package objects;
* Charge is an object used to represent an arbitrarily charged particle in some
* XY-plane. This class will store the value of the charge, the XY-coordinates
* of that charge's location, and functions to access these values.
* @author Seth
public class Charge {
private double q; // the charge of the particle in Coulombs
private double x; // the location along the x-axis of the charge
private double y; // the location along the y-axis of the charge
public Charge(double x, double y, double q) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.q = q;
* public method to get q
* @return
* double - value of the Charge object
public double getQ() {
if (this != null)
return q;
return 0;
* public method to get x
* @return
* double - value of the x coordinate
public double getX() {
if (this != null)
return x;
return 0;
* public method to get y
* @return
* double - value of the y coordinate
public double getY() {
if (this != null)
return y;
return 0;
package objects;
* ElectricForceCalculator is a class that has the ability to solve the net
* force between two charged particles in a xy-plane
* @author Seth
public class ElectricForceCalculator {
* Private method used to find the force between two charges
* @param Q
* Charge - The charged we are focused on
* @param q
* Charge - The second charge effecting Q
* @return double array - the force vectors found where i = 0 is the x
* direction and i = 1 is the y direction
private double[] calcForceHelper(Charge Q, Charge q) {
double radius, quanOfCharge;
double[] radiusVector = new double[2], forceVector = new double[2];
double x1 = Q.getX(), y1 = Q.getY();
double x2 = q.getX(), y2 = q.getY();
double q1 = Q.getQ(), q2 = q.getQ();
System.out.print("Calculating radius of Q and q...\n\t");
radius = calcRadius(x1, x2, y1, y2);
System.out.print("Calculating radiusVector of Q and q...\n\t");
radiusVector = calcRadiusVector(x1, x2, y1, y2, radius);
System.out.print("Calculating quantityOfCharge of Q and q...\n\t");
quanOfCharge = calcCharge(q1, q2, radius);
System.out.print("Calculating Force Vector of Q and q...\n\t");
forceVector = calcForceVector(radius, radiusVector, quanOfCharge);
return forceVector;
* Public method used to find the overall net force of a system of charged
* particles
* @param Q
* Charge - the Charge object we are focused on
* @param q
* Charge array - the list of all the other Charge object
* effecting Q
* @param numCharges
* int - the number of indices found in the list of Charge
* objects q
* @return double - value of the net force experienced by Charge object Q
public double calcForce(Charge Q, Charge[] q, int numCharges) {
double result;
double[] sum = { 0.0, 0.0 }, tempSum = new double[2];
for (int i = 0; i < numCharges - 1; i++) {
tempSum = calcForceHelper(Q, q[i]); // Help with readability to call
// method helper
fixSigns(Q, q[i], tempSum);
sum[0] += tempSum[0];
sum[1] += tempSum[1];
System.out.println("\nOverall force Vector on Q = (" + sum[0] + ")x + (" + sum[1] + ")y.");
result = Math.pow(sum[0], 2) + Math.pow(sum[1], 2);
result = Math.sqrt(result);
double theta = calcTheta(sum);
System.out.print("Force on charge Q by all other charges = " + result + " at ");
if (sum[1] > 0) {
if (sum[0] > 0)
System.out.print((float) Math.round(90 - theta) + " degrees.");
System.out.print((float) Math.round(180 - theta) + " degrees.");
} else {
if (sum[0] > 0)
System.out.print((float) Math.round(180 + theta) + " degrees.");
System.out.print((float) Math.round(270 + theta) + " degrees.");
return result;
* Method used to assign negative values to any forces that should be
* negative
* @param Q
* Charge - the charge we are focused on
* @param q
* charge - the charge effecting Q
* @param tempSum
* the force vectors we are fixing, if needed
private void fixSigns(Charge Q, Charge q, double[] tempSum) {
if (Q.getQ() < 0 && q.getQ() < 0) {
if (q.getX() > Q.getX())
tempSum[0] *= -1;
if (q.getY() > Q.getY())
tempSum[1] *= -1;
} else if (Q.getQ() > 0 && q.getQ() > 0) {
if (q.getX() > Q.getX())
tempSum[0] *= -1;
if (q.getY() > Q.getY())
tempSum[1] *= -1;
} else {
if (q.getX() < Q.getX())
tempSum[0] *= -1;
if (q.getY() < Q.getY())
tempSum[1] *= -1;
* Private method used to calculate the angle Theta between two vectors
* @param forceVector
* double array - the force vectors we are finding the angle
* between
* @return double - the angle between the two force vectors given
private double calcTheta(double[] vectors) {
double result = Math.abs(vectors[1]) / Math.abs(vectors[0]);// finds
// angle
// between 0
// and 90
result = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(result));
return result;
* Private method used to calculate the force vectors experienced by a
* charged particle
* @param radius
* double - distance between two charges
* @param radiusVector
* double array - the radius vectors between two charges
* @param quanOfCharge
* double - the quantity of charge given by k(coulomb's constant)
* * charge of Q * charge of q
* @return double array - the force vectors experienced by two charges
private double[] calcForceVector(double radius, double[] radiusVector, double quanOfCharge) {
double[] result = new double[2];
double theta = calcTheta(radiusVector), magnitude = quanOfCharge;
result[0] = magnitude * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta));
result[1] = magnitude * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta));
System.out.print("Force Vector = (" + result[0] + ")x + (" + result[1] + ")y.\n");
return result;
* private method used to calculate the quantity of charge between two
* charged particles(k * charge of Q * charge of q)
* @param Q
* double - the charge in Coulombs of the Charge object Q
* @param q
* double - the charge in Coulombs of the Charge object q
* @return double - the quantity of charge
private double calcCharge(double Q, double q, double d) {
double result;
result = (((Q * q) / (d * d)) * 9E9);
result = Math.abs(result);
System.out.print("Quantity of charge(Q*q*k) = " + result + "\n");
return result;
* Private method used to calculate the radius vector between two points on
* a xy-plane
* @param x1
* double - x coordinate of the Charge object Q
* @param x2
* double - y coordinate of the Charge object q
* @param y1
* double - x coordinate of the Charge object Q
* @param y2
* double - y coordinate of the Charge object q
* @param radius
* double - distance between the two points
* @return double array - the distance vectors between two charges
private static double[] calcRadiusVector(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double radius) {
double[] result = new double[2];
result[0] = (x2 - x1) / radius;
result[1] = (y2 - y1) / radius;
result[0] = Math.abs(result[0]);
result[1] = Math.abs(result[1]);
System.out.print("Radius vector = (" + result[0] + ")x + (" + result[1] + ")y\n");
return result;
* Private method used to calculate the distance between two points on a
* xy-plane using the distance formula or [(x2-x1)+(y2-y1]^(1/2)
* @param x1
* double - x coordinate of the Charge object Q
* @param x2
* double - y coordinate of the Charge object q
* @param y1
* double - x coordinate of the Charge object Q
* @param y2
* double - y coordinate of the Charge object q
* @return double - distance between the two points given
private double calcRadius(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2) {
double distance = Math.pow((x2 - x1), 2) + Math.pow((y2 - y1), 2);
distance = Math.sqrt(distance);
System.out.print("Radius = " + distance + "\n");
return distance;
* Main
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Charge Q = new Charge(-.02, .015, -4E-6);
Charge[] q = new Charge[2];
q[0] = new Charge(.035, .005, 3E-6);
q[1] = new Charge(-.0837, .0262, 4E-6);
ElectricForceCalculator calc = new ElectricForceCalculator();
calc.calcForce(Q, q, 3);
charge Q is -4.0E-6 C at (x,y) = (-0.02, 0.015).
charge q1 is 3.0E-6 C at (x,y) = (0.035, 0.005).
charge q1 is 4.0E-6 C at (x,y) = (-0.0837, 0.0262).
Calculating radius of Q and q...
Radius = 0.05590169943749475
Calculating radiusVector of Q and q...
Radius vector = (0.9838699100999075)x + (0.17888543819998312)y
Calculating quantityOfCharge of Q and q...
Quantity of charge(Q*q*k) = 34.559999999999995
Calculating Force Vector of Q and q...
Force Vector = (34.0025440930528)x + (6.182280744191415)y.
Calculating radius of Q and q...
Radius = 0.06467712114805357
Calculating radiusVector of Q and q...
Radius vector = (0.984892321570454)x + (0.17316788071568426)y
Calculating quantityOfCharge of Q and q...
Quantity of charge(Q*q*k) = 34.4239839545986
Calculating Force Vector of Q and q...
Force Vector = (33.903917474748674)x + (5.96112834720856)y.
Overall force Vector on Q = (0.09862661830412378)x + (-0.2211523969828546)y.
Force on charge Q by all other charges = 0.24214787327038295