时间:2017-03-15 08:06:31

标签: xamarin f# mono stack-overflow tail-recursion

我试图从中实现这个例子 http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/posts/recursive-types-and-folds-2/

我在Xamarin 6.1.5上运行MAC OS


type Book = {title: string; price: decimal}

type ChocolateType = Dark | Milk | SeventyPercent
type Chocolate = {chocType: ChocolateType ; price: decimal}

type WrappingPaperStyle = 
    | HappyBirthday
    | HappyHolidays
    | SolidColor

type Gift =
    | Book of Book
    | Chocolate of Chocolate 
    | Wrapped of Gift * WrappingPaperStyle
    | Boxed of Gift 
    | WithACard of Gift * message:string

// A Book
let wolfHall = {title="Wolf Hall"; price=20m}
// A Chocolate
let yummyChoc = {chocType=SeventyPercent; price=5m}
// A Gift
let birthdayPresent = WithACard (Wrapped (Book wolfHall, HappyBirthday), "Happy Birthday")
// A Gift
let christmasPresent = Wrapped (Boxed (Chocolate yummyChoc), HappyHolidays)

let rec cataGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard gift :'r =
    let recurse = cataGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard
    match gift with 
    | Book book -> 
        fBook book
    | Chocolate choc -> 
        fChocolate choc
    | Wrapped (gift,style) -> 
        fWrapped (recurse gift,style)
    | Boxed gift -> 
        fBox (recurse gift)
    | WithACard (gift,message) -> 
        fCard (recurse gift,message) 

let totalCostUsingCata gift =
    let fBook (book:Book) = 
    let fChocolate (choc:Chocolate) = 
    let fWrapped  (innerCost,style) = 
        innerCost + 0.5m
    let fBox innerCost = 
        innerCost + 1.0m
    let fCard (innerCost,message) = 
        innerCost + 2.0m
    // call the catamorphism
    cataGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard gift

let deeplyNestedBox depth =
    let rec loop depth boxSoFar =
        match depth with
        | 0 -> boxSoFar 
        | n -> loop (n-1) (Boxed boxSoFar)
    loop depth (Book wolfHall)

let rec totalCostUsingAcc costSoFar gift =
    match gift with 
    | Book book -> 
        costSoFar + book.price  // final result
    | Chocolate choc -> 
        costSoFar + choc.price  // final result
    | Wrapped (innerGift,style) -> 
        let newCostSoFar = costSoFar + 0.5m
        totalCostUsingAcc newCostSoFar innerGift 
    | Boxed innerGift -> 
        let newCostSoFar = costSoFar + 1.0m
        totalCostUsingAcc newCostSoFar innerGift 
    | WithACard (innerGift,message) -> 
        let newCostSoFar = costSoFar + 2.0m
        totalCostUsingAcc newCostSoFar innerGift 

let rec foldGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard acc gift :'r =
    let recurse = foldGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard 
    match gift with 
    | Book book -> 
        let finalAcc = fBook acc book
        finalAcc     // final result
    | Chocolate choc -> 
        let finalAcc = fChocolate acc choc
        finalAcc     // final result
    | Wrapped (innerGift,style) -> 
        let newAcc = fWrapped acc style
        recurse newAcc innerGift 
    | Boxed innerGift -> 
        let newAcc = fBox acc 
        recurse newAcc innerGift 
    | WithACard (innerGift,message) -> 
        let newAcc = fCard acc message 
        recurse newAcc innerGift

let totalCostUsingFold gift =  

    let fBook costSoFar (book:Book) = 
        costSoFar + book.price
    let fChocolate costSoFar (choc:Chocolate) = 
        costSoFar + choc.price
    let fWrapped costSoFar style = 
        costSoFar + 0.5m
    let fBox costSoFar = 
        costSoFar + 1.0m
    let fCard costSoFar message = 
        costSoFar + 2.0m

    // initial accumulator
    let initialAcc = 0m

    // call the fold
    foldGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard initialAcc gift 

let main args =

       printfn "Arguments passed to function : %A" args
       let a = deeplyNestedBox 100000

       let res2= a |> totalCostUsingFold 

       // printfn "res2 = %A" res2

在我看来这是尾递归,(就像在网页上说的那样) 但我确实在运行时出现了stackoverflow错误



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let rec cataGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard gift :'r =
    let recurse = cataGift fBook fChocolate fWrapped fBox fCard
    match gift with 
    | Book book -> 
        fBook book
    | Chocolate choc -> 
        fChocolate choc
    | Wrapped (gift,style) -> 
        fWrapped (recurse gift,style)
    | Boxed gift -> 
        fBox (recurse gift)
    | WithACard (gift,message) -> 
        fCard (recurse gift,message) 

在最后三种情况下,您正在调用recurse gift这是一个递归调用,然后您将结果传递给另一个函数,如fCardfBox


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