
时间:2017-03-15 23:14:21

标签: c linux multithreading pthreads posix


for (i = startnotfirst; i < end; i++) {     

    gl_rand = (float) lrand48();

    fprintf(stderr, "\nTHREADING - #ID: %d - THIS IS MY RAND: %f", *mytid,rand);
    to_open = (rand / (float) INT_MAX) < (points->p[i].cost / z);
    if (to_open) {
        //printf("\nRANDOM: %f \nINT_MAX: %d \npointsDistance(cost): %f \nZ: %f \n\n RESULT: %f < %f\n\n\n",rand ,INT_MAX,points->p[1].cost , z,(rand / (float) INT_MAX),(points->p[i].cost / z));
        fprintf(stderr, "\nTHREADING - #ID: %d - im working...", *mytid);
        for (int k = start; k < end; k++) {
            float distance = dist(points->p[i], points->p[k], points->dim);
            //If distance is smaller add it to that cluster.
            float new_cost = distance * points->p[k].weight;
            if (new_cost < points->p[k].cost) {
                points->p[k].cost = new_cost;
                points->p[k].assign = i;

我希望gl_rand仅由一个线程执行,其他人通过更改global variablebroadcasting来了解新的rand值。

此外,线程必须在新号码出现之前结束其作业iteration body


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


pthread_mutex_lock()结合使用 pthread_mutex_unlock()pthread_cond_wait()pthread_cond_broadcast()函数是实现所需功能的关键。 但是,需要非常小心才能使谓词正确。

** Objective: N threads cooperate on M cycles or iterations of a task.
** A new random number is needed for each cycle, but all threads must
** use the same random number on each cycle.
** Any thread may evaluate the new random number.

#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "stderr.h"

#define NUM_THREADS 3
#ifndef NUM_CYCLES
#define NUM_CYCLES 5


static pthread_mutex_t mtx_waiting = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t  cnd_waiting = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static int             num_waiting = 0;
static int             cycle   = -1;

static float gl_rand = 0;
static long  gl_long = 0;

static float next_iteration_random_number(int tid, int iteration)
    assert(cycle == iteration || cycle == iteration - 1);
    printf("-->> TID %d, I = %d (C = %d, W = %d)\n",
           tid, iteration, cycle, num_waiting);
    while (cycle != iteration && num_waiting != MAX_THREADS)
        assert(num_waiting > 0 && num_waiting <= MAX_THREADS);
        printf("-CW- TID %d, I = %d (C = %d, W = %d)\n",
               tid, iteration, cycle, num_waiting);
        pthread_cond_wait(&cnd_waiting, &mtx_waiting);
    assert(cycle == iteration || num_waiting == MAX_THREADS);
    printf("---- TID %d, I = %d (C = %d, W = %d)\n",
           tid, iteration, cycle, num_waiting);

    if (cycle != iteration)
        gl_long = lrand48();
        gl_rand = (float)gl_long;
        num_waiting = 0;
        cycle = iteration;
        printf("---- TID %d generates cycle %d: L = %ld, F = %g\n",
               tid, cycle, gl_long, gl_rand);

    printf("<<-- TID %d, I = %d (C = %d, W = %d) L = %ld, F = %g\n",
           tid, iteration, cycle, num_waiting, gl_long, gl_rand);
    return gl_rand;

static void *thread_function(void *vp)
    int tid = (int)(uintptr_t)vp;     // Thuggish!

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYCLES; i++)
        float f = next_iteration_random_number(tid, i);
        printf("TID %d at work: I = %d, F = %g\n", tid, i, f);
        struct timespec rq;
        rq.tv_sec = 0;
        rq.tv_nsec = (((gl_long & 0xFF) + (0xF * tid))) % 200 * 50000000;
        assert(rq.tv_nsec >= 0 && rq.tv_nsec < 10000000000);
        nanosleep(&rq, 0);

    return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    assert(argc == 1);

    pthread_t thread[MAX_THREADS];

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++)
        int rc = pthread_create(&thread[i], 0, thread_function, (void *)(uintptr_t)i);
        if (rc != 0)
            errno = rc;
            err_syserr("failed to create thread %d", i);

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++)
        void *vp;
        int rc = pthread_join(thread[i], &vp);
        if (rc != 0)
            errno = rc;
            err_syserr("Failed to join TID %d", i);
        printf("TID %d returned %p\n", i, vp);

    return 0;

来自GitHub的来源。 libsoq中的图书馆代码。开始err_的例程在标题stderr.h中声明,支持代码在stderr.c中。这些大大简化了错误报告。

main()功能微不足道;它启动5个线程,然后等待加入5个线程。唯一棘手的一点是将线程号作为参数传递给线程函数。代码将整数值转换为uintptr_t,然后将其强制转换为void *;被调用的函数撤消了这个序列


有趣的代码在next_iteration_random_number()。首先,线程锁定控制共享信息的互斥锁。然后它增加等待线程的数量。如果当前循环与它正在处理的迭代不同,并且等待线程的数量不等于线程的总数,则该线程调用pthread_cond_wait()进入休眠状态直到广播到。当线程离开循环时(通过在广播之后唤醒,或者因为它从未进入循环),线程会查看当前循环是否是它期望的迭代。如果没有,它必须是尝试此循环的最后一个线程 - 因此它生成随机数并进行内务处理以确保其他线程将知道发生了什么, 然后它使用pthread_cond_broadcast()来发出唤醒所有睡眠线程的信号。他们实际上无法醒来;当前线程仍然保留互斥锁。它报告它正在执行的操作并解锁互斥锁,并返回随机数。其他线程检测到循环编号与他们等待的迭代次数相同,因此他们可以分别打印信息,解锁互斥锁,并返回数字。


完全独立,因为lrand48()返回long(尽管值为[0,2 31 ],所以它甚至是32位值当long是64位类型时),这意味着它很有可能返回无法在float中准确表示的值,因此gl_rand = (float)lrand48();代码会从问题中剪切掉是可疑的。 (示例代码还会在long中记录gl_long值并偶尔使用它。)

代码在运行macOS Sierra 10.12.3并使用GCC 6.3.0并且编译选项设置为繁琐的Mac上完全编译:

$ gcc -O3 -g -I../../inc -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wmissing-prototypes \
>     -Wstrict-prototypes -Wold-style-definition pthrd37.c -o pthrd37 \
>     -L../../lib -lsoq 



-->> TID 0, I = 0 (C = -1, W = 1)
-CW- TID 0, I = 0 (C = -1, W = 1)
-->> TID 2, I = 0 (C = -1, W = 2)
-CW- TID 2, I = 0 (C = -1, W = 2)
-->> TID 1, I = 0 (C = -1, W = 3)
---- TID 1, I = 0 (C = -1, W = 3)
---- TID 1 generates cycle 0: L = 851401618, F = 8.51402e+08
<<-- TID 1, I = 0 (C = 0, W = 0) L = 851401618, F = 8.51402e+08
TID 1 at work: I = 0, F = 8.51402e+08
---- TID 0, I = 0 (C = 0, W = 0)
<<-- TID 0, I = 0 (C = 0, W = 0) L = 851401618, F = 8.51402e+08
TID 0 at work: I = 0, F = 8.51402e+08
---- TID 2, I = 0 (C = 0, W = 0)
<<-- TID 2, I = 0 (C = 0, W = 0) L = 851401618, F = 8.51402e+08
TID 2 at work: I = 0, F = 8.51402e+08
-->> TID 1, I = 1 (C = 0, W = 1)
-CW- TID 1, I = 1 (C = 0, W = 1)
-->> TID 0, I = 1 (C = 0, W = 2)
-CW- TID 0, I = 1 (C = 0, W = 2)
-->> TID 2, I = 1 (C = 0, W = 3)
---- TID 2, I = 1 (C = 0, W = 3)
---- TID 2 generates cycle 1: L = 1804928587, F = 1.80493e+09
<<-- TID 2, I = 1 (C = 1, W = 0) L = 1804928587, F = 1.80493e+09
TID 2 at work: I = 1, F = 1.80493e+09
---- TID 1, I = 1 (C = 1, W = 0)
<<-- TID 1, I = 1 (C = 1, W = 0) L = 1804928587, F = 1.80493e+09
TID 1 at work: I = 1, F = 1.80493e+09
---- TID 0, I = 1 (C = 1, W = 0)
<<-- TID 0, I = 1 (C = 1, W = 0) L = 1804928587, F = 1.80493e+09
TID 0 at work: I = 1, F = 1.80493e+09
-->> TID 2, I = 2 (C = 1, W = 1)
-CW- TID 2, I = 2 (C = 1, W = 1)
-->> TID 1, I = 2 (C = 1, W = 2)
-CW- TID 1, I = 2 (C = 1, W = 2)
-->> TID 0, I = 2 (C = 1, W = 3)
---- TID 0, I = 2 (C = 1, W = 3)
---- TID 0 generates cycle 2: L = 758783491, F = 7.58783e+08
<<-- TID 0, I = 2 (C = 2, W = 0) L = 758783491, F = 7.58783e+08
TID 0 at work: I = 2, F = 7.58783e+08
---- TID 2, I = 2 (C = 2, W = 0)
<<-- TID 2, I = 2 (C = 2, W = 0) L = 758783491, F = 7.58783e+08
TID 2 at work: I = 2, F = 7.58783e+08
---- TID 1, I = 2 (C = 2, W = 0)
<<-- TID 1, I = 2 (C = 2, W = 0) L = 758783491, F = 7.58783e+08
TID 1 at work: I = 2, F = 7.58783e+08
-->> TID 0, I = 3 (C = 2, W = 1)
-CW- TID 0, I = 3 (C = 2, W = 1)
-->> TID 2, I = 3 (C = 2, W = 2)
-CW- TID 2, I = 3 (C = 2, W = 2)
-->> TID 1, I = 3 (C = 2, W = 3)
---- TID 1, I = 3 (C = 2, W = 3)
---- TID 1 generates cycle 3: L = 959030623, F = 9.59031e+08
<<-- TID 1, I = 3 (C = 3, W = 0) L = 959030623, F = 9.59031e+08
TID 1 at work: I = 3, F = 9.59031e+08
-->> TID 1, I = 4 (C = 3, W = 1)
-CW- TID 1, I = 4 (C = 3, W = 1)
---- TID 0, I = 3 (C = 3, W = 1)
<<-- TID 0, I = 3 (C = 3, W = 1) L = 959030623, F = 9.59031e+08
TID 0 at work: I = 3, F = 9.59031e+08
---- TID 2, I = 3 (C = 3, W = 1)
<<-- TID 2, I = 3 (C = 3, W = 1) L = 959030623, F = 9.59031e+08
TID 2 at work: I = 3, F = 9.59031e+08
-->> TID 0, I = 4 (C = 3, W = 2)
-CW- TID 0, I = 4 (C = 3, W = 2)
-->> TID 2, I = 4 (C = 3, W = 3)
---- TID 2, I = 4 (C = 3, W = 3)
---- TID 2 generates cycle 4: L = 684387517, F = 6.84388e+08
<<-- TID 2, I = 4 (C = 4, W = 0) L = 684387517, F = 6.84388e+08
TID 2 at work: I = 4, F = 6.84388e+08
---- TID 1, I = 4 (C = 4, W = 0)
<<-- TID 1, I = 4 (C = 4, W = 0) L = 684387517, F = 6.84388e+08
TID 1 at work: I = 4, F = 6.84388e+08
---- TID 0, I = 4 (C = 4, W = 0)
<<-- TID 0, I = 4 (C = 4, W = 0) L = 684387517, F = 6.84388e+08
TID 0 at work: I = 4, F = 6.84388e+08
TID 0 returned 0x0
TID 1 returned 0x0
TID 2 returned 0x0



此答案的第一个版本提到并说明了pthread_once()电话。这不是实际需要的,但是 它可能在其他情况下有用。


#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static pthread_once_t once_only = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;

static float gl_rand = 0;

static void pt_once(void)
    gl_rand = (float)lrand48();

void *thread_function(void *vp)
     pthread_once(&once_only, pt_once);
     …rest of the code…
     return 0;