
时间:2017-03-15 09:28:02

标签: python pandas cython numba

假设我为一家提供不同类型贷款的公司工作。我们从一个大数据集市获取我们的贷款信息,我需要计算一些额外的东西,以计算是否有人拖欠等等。现在,为了清楚起见,我做了一个相当愚蠢的功能,迭代所有行(通过贷款存储所有信息)都使用pd.DataFrame.apply(myFunc, axis=1)函数,这个函数非常慢。


  • Loan_Type:包含确定贷款类型的字符串的字段,我们有许多不同的名称,但它归结为4种类型(对于此示例);输入1和类型2,以及员工是否有此贷款。

  • Activity_Date:记录贷款活动的日期(这是每日贷款活动表,如果它告诉您任何事情)

  • Product_Account_Status:表格给Activity_Date上的这些贷款(他们是活跃的,还是其他一些状态?)的状态,这需要重新计算,因为它并不总是在表中计算(不要问为什么会这样,完全头痛)。

  • Activation_Date:贷款被激活的日期

  • Sum_Paid_To_DateActivity_Date

  • 支付给贷款的金额
  • Deposit_Amount:贷款的存款金额

  • Last_Paid_Date:付款到贷款的最后日期。


    def productType(x):
        # Determines the type of the product, for later aggregation purposes, and to determine the amount to be payable per day
        if ('Loan Type 1' in x['Loan_Type']) & (not ('Staff' in x['Loan_Type'])):
            return 'Loan1'
        elif ('Loan Type 2' in x['Loan_Type']) & (not ('Staff' in x['Loan_Type'])):
            return 'Loan2'
        elif ('Loan Type 1' in x['Loan_Type']) & ('Staff' in x['Loan_Type']):
            return 'Loan1Staff'
        elif ('Loan Type 2' in x['Loan_Type']) & ('Staff' in x['Loan_Type']):
            return 'Loan2Staff'
        elif ('Mobile' in x['Loan_Type']) | ('MM' in x['Loan_Type']):
            return 'Other'
            raise ValueError(
                'A payment plan is not captured in the code, please check it!')

然后将此函数应用于DataFrame AllLoans,其中包含我当时要分析的所有贷款,使用:

AllLoans['productType'] = AllLoans.apply(lambda x: productType(x), axis = 1)


def customerStatus(x):
    # Sets the customer status based on the column Product_Account_Status or
    # the days of inactivity

    if x['productType'] == 'Loan1':
        dailyAmount = 2
    elif x['productType'] == 'Loan2':
        dailyAmount = 2.5
    elif x['productType'] == 'Loan1Staff':
        dailyAmount = 1
    elif x['productType'] == 'Loan2Staff':
        dailyAmount = 1.5
        raise ValueError(
            'Daily amount to be paid could not be calculated, check if productType is defined.')

    if x['Product_Account_Status'] == 'Cancelled':
        return 'Cancelled'
    elif x['Product_Account_Status'] == 'Suspended':
        return 'Suspended'
    elif x['Product_Account_Status'] == 'Pending Deposit':
        return 'Pending Deposit'
    elif x['Product_Account_Status'] == 'Pending Allocation':
        return 'Pending Allocation'
    elif x['Outstanding_Balance'] == 0:
        return 'Finished Payment'
    # If this check returns True it means that Last_Paid_Date is zero/null, as
    # far as I can see this means that the customer has only paid the deposit
    # and is thus an FPD
    elif type(x['Date_Of_Activity'] - x['Last_Paid_Date']) != (pd.tslib.NaTType):
        if (((x['Date_Of_Activity'] - x['Last_Paid_Date']).days + 1) > 30) | ((((x['Date_Of_Activity'] - x['Last_Paid_Date']).days + 1) > 14) & ((x['Sum_Paid_To_Date'] - x['Deposit_Amount']) <= dailyAmount)):
            return 'Blocked'
        elif ((x['Date_Of_Activity'] - x['Last_Paid_Date']).days + 1) <= 30:
            return 'Active'
    # If this is True, the customer has not paid more than the deposit, so it
    # will fall on the age of the customer whether they are blocked or not
    elif type(x['Date_Of_Activity'] - x['Last_Paid_Date']) == (pd.tslib.NaTType):
        # The date is changed here to 14 because of FPD definition
        if ((x['Date_Of_Activity'] - x['Activation_Date']).days + 1) <= 14:
            return 'Active'
        elif ((x['Date_Of_Activity'] - x['Activation_Date']).days + 1) > 14:
            return 'Blocked'
    # If we have reached the end and still haven't found the status, it will
    # get the following status
    return 'Other Status'

使用AllLoans['customerStatus'] = AllLoans.apply(lambda x: customerStatus(x), axis = 1)再次应用此功能。正如你所看到的那样,有许多字符串比较和日期比较,对于我如何'正确'地矢量化这些函数,我有点困惑。



  • 通过创建一个确定每日金额的函数,使customerStatus函数略微更加模块化,并将其存储在数据框中以便更快地访问(我需要稍后访问它们,并确定此变量)多功能)。

  • 使用某种dict将productType函数的输入列转换为整数,这样就可以调用更少的字符串函数(但感觉这不是我最大的加速)


  • 如何根据数据框中的不同列,正确地向量化包含基于字符串/日期比较的许多if语句的这些函数(业务规则在这里可能有点复杂)。代码可能会变得有点复杂,但我需要将这些函数多次应用于稍微不同(但重要的是不同)的数据帧,并且这些数据越来越大,因此这些函数需要在某种类型的库中以便于访问,代码需要加快,因为它只需要很长时间。



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