
时间:2017-03-14 13:22:45

标签: python pip cygwin pyodbc

我在Windows 10下运行Cygwin并尝试安装pyodbc时 我一直在寻找类似的问题多个小时,但找不到对我有用的东西。据我所知,有一些confilicting数据类型声明,但我不知道该怎么做 任何帮助将不胜感激。感谢任何花时间帮助我的人!

$cd=[];  // declare array
$i=-1;  // set outer index

    if(preg_match('/^\(Cd\)\s(.+)/',$row,$match)){  // capture Cd numbers
        ++$i;  // increment outer_index
        $j=-1;  // reset inner_index
        $id=$match[1];  // store cd value
    }elseif(preg_match('/^(\(..\)\s.*)/',$row,$match)){  // capture Cd data
        ++$j;  // this is a new innerarray element, increment its index
        $cd[$i][$id][$j]=$match[1];  // push element into array
        If (substr($row, 0, 5) == '(Co) ') {   

    }elseif(isset($id)){  // ignore all file header content
            If (($row_previous == true)and ($row_ob !== true)){   
            ++$j; //increment its index to insert variable value created for the additional lines
            $row="(Ob) ". (trim($row)); //create pre value variable
            $cd[$i][$id][$j].="$row ";  // concatenate to last element to new
        $cd[$i][$id][$j].=" $row";  // concatenate to last element
echo "<pre>";
var_export($cd);  // display in true nested form
echo "</pre>";

foreach($cd as $outer_index=>$cdarrays){
    foreach($cdarrays as $id=>$innerarrays){
        foreach($innerarrays as $inner_index=>$line){
            echo "$outer_index : $id : $inner_index = $line<br>";  // display keys & values by row

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