我试图在多个网站的html源代码中找到某些关键字。我希望我的抓取工具能够找到这些关键字,无论它们是在大写字母中编写,还是在网站的html源代码中小写。要完成此操作,我已尝试在此脚本中使用#include "portaudio.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include "tinycon.h"
#define SAMPLE_RATE (44100)
#define FRAMES_PER_BUFFER (441)
#define DITHER_FLAG (1)
#define PA_SAMPLE_TYPE paFloat32
#define SAMPLE_SIZE (4)
#define SAMPLE_SILENCE (0)
#define PRINTF_S_FORMAT "%f"
double multiplier = 1.0;
double multiplierStep = 0.1;
int main(int argc, char **argv);
int xrun(PaStream *stream, int err, char* sampleBlock);
void error1(PaStream *stream, char* sampleBlock);
void error2(PaStream *stream, int err);
void listDevices();
// Use tinycon and a second thread for non blocking input
class tcon : public tinyConsole
tcon (std::string s): tinyConsole(s) {;}
int hotkeys(char c)
if (c == 's') {
if (multiplier >= (0+multiplierStep)) {
multiplier -= multiplierStep;
printf( "Multiplier: %f\n", multiplier );
return 1;
if (c == 'w') {
multiplier += multiplierStep;
printf( "Multiplier: %f\n", multiplier );
return 1;
return 0;
int inputThread() {
tcon tc (std::string(""));
void listDevices() {
int i, numDevices, defaultDisplayed;
const PaDeviceInfo *deviceInfo;
numDevices = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
printf( "Number of devices = %d\n", numDevices );
int isInputDevice = 0;
for( i=0; i<numDevices; i++ )
deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i );
int isInputDevice = (deviceInfo->maxInputChannels > 0);
printf( "%sDeviceID: %d, Name: %s\n", (isInputDevice ? "Input" : "Output"), i, deviceInfo->name);
fprintf (stderr, "Press any key to close\n");
int main (int argc, char **argv)
int c;
int inputDeviceId = -1;
int outputDeviceId = -1;
opterr = 0;
const char* helpMessage =
"-h : show this help message\n"
"-i <int> : select the INPUT DEVICE by id\n"
"-o <int> : select the OUPUT DEVICE by id\n"
"-m <double> : SIGNAL MULTIPLIER\n"
"-s <double> : SIGNAL MULTIPLIER STEP (press w or s while console focused to go up and down by this ammount.\n"
"-d : list devices\n";
while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "i:o:l:m:s:hd")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'i':
inputDeviceId = atoi(optarg);
case 'o':
outputDeviceId = atoi(optarg);
case 'm':
multiplier = atof(optarg);
case 's':
multiplierStep = atof(optarg);
case 'd':
return 0;
case '?':
if (isprint (optopt))
fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt);
fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt);
case 'h':
fprintf (stderr, helpMessage);
fprintf (stderr, "Press any key to close\n");
return 1;
abort ();
// Start non blocking input thread
std::thread nonBlockingInputThread(inputThread);
PaStreamParameters inputParameters, outputParameters;
PaStream *stream = NULL;
PaError err;
const PaDeviceInfo* inputInfo;
const PaDeviceInfo* outputInfo;
char *sampleBlock = NULL;
int i;
int numBytes;
int numChannels;
err = Pa_Initialize();
if( err != paNoError ) error2(stream, err);
inputParameters.device = (inputDeviceId == -1) ? Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice() : inputDeviceId; /* default input device */
inputInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( inputParameters.device );
outputParameters.device = (outputDeviceId == -1) ? Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice() : outputDeviceId; /* default output device */
outputInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( outputParameters.device );
numChannels = inputInfo->maxInputChannels < outputInfo->maxOutputChannels
? inputInfo->maxInputChannels : outputInfo->maxOutputChannels;
inputParameters.channelCount = numChannels;
inputParameters.sampleFormat = PA_SAMPLE_TYPE;
inputParameters.suggestedLatency = inputInfo->defaultHighInputLatency ;
inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
printf( "Input device # %d.\n", inputParameters.device );
printf( " Name: %s\n", inputInfo->name );
outputParameters.channelCount = numChannels;
outputParameters.sampleFormat = PA_SAMPLE_TYPE;
outputParameters.suggestedLatency = outputInfo->defaultHighOutputLatency;
outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
printf( "Output device # %d.\n", outputParameters.device );
printf( " Name: %s\n", outputInfo->name );
/* -- setup -- */
err = Pa_OpenStream(
paClipOff, /* we won't output out of range samples so don't bother clipping them */
NULL, /* no callback, use blocking API */
NULL ); /* no callback, so no callback userData */
if( err != paNoError ) error2(stream, err);
numBytes = FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * numChannels * SAMPLE_SIZE ;
sampleBlock = (char *) malloc( numBytes );
if( sampleBlock == NULL )
printf("Could not allocate record array.\n");
error1(stream, sampleBlock);
err = Pa_StartStream( stream );
if( err != paNoError ) error1(stream, sampleBlock);
while (1) {
// You may get underruns or overruns if the output is not primed by PortAudio.
err = Pa_ReadStream( stream, sampleBlock, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER );
if( err ) xrun(stream, err, sampleBlock);
int blockIndex;
float* sampleBlockShort = (float*)sampleBlock;
for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < FRAMES_PER_BUFFER; blockIndex++) {
double dSample = (double)sampleBlockShort[blockIndex];
dSample *= multiplier;
if (dSample > 32767.0) dSample = 32767.0;
if (dSample < -32768.0) dSample = -32768.0;
sampleBlockShort[blockIndex] = (short)dSample;
sampleBlockShort[blockIndex] *= multiplier;
err = Pa_WriteStream( stream, sampleBlock, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER );
if( err ) xrun(stream, err, sampleBlock);
printf("Wire off.\n"); fflush(stdout);
err = Pa_StopStream( stream );
if( err != paNoError ) error1(stream, sampleBlock);
free( sampleBlock );
return 0;
int xrun(PaStream *stream, int err, char* sampleBlock) {
printf("err = %d\n", err); fflush(stdout);
if( stream ) {
Pa_AbortStream( stream );
Pa_CloseStream( stream );
free( sampleBlock );
if( err & paInputOverflow )
fprintf( stderr, "Input Overflow.\n" );
if( err & paOutputUnderflow )
fprintf( stderr, "Output Underflow.\n" );
return -2;
void error1(PaStream *stream, char* sampleBlock) {
free( sampleBlock );
void error2(PaStream *stream, int err) {
if( stream ) {
Pa_AbortStream( stream );
Pa_CloseStream( stream );
fprintf( stderr, "An error occured while using the portaudio stream\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "Error number: %d\n", err );
fprintf( stderr, "Error message: %s\n", Pa_GetErrorText( err ) );
from selenium import webdriver
import csv
def keywords():
with open('urls.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r'C:\Users\Peter\PycharmProjects\Testing\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe')
list_1 = ['keyword 1', 'keyword 2', 'keyword 3']
list_2 = ['keyword 4', 'keyword 5', 'keyword 6']
list_3 = ['keyword 7', 'keyword 8']
keywords = [list_1, list_2, list_3]
for row in csv_reader:
html = driver.page_source
for searchstring in keywords:
if searchstring.lower() in html.lower():
print (row[0], searchstring, 'found')
print (row[0], searchstring, 'not found')
print keywords()
所以我发现AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'lower'
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您可以将关键字作为字符串列表中的字符串列表。 在这里,我已经降低了关键字。
from selenium import webdriver
import csv
def keywords():
with open('urls.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r'C:\Users\Peter\PycharmProjects\Testing\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe')
list_1 = ['keyword 1', 'keyword 2', 'keyword 3']
list_2 = ['keyword 4', 'keyword 5', 'keyword 6']
list_3 = ['keyword 7', 'keyword 8']
lower_list = lambda x: x.lower()
keywords = map(lower_list, list_1 + list_2 + list_3)
for row in csv_reader:
html = driver.page_source
答案 1 :(得分:1)
l = ['Item 1', 'ITEM 2', 'ITEM 3', 'ItEM 4']
m = map(str.lower, l)
这会让你['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3', 'item 4']
map将函数应用于iterable的每个元素并返回一个map对象,它本身是一个可迭代的。您可以在map(str.lower, keywords)
for searchstring in map(str.lower, keywords)
编辑:哎呀,没注意到你想要用这种方式组合三个列表。您可以使用[item.lower() for sublist in keywords for item in sublist]