我正在尝试在Angular 2中的路线之间制作动画,我遇到了与Angular 1中相同的问题。我希望路由器组件之间的动画顺序发生,因此正在进入的组件等待直到离开组件在添加到DOM并开始输入动画之前已经完成了它的离开动画。默认情况下,Angular 2中的路径动画同步发生,如下所示
RouteComponent 1: Enter animation
Move to a new route
RouteComponent 2 Element added to the DOM && RouteComponent 2: Enter animation && RouteComponent 1: Leave animation
RouteComponent 1 Element removed from DOM
RouteComponent 1: Enter animation
Move to a new route
RouteComponent 1: Leave animation
RouteComponent 1 Element removed from DOM
RouteComponent 2 Element added to the DOM
RouteComponent 2: Enter animation