
时间:2017-03-15 17:01:41

标签: python email scripting automation


boolean flood(BufferedImage img, boolean[][] mark,
                             int row, int col, Color srcColor, Color tgtColor) {

// make sure row and col are inside the image if (row < 0) return false; if (col < 0) return false; if (row >= img.getHeight()) return false; if (col >= img.getWidth()) return false; // make sure this pixel hasn't been visited yet if (mark[row][col]) return false; Color asli = new Color(img.getRGB(col, row)); // make sure this pixel is the right color to fill if (!asli.equals(srcColor)) return false; // fill pixel with target color and mark it as visited img.setRGB(col, row, tgtColor.getRGB()); mark[row][col] = true; // recursively fill surrounding pixels flood(img, mark, row - 1, col, srcColor, tgtColor); flood(img, mark, row + 1, col, srcColor, tgtColor); flood(img, mark, row, col - 1, srcColor, tgtColor); flood(img, mark, row, col + 1, srcColor, tgtColor); return true; } boolean[][] mark = new boolean[citra.getHeight()][citra.getWidth()]; for (int y = 0; y < citra.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < citra.getWidth(); x++) { Color warna = new Color(citra.getRGB(x, y)); if (warna.equals(Color.WHITE)){ flood(citra, mark, x, y, Color.WHITE, Color.RED); break; } } } imagebiner.setIcon(new ImageIcon(citra.getScaledInstance(300, 300, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH))); repaint();

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