如何在play framework 2.4.x中修改java play i18n lang?

时间:2017-03-14 03:50:03

标签: java playframework internationalization

我正在开发一个java play framework 2.4.x项目。


play.i18n.langs = [ "en-US", "th-TH"]

在我使用play framework 1.2.x中的以下代码之前

application.langs = us_en,th_th

我想要的是让它在Play框架2.4.x中工作,如果langs采用这种格式" us_en,th_th "。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



class HomeController @Inject()(val messagesApi: MessagesApi) extends Controller with I18nSupport{
  lazy val langCookieName = messagesApi.langCookieName
  lazy val defaultLang = "en-US"

  def index = Action { request => {
    // Read the cookie
    val langCookie = request.cookies.get(langCookieName)

    // Detect the old cookie

      // Fix it, "us_en,th_th"  =>  "en-us", "th-th"
      val langCookieFixed = langCookie.map(_.value.replace("_", "-")).getOrElse(defaultLang)

      // implicit here to put language in the context, so template take it in the current request
      implicit val lang = Lang(langCookieFixed)

      // Draw request and change the cookie to fixed version
      Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready.")).withLang(lang)
      Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))


class HomeController @Inject()(val messagesApi: MessagesApi) 
  extends Controller with I18nSupport with Play1Actions {

  def index = Play1LanguageAction { request => {
     Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))

// Trait here is for injection of MessagesApi
trait Play1Actions {

  // We need MessagesApi for getting language cookie name
  def messagesApi: MessagesApi

  lazy val langCookieName = messagesApi.langCookieName
  lazy val defaultLang = "en-US"

  // Action composition
  object Play1LanguageAction extends ActionBuilder[Request] {

    def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: (Request[A]) => Future[Result]) = {

      // Override request with the new, fixed acceprted languages
      val play1Request = new WrappedRequest[A](request) {

        // Read the cookie
        val langCookie = request.cookies.get(langCookieName)

        // Fix it, "us_en,th_th"  =>  "en-us", "th-th"
        val langCookieFixed = langCookie.map(_.value.replace("_", "-")).getOrElse(defaultLang)
        val lang = Lang(langCookieFixed)

        // Override default accepted languages
        override lazy val acceptLanguages = Seq(lang)

      // Do the next action with the owerrided request

您也可以重写i18n模块,因此它可以与" us_en,th_th" "本地",但它还有更多工作要做。这是最初的实现:
