Arduino / ESP8266使用中断采样

时间:2017-03-14 10:09:36

标签: arduino interrupt esp8266 nodemcu


startTime = micros();
while (digitalRead(capPos) == HIGH) {
  delayMicroseconds (1);
endTime = micros();


startTime = micros();
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(capPos), dischargeInterrupt, FALLING);

void dischargeInterrupt() {

endTime = micros();



所以必须做的事情: - loop()来电getEC()

  • getEC()需要100个样本:

    • 给盖子充电,设置放电引脚,设置中断以测量放电时间。

    • 中断到来,测量时间。执行负上限循环并完成一轮抽样。



//  capacitor based TDS measurement

// pin D5 C+ - 330 ohm resistor----------|------------|       
//                                       |            |
//                                        cap        EC probe or
//                                       |           resistor (for simulation)
// pin D6 C- ----------------------------|            |
//                                                    |
// pin A0 EC -----------------------------------------|

#include <Average.h>

int capPos = D5;  //C+
int capNeg = D6;  //C-
int EC = D7;      //EC

float CAP = 47; // capacity in nF
#define calibration 150 // a calibration factor to link time with EC.

void setup() {

void loop () {
  float EC = getEC(); // get the EC as mS/cm.
  Serial.println (", EC: " + String(EC) + " mS/cm");

float getEC() {

  int samples = 100;              // number of EC samples to take and average.
  unsigned long startTime;        // the time stamp (in microseconds) the measurement starts.
  unsigned long endTime;          // the time stamp (in microseconds) the measurement is finished.
  unsigned int dischargeTime;    // the time it took for the capacitor to discharge.
  Average<unsigned int> discharge(samples); // Take measurements on both the positive and negative cycles.
  unsigned int chargeDelay = 500;         // The time (in microseconds) given to the cap to fully charge/discharge - about 10x RC is a good value.

  int startLevel; // analog level of the pin.
  int endLevel;
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);

  for(int i=0; i<samples; i++) { // take <samples> measurements of the EC.

    // Stage 1: fully charge capacitor for positive cycle.
    // C+ high, C- low, EC disconnected.
    pinMode (EC, INPUT);
    pinMode (capPos,OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite (capPos, HIGH);
    pinMode (capNeg, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite (capNeg, LOW);

    // Stage 2: positive side discharge; measure time it takes.
    // C+ disconnected, C- low, EC low.
    pinMode (capPos,INPUT); //set C+ to input to keep voltage from grounding a discharging thru this output pin
    pinMode (EC, OUTPUT); 
    digitalWrite (EC, LOW);

    // Measure time until capPos goes LOW. Can't use pulseIn() here as the pin will be high already.
    startTime = micros();
    while (digitalRead(capPos) == HIGH) {
      delayMicroseconds (1);
    endTime = micros();

    // handle potential overflow of micros() just as we measure, this happens every 70 minutes.
    if (endTime < startTime) dischargeTime = 4294967295 - startTime + endTime;
    else dischargeTime = endTime - startTime;

    // Stage 3: fully charge capacitor for negative cycle. C+ low, C- high, EC disconnected.
    pinMode (EC, INPUT); 
    pinMode (capPos,OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite (capPos, LOW);
    pinMode (capNeg, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite (capNeg, HIGH);

    // Stage 4: negative side charge; don't measure as we just want to balance it the directions.
    // C+ disconnected, C- low, EC low.
    pinMode (capPos,INPUT); //set C+ to input to keep voltage from grounding a discharging thru this output pin
    pinMode (EC, OUTPUT); 
    digitalWrite (EC, HIGH);

  float dischargeAverage = discharge.mean();
  Serial.print("Discharge time: ");

  // Calculate EC from the discharge time.

  return dischargeAverage;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


对于时间分辨率:通过使用计算处理器周期的ESP.getCycleCount(),可以在我的80 MHz NodeMCU板上获得更精确的时间,每个周期为12.5 ns或每微秒80个周期。我应该在第一部分中提到过。




// pin D5 C+ - 330 ohm resistor----------|------------|       
//                                       |            |
//                                        cap        EC probe or
//                                       |           resistor (for simulation)
// pin D6 C- ----------------------------|            |
//                                                    |
// pin A0 EC -----------------------------------------|

#include <Average.h>

int capPos = D5;  //C+
int capNeg = D6;  //C-
int EC = D7;      //EC
unsigned long startCycle;
unsigned long endCycle;
#define CYCLETIME 12.5 // the time it takes in nanoseconds to complete one CPU cycle (12.5 ns on a 80 MHz processor)

float CAP = 47; // capacity in nF
#define calibration 150 // a calibration factor to link time with EC.

void setup() {

void loop () {
  float EC = getEC(); // get the EC as mS/cm.
  Serial.println (", EC: " + String(EC) + " mS/cm");

float getEC() {

  int samples = 100;              // number of EC samples to take and average.
  unsigned long startTime;        // the time stamp (in microseconds) the measurement starts.
  unsigned long endTime;          // the time stamp (in microseconds) the measurement is finished.
  unsigned int dischargeTime;    // the time it took for the capacitor to discharge.
  Average<unsigned int> discharge(samples); // The sampling results.
  unsigned int chargeDelay = 500;         // The time (in microseconds) given to the cap to fully charge/discharge - about 10x RC is a good value.
  unsigned int timeout = 1;  // discharge timeout in milliseconds - if not triggered within this time, the EC probe is probably not there.

  int startLevel; // analog level of the pin.
  int endLevel;
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);

  for(int i=0; i<samples; i++) { // take <samples> measurements of the EC.

    // Stage 1: fully charge capacitor for positive cycle.
    // C+ high, C- low, EC disconnected.
    pinMode (EC, INPUT);
    pinMode (capPos,OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite (capPos, HIGH);
    pinMode (capNeg, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite (capNeg, LOW);

    // Stage 2: positive side discharge; measure time it takes.
    // C+ disconnected, C- low, EC low.
    startCycle = ESP.getCycleCount();
    pinMode (capPos,INPUT); //set C+ to input to keep voltage from grounding a discharging thru this output pin
    pinMode (EC, OUTPUT); 
    digitalWrite (EC, LOW);

    // Use cycle counts and an interrupt to get a much more precise time measurement, especially for high-EC situations.
    endCycle = 0;
    startTime = millis();
    attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(capPos), capDischarged, FALLING);
    while (endCycle == 0) {
      if (millis() > (startTime + timeout)) break;
    if (endCycle == 0) dischargeTime = 0;
    else {

      // Handle potential overflow of micros() just as we measure, this happens about every 54 seconds
      // on a 80-MHz board.
      if (endCycle < startCycle) dischargeTime = (4294967295 - startCycle + endCycle) * CYCLETIME;
      else dischargeTime = (endCycle - startCycle) * CYCLETIME;

    // Stage 3: fully charge capacitor for negative cycle. C+ low, C- high, EC disconnected.
    pinMode (EC, INPUT); 
    pinMode (capPos,OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite (capPos, LOW);
    pinMode (capNeg, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite (capNeg, HIGH);

    // Stage 4: negative side charge; don't measure as we just want to balance it the directions.
    // C+ disconnected, C- high, EC high.
    pinMode (capPos,INPUT); //set C+ to input to keep voltage from grounding a discharging thru this output pin
    pinMode (EC, OUTPUT); 
    digitalWrite (EC, HIGH);

  float dischargeAverage = discharge.mean();
  Serial.print("Discharge time: ");

  // Calculate EC from the discharge time.

  return dischargeAverage;

// Upon interrupt: register the cycle count of when the cap has discharged.
void capDischarged() {
  endCycle = ESP.getCycleCount();