
时间:2017-03-14 18:11:08

标签: excel vba excel-vba

我正在使用Excel 2016,我是VBA的新手。 userform initialize功能正在运行,然后停止。我想弄明白为什么。



我认为我所看到的与this other question非常相似,但我不确定,如果我尝试这样做,我也不确定在哪里粘贴我的代码。



Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()在运行时给出错误424。切换到Private Sub warehouseCheckinForm_Initialize()时,初始化函数永远不会在用户窗体填充时调用,导致窗体上的功能损坏并导致其他问题。


Public initialsInput As String
'*Initials of user scanning in stuff

Public modelSelected As String
'*Model selected for scanning

Public numItemsModel As Integer
'*Keep track of how many of the selected model are available to check in to the warehouse

Public searchBOMRange As Range
'*Range for search operations

Private Sub ModelComboBox_Change()
   modelSelected = ModelComboBox.Value
   numItemsModel = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(searchBOMRange, modelSelected)
   numItemsModelLabel.Caption = numItemsModel

End Sub

Private Sub setInitialsButton_Click()

    If Len(InitialsTextBox.Value) = 2 Then
        initialsInput = InitialsTextBox.Value
    ElseIf Len(InitialsTextBox.Value) < 2 Then
        MsgBox "Enter in 2 letters for your initials"
        MsgBox "You entered in too much data!"
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    '*Start with empty inputs
    numItemsModel = 0
    searchBOMRange = Sheets("BOM").Range("C11:C2000")
    modelSelected = ""
    initialsInput = ""

    InitialsTextBox.Value = ""
    numItemsModelLabel.Caption = numItemsModel

    '*Fill the Combo Boxes

    Dim oDictionary As Object
    Dim cellContentModel As String
    Dim rngComboValues As Range
    Dim rngCell As Range

    Set rngComboValues = Sheets("BOM").Range("C11:C2000")
        '*The first ~2000 items because there probably won't be BOMs bigger than that.  Test case was <1000
        '*Doing C:C took 5+ seconds to load the window
    Set oDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    For Each rngCell In rngComboValues
        cellContentModel = rngCell.Value
        If Not oDictionary.exists(cellContentModel) Then
            oDictionary.Add cellContentModel, 0
        End If
    Next rngCell

    For Each itm In oDictionary.keys
        Me.ModelComboBox.AddItem itm
    Next itm

    Set oDictionary = Nothing

        'For Each cell In Sheets("BOM").Range("B:B")
    '    If cell.Value <> "" Then
    '        MakeComboBox.AddItem cell.Value
    '    End If
    'Next cell

End Sub

Private Sub warehouseScanButton_Click()

    For Each modelSelected In searchBOMRange

        If Len(initialsInput) < 2 Then
            MsgBox "Enter your initials first!"
        ElseIf Len(modelSelected) < 1 Then
            MsgBox "Select a model first!"
        ElseIf Len(initialsInput) >= 2 And Len(modelSelected) >= 1 Then
            scannedInput = InputBox("Scan a serial number, or type it in and mash the ENTER key")
            If scannedInput = "NA" Or scannedInput = "N/A" Then
                MsgBox "You can't search for 'not applicable', it doesn't apply!"
            End If
        End If

        '//Searches for empty serial number cell
        '// Model is in C, serial is in O (letter)
        '//offset is row, column; down is positive, right is positive

        Set matchedCell = modelSelected.Offset(0, 12)

        If matchedCell Is Nothing Then
            '//do stuff
            scannedInput = InputBox("Scan a serial number, or type it in and mash the ENTER key")

            matchedCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = initialsInput
            matchedCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = Now '// Checked in to Warehouse
            matchedCell.Offset(0, -2).Value = Now '// "Recv'd date"
            matchedCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "W"

            numItemsModel = numItemsModel - 1

            'If Len(matchedCell.Offset(0, 4).Value) >= 2 And scannedInput <> "" Then
            '    Beep
            '    MsgBox "Serial Number " & scannedInput & " is already checked in to The Lab!"
            'ElseIf Len(matchedCell.Offset(0, 4).Value) < 2 Then
            '    matchedCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = initialsInput
            '    matchedCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = Now
            '    matchedCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "L"
        End If

        If Not matchedCell Is Nothing Then '//If the cell has something in it
                '//MsgBox "Error! This is unpossible!"
            End If
        End If

    Next modelSelected

End Sub


Private Sub WarehouseCheckinCommandButton_Click()
    '*Brings up the form

End Sub


enter image description here

enter image description here


(编辑1在狡猾地滚动)好的,所以听起来我需要将初始化函数保留为Userform_Initialize。这是我点击命令按钮run time error 91 object variable or With block variable not set时得到的,我可以选择调试。如果我调试,我得到这个:

enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

很抱歉给自己解释不好。看起来你试图用“Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()”做很多事情。我建议可能把它分开。例如下面。希望有所帮助。我添加了关于使用错误处理程序的注释,以帮助找出从中获取错误的循环。

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

'*Start with empty inputs
numItemsModel = 0
searchBOMRange = Sheets("BOM").Range("C11:C2000")
modelSelected = ""
initialsInput = ""

InitialsTextBox.Value = ""
numItemsModelLabel.Caption = numItemsModel

'*Fill the Combo Boxes
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim oDictionary As Object
Dim cellContentModel As String
Dim rngComboValues As Range
Dim rngCell As Range

Set rngComboValues = Sheets("BOM").Range("C11:C2000")
    '*The first ~2000 items because there probably won't be BOMs bigger than that.  Test case was <1000
    '*Doing C:C took 5+ seconds to load the window
Set oDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

'On error resume next ' Turn these on to single out with loop is giving the error
For Each rngCell In rngComboValues
    cellContentModel = rngCell.Value
    If Not oDictionary.exists(cellContentModel) Then
        oDictionary.Add cellContentModel, 0
    End If
Next rngCell
'On error goto 0 ' this resets the your error

'On error resume next ' Turn these on to single out with loop is giving the error
For Each itm In oDictionary.keys
    Me.ModelComboBox.AddItem itm
Next itm
'On error goto 0 ' this resets the your error

Set oDictionary = Nothing

    'For Each cell In Sheets("BOM").Range("B:B")
'    If cell.Value <> "" Then
'        MakeComboBox.AddItem cell.Value
'    End If
'Next cell

End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)



searchBOMRange = Sheets("BOM").Range("C11:C2000")


Set searchBOMRange = Sheets("BOM").Range("C11:C2000")
