使用SQL Server CTE获取总计下线记录

时间:2017-03-14 02:14:36

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2016


  • 所有员工销售均为主管销售。
  • 所有主管销售均为经理的销售。
  • 所有经理销售均为负责人。


ID   Name     Role            Level      Reportingto     Sales
1    Joe      Head              1          NULL           0
2    Smith    Manager           2           1             0
3    Mike     Supervisor        3           2             0
4    Mitch    Staff             4           3             10
5    Jen      Staff             4           3             20
6    Ian      Manager           2           1             0
7    Jess     Supervisor        3           6             0
8    Rocky    Staff             4           7             5
9    Jessica  Supervisor        3           6             0
10   Rolly    Staff             4           9             3


ID   Name     Role            Level      Reportingto     Sales
1    Joe      Head              1          NULL           38
2    Smith    Manager           2           1             30
3    Mike     Supervisor        3           2             30
4    Mitch    Staff             4           3             10
5    Jen      Staff             4           3             20
6    Ian      Manager           2           1             8
7    Jess     Supervisor        3           6             5
8    Rocky    Staff             4           7             5
9    Jessica  Supervisor        3           6             3
10   Rolly    Staff             4           9             3

我正在使用SQL Server 2016

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以使用outer apply

select t1.id,t1.name,t1.role,t1.level,t1.reportingto,coalesce(t2.sales,t1.sales) as val
from t t1
outer apply (select sum(sales) as sales
             from t t2 
             where t1.id<=t2.id and t1.level<t2.level) t2

答案 1 :(得分:0)


;with cte as (SELECT [ID], [Name], [Role], [Level], [Reportingto], [Sales], Sales as Sum_Sales
              FROM #Table1 
              WHERE [Role] = 'Staff'
              UNION ALL
              SELECT a.[ID], a.[Name], a.[Role], a.[Level], a.[Reportingto], a.[Sales], a.Sales + b.Sum_Sales AS Sum_Sales
              FROM #Table1 a
              JOIN cte b
                 ON b.Reportingto = a.ID
SELECT [ID], [Name], [Role], [Level], [Reportingto],SUM(Sum_Sales) as Sales
FROM cte
GROUP BY [ID], [Name], [Role], [Level], [Reportingto]

答案 2 :(得分:0)


               WHEN LEVEL=1 THEN
                      (SELECT sum(Sales)
                       FROM KTemp x
                       WHERE x.Level IN (1,
                                         4) )
               WHEN LEVEL=2 THEN
                      (SELECT sum(Sales)
                       FROM KTemp x
                       WHERE x.Level IN (2,
                                         4) )
               WHEN LEVEL=3 THEN
                      (SELECT sum(Sales)
                       FROM KTemp x
                       WHERE x.Level IN (3,
                                         4) )
               WHEN LEVEL=4 THEN
                      (SELECT sum(Sales)
                       FROM KTemp x
                       WHERE x.Level IN (4) )
           END AS [Up-line Sales]
    FROM KTemp

答案 3 :(得分:0)

Declare @YourTable table (ID int,Name varchar(25),Role varchar(25),Level int,Reportingto int,Sales int)
Insert into @YourTable values 
(1    ,'Joe'      ,'Head'              ,1           ,NULL          ,0),
(2    ,'Smith'    ,'Manager'           ,2           ,1             ,0),
(3    ,'Mike'     ,'Supervisor'        ,3           ,2             ,0),
(4    ,'Mitch'    ,'Staff'             ,4           ,3             ,10),
(5    ,'Jen'      ,'Staff'             ,4           ,3             ,20),
(6    ,'Ian'      ,'Manager'           ,2           ,1             ,0),
(7    ,'Jess'     ,'Supervisor'        ,3           ,6             ,0),
(8    ,'Rocky'    ,'Staff'             ,4           ,7             ,5),
(9    ,'Jessica'  ,'Supervisor'        ,3           ,6             ,0),
(10   ,'Rolly'    ,'Staff'             ,4           ,9             ,3)

Declare @Top int = null --<<  Sets top of Hier Try 6

;with cteP as (
      Select Seq  = cast(10000+Row_Number() over (Order by Name) as varchar(500))
      From   @YourTable 
      Where  IsNull(@Top,-1) = case when @Top is null then isnull(Reportingto ,-1) else ID end
      Union  All
      Select Seq  = cast(concat(p.Seq,'.',10000+Row_Number() over (Order by r.Name)) as varchar(500))
      From   @YourTable r
      Join   cteP p on r.Reportingto  = p.ID)
Select A.ID
      ,Sales  = (Select sum(Sales) from cteP where  Seq Like A.Seq+'%')
    From cteP A
    Order By A.Seq


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