unlink-neighbors集合的代码的这一部分,我遇到了问题设置包括人B):

        ifelse count turtle-set people-nearby > 1  
        [ let nearby-people-not-linked-to-me  ( turtle-set people-nearby with [ not member? self [ turtle-set unlink-neighbors ] of myself ] ) 
          set people-nearby nearby-people-not-linked-to-me ]
        [ set people-nearby [ ] ]  

出于某种原因,此错误不断弹出:     “预期输入为代理人但是得到了列表[(人0)(人1)(人3)(人4)]。”每当
时 调用people-nearby with [ not member? self [ turtle-set unlink-neighbors ] of myself


任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题吗? (哦,这是我的第一篇文章,如果我没有正确设置问题,请道歉)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

当您提交代码时,请尝试提交重新创建问题所需的内容 - 请查看asking help page,特别是有关帮助其他人重现问题的部分。按原样,我认为您的问题来自于使用turtle-set。该原语主要用于组合代理集,而不是查询它们。所以在你的行中:

( turtle-set people-nearby with [ not member? self [ turtle-set unlink-neighbors ] of myself ] )


如果我理解正确,你希望所有人都拥有一个包含半径范围内所有人的变量:&#34;附近的人&#34;。然后,你希望人们与他们的一个邻居&#34;海龟。最后,您希望人们更新他们附近的人员#34;变量以排除他们刚刚形成链接的人。下面是一些带有注释的代码,我尝试按照这些步骤进行操作 - 显然你的变量会有所不同,但它可能会让你开始。如果我需要澄清任何内容或者我错过了一步,请告诉我。

breed [ people person ]
turtles-own [ people-nearby ]

to setup 
  create-people 70  [
    setxy (random 30 - 15) (random 30 - 15)

  ; do this after all turtles have spawned
  ask people [
    set people-nearby other people in-radius 3


to create-links

  let num-links 10

  ;; Create a temporary agentset out of turtles that have people nearby
  let turtles-with-neighbors turtles with [ any? people-nearby ]

  ; ask some number of the temporary agentset:
  ask n-of num-links turtles-with-neighbors [

    ;; This just makes it easy to identify the turtle that causes the link
    ask patches in-radius 3 [
      set pcolor white

    ; create a link to one of the nearby people
    create-link-to one-of people-nearby
    ; newly set people-nearby to only include turtles in radius
    ; that are not linked-to from the currently acting turtle
    set people-nearby other people in-radius 3 with [ not member? self [ out-link-neighbors ] of myself  ]
    ask people-nearby [ set size 0.5 ]
