Score Score.1 Score.2 Score.3 Score.4 Score.5 Score.6 Score.7 Score.8 Score.9 ... Score.31 Score.32 Score.33 Score.34 Score.35 Score.36 Score.37 Score.38 Score.39 e
A 0.826087 0.521739 0.565217 0.478261 0.652174 0.913043 0.347826 0.869565 0.478261 0.260870 ... 0.869565 0.434783 0.652174 0.739130 0.956522 0.652174 0.521739 0.739130 0.869565 0.616304
B 0.814815 0.592593 0.740741 0.592593 0.777778 0.962963 0.259259 0.851852 0.555556 0.518519 ... 0.777778 0.444444 0.666667 0.925926 0.962963 0.444444 0.703704 0.703704 0.888889 0.654630
C 0.846154 0.653846 0.653846 0.653846 0.538462 1.000000 0.461538 0.884615 0.538462 0.538462 ... 0.769231 0.230769 0.807692 0.769231 0.961538 0.730769 0.615385 0.730769 0.884615 0.671154
D 0.863636 0.636364 0.727273 0.772727 0.636364 0.909091 0.363636 0.863636 0.545455 0.681818 ... 0.818182 0.318182 0.863636 0.909091 0.954545 0.818182 0.636364 0.954545 0.863636 0.705682
E 0.966667 0.566667 0.666667 0.500000 0.733333 0.900000 0.300000 0.933333 0.200000 0.366667 ... 0.766667 0.533333 0.666667 0.700000 0.933333 0.566667 0.500000 0.800000 0.866667 0.635000
F 0.962963 0.481481 0.518519 0.444444 0.518519 0.814815 0.259259 0.814815 0.518519 0.481481 ... 0.740741 0.259259 0.703704 0.703704 0.962963 0.666667 0.407407 0.777778 0.814815 0.595370
G 0.827586 0.448276 0.586207 0.689655 0.689655 0.862069 0.448276 0.827586 0.517241 0.448276 ... 0.896552 0.241379 0.862069 0.758621 0.965517 0.620690 0.551724 0.965517 0.931034 0.663793
I 0.962963 0.481481 0.814815 0.518519 0.629630 0.962963 0.370370 0.814815 0.407407 0.407407 ... 0.740741 0.259259 0.925926 0.888889 0.962963 0.518519 0.629630 0.888889 0.777778 0.662963
J 0.965517 0.586207 0.689655 0.586207 0.551724 0.758621 0.413793 0.896552 0.517241 0.379310 ... 0.827586 0.206897 0.724138 0.793103 0.965517 0.655172 0.620690 0.758621 0.931034 0.635345
K 0.892857 0.607143 0.714286 0.642857 0.571429 0.892857 0.357143 0.857143 0.392857 0.500000 ... 0.785714 0.285714 0.821429 0.857143 0.892857 0.678571 0.642857 0.928571 0.821429 0.646429
L 0.933333 0.466667 0.666667 0.700000 0.666667 0.800000 0.433333 0.733333 0.433333 0.333333 ... 0.833333 0.300000 0.766667 0.800000 1.000000 0.500000 0.533333 0.833333 0.866667 0.658333
M 1.000000 0.695652 0.652174 0.478261 0.521739 0.826087 0.260870 0.739130 0.304348 0.347826 ... 0.608696 0.347826 0.695652 0.739130 0.956522 0.434783 0.260870 0.652174 0.782609 0.603261
N 0.892857 0.500000 0.714286 0.571429 0.642857 0.928571 0.500000 0.892857 0.357143 0.464286 ... 0.928571 0.178571 0.785714 0.785714 1.000000 0.571429 0.500000 0.857143 0.892857 0.656250
O 0.913043 0.521739 0.695652 0.478261 0.652174 0.913043 0.391304 0.826087 0.478261 0.521739 ... 0.826087 0.260870 0.913043 0.739130 0.956522 0.565217 0.695652 0.782609 0.652174 0.661957
P 0.962963 0.592593 0.629630 0.555556 0.666667 0.888889 0.518519 0.925926 0.370370 0.592593 ... 0.814815 0.296296 0.814815 0.925926 0.962963 0.666667 0.592593 0.814815 0.888889 0.684259
Q 0.833333 0.433333 0.633333 0.600000 0.600000 0.866667 0.400000 0.800000 0.566667 0.500000 ... 0.866667 0.333333 0.733333 0.733333 0.966667 0.566667 0.600000 0.866667 0.833333 0.648333
R 0.956522 0.826087 0.695652 0.565217 0.608696 0.913043 0.608696 0.913043 0.782609 0.608696 ... 0.869565 0.347826 0.869565 0.913043 0.956522 0.434783 0.695652 0.913043 0.956522 0.721739
S 0.925926 0.666667 0.629630 0.518519 0.814815 0.925926 0.629630 0.851852 0.629630 0.518519 ... 0.851852 0.259259 0.851852 0.740741 1.000000 0.592593 0.666667 0.777778 0.925926 0.681481
答案 0 :(得分:0)
a.select(lambda row: (row[0] == 'a' and row[1] == 'x0') or (row[0] == 'b' and row[1] == 'x1'))
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
#creating random block
data = {'a' : np.random.randint(0, 10, size = 10),
'b' : np.random.randint(0, 10, size = 10),
'c' : np.random.randint(0, 10, size = 10),
'd' : np.random.randint(0, 10, size = 10),
'e' : np.random.randint(0, 10, size = 10)}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
#what is happening