我使用过线程 Call Python function from MATLAB 并在Matlab中成功实现了它。
# Hopcroft-Karp bipartite max-cardinality matching and max independent set
# David Eppstein, UC Irvine, 27 Apr 2002
#import sys
def bipartiteMatch(graph):
'''Find maximum cardinality matching of a bipartite graph (U,V,E).
The input format is a dictionary mapping members of U to a list
of their neighbors in V. The output is a triple (M,A,B) where M is a
dictionary mapping members of V to their matches in U, A is the part
of the maximum independent set in U, and B is the part of the MIS in V.
The same object may occur in both U and V, and is treated as two
distinct vertices if this happens.'''
# initialize greedy matching (redundant, but faster than full search)
matching = {}
for u in graph:
for v in graph[u]:
if v not in matching:
matching[v] = u
while 1:
# structure residual graph into layers
# pred[u] gives the neighbor in the previous layer for u in U
# preds[v] gives a list of neighbors in the previous layer for v in V
# unmatched gives a list of unmatched vertices in final layer of V,
# and is also used as a flag value for pred[u] when u is in the first layer
preds = {}
unmatched = []
pred = dict([(u,unmatched) for u in graph])
for v in matching:
del pred[matching[v]]
layer = list(pred)
# repeatedly extend layering structure by another pair of layers
while layer and not unmatched:
newLayer = {}
for u in layer:
for v in graph[u]:
if v not in preds:
layer = []
for v in newLayer:
preds[v] = newLayer[v]
if v in matching:
pred[matching[v]] = v
# did we finish layering without finding any alternating paths?
if not unmatched:
unlayered = {}
for u in graph:
for v in graph[u]:
if v not in preds:
unlayered[v] = None
return (matching,list(pred),list(unlayered))
# recursively search backward through layers to find alternating paths
# recursion returns true if found path, false otherwise
def recurse(v):
if v in preds:
L = preds[v]
del preds[v]
for u in L:
if u in pred:
pu = pred[u]
del pred[u]
if pu is unmatched or recurse(pu):
matching[v] = u
return 1
return 0
for v in unmatched: recurse(v)
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