addtable2plotWithRECT <- function(x, y = NULL, table, lwd = par("lwd"), bty = "n", bg = par("bg"),
cex = 1, xjust = 0, yjust = 1, xpad = 0.1, ypad = 0.5, box.col = par("fg"),
text.col = par("fg"), display.colnames = TRUE, display.rownames = FALSE,
hlines = FALSE, vlines = FALSE, title = NULL)
if (dev.cur() == 1)
stop("Cannot add table unless a graphics device is open")
if (is.null(y)) {
if (is.character(x)) {
tablepos <- get.tablepos(x)
x <- tablepos$x
y <- tablepos$y
xjust <- tablepos$xjust
yjust <- tablepos$yjust
else {
if (is.null(x$y))
stop("both x and y coordinates must be given")
y <- x$y
x <- x$x
droptop <- ifelse(any(c("topleft", "top", "topright") %in%
x), 1, 0)
tabdim <- dim(table)
if (tabdim[1] == 1)
hlines <- FALSE
if (tabdim[2] == 1)
vlines <- FALSE
if (is.null(dim(bg)))
bg <- matrix(bg, nrow = tabdim[1], ncol = tabdim[2])
column.names <- colnames(table)
if (is.null(column.names) && display.colnames)
column.names <- 1:tabdim[2]
row.names <- rownames(table)
if (is.null(row.names) && display.rownames)
row.names <- 1:tabdim[1]
if (par("xlog"))
x <- log10(x)
cellwidth <- rep(0, tabdim[2])
if (display.colnames) {
for (column in 1:tabdim[2]) cellwidth[column] <- max(strwidth(c(column.names[column],
format(table[, column])), cex = cex)) * (1 + xpad)
nvcells <- tabdim[1] + 1
else {
nvcells <- tabdim[1]
for (column in 1:tabdim[2]) cellwidth[column] <- max(strwidth(format(table[,
column]), cex = cex)) * (1 + xpad)
if (display.rownames) {
nhcells <- tabdim[2] + 1
rowname.width <- max(strwidth(row.names, cex = cex)) *
(1 + xpad)
else {
nhcells <- tabdim[2]
rowname.width <- 0
if (par("ylog"))
y <- log10(y)
cellheight <- max(strheight(c(column.names, row.names, as.vector(unlist(table))),
cex = cex)) * (1 + ypad)
if (!is.null(title) & droptop)
y <- y - cellheight
ytop <- y + yjust * nvcells * cellheight
oldpar <- par(xlog = FALSE, ylog = FALSE, xpd = TRUE)
if (display.colnames) {
xleft <- x + display.rownames * rowname.width - xjust *
(sum(cellwidth) + rowname.width)
for (column in 1:tabdim[2]) {
# *** HERE ***
rect(xleft, ytop-cellheight,xleft + cellwidth[column],ytop,
col=bg, border=NA)
text(xleft + cellwidth[column] * 0.5, ytop - 0.5 *
cellheight, column.names[column], cex = cex,
col = text.col)
xleft <- xleft + cellwidth[column]
for (row in 1:tabdim[1]) {
xleft <- x - xjust * (sum(cellwidth) + rowname.width)
if (display.rownames) {
# *** HERE ***
rect(xleft, ytop - (row + display.colnames) * cellheight,
xleft + rowname.width, ytop - (row) * cellheight,
col=bg, border=NA)
text(xleft + 0.5 * rowname.width, ytop - (row + display.colnames -
0.5) * cellheight, row.names[row], cex = cex,
col = text.col)
xleft <- xleft + rowname.width
for (column in 1:tabdim[2]) {
rect(xleft, ytop - (row + display.colnames - 1) *
cellheight, xleft + cellwidth[column], ytop -
(row + display.colnames) * cellheight, col = bg[row,
column], border = bg[row, column])
text(xleft + 0.5 * cellwidth[column], ytop - (row +
display.colnames - 0.5) * cellheight, table[row,
column], cex = cex, col = text.col)
xleft <- xleft + cellwidth[column]
if (vlines) {
xleft <- x + display.rownames * rowname.width - xjust *
(sum(cellwidth) + rowname.width)
segments(xleft + cumsum(cellwidth[-tabdim[2]]), ytop -
display.colnames * cellheight, xleft + cumsum(cellwidth[-tabdim[2]]),
ytop - (display.colnames + tabdim[1]) * cellheight)
if (hlines) {
xleft <- x + display.rownames * rowname.width - xjust *
(sum(cellwidth) + rowname.width)
segments(xleft, ytop - display.colnames * cellheight -
cumsum(rep(cellheight, tabdim[1] - 1)), xleft + sum(cellwidth),
ytop - display.colnames * cellheight - cumsum(rep(cellheight,
tabdim[1] - 1)))
if (!is.null(title)) {
xleft <- x - xjust * (sum(cellwidth) + rowname.width)
text(xleft + (rowname.width + sum(cellwidth))/2, ytop +
cellheight/2, title, cex = cex, col = text.col)
if (bty == "o") {
xleft <- x + display.rownames * rowname.width - xjust *
(sum(cellwidth) + rowname.width)
rect(xleft, ytop - (tabdim[1] + display.colnames) * cellheight,
xleft + sum(cellwidth), ytop - display.colnames *
MQInput Catch和Failure终端的输出指向错误处理程序的Input。消息域在主消息流的MQInput节点上设置,可以是XMLNSC,也可以不指定。
addtable2plotWithRECT(x=45, y=25,dd,bty="o",bg="white",display.rownames=T)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
你的inRef变量很可能不在XMLNSC的解析器下。 IBM Integration Bus Parser只有在域解析器表示下才能将逻辑消息转换为phisycal消息。
DECLARE blobEnvelope BLOB ASBITSTREAM(dataToBeParsed
ENCODING InputRoot.Properties.Encoding
CCSID InputRoot.Properties.CodedCharSetId
SET ''
OPTIONS FolderBitStream
DECLARE envelope CHAR CAST(blobEnvelope AS CHAR CCSID InputRoot.Properties.CodedCharSetId);
答案 1 :(得分:0)