我使用Genymotion模拟三星Galaxy S7(API 23),然后安装arm-translation并在重启设备后通过拖放安装我的应用程序。 但我得到以下错误:
Unfortunately, <application name> has stopped.
Failed to connect to VM (TcpStream) for main host connection, IP:Port=!!!
OpenGPL connected to
port 22468 will be used for OpenGL data connections
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Host date and time: "12 Mar 2017 13:14:24 -0400"
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] GET QUrl( "https://cloud.genymotion.com/content/video" )
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] "Local socket created at path : /tmp/0054dd293a15aa9e4d99002d5631b4ca"
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [warning] **** STARTING VIRTUAL DEVICE ****
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [warning] Player version: "2.8.1"
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Loading "vboxmanage" plugin
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Plugin "vboxmanage" loaded
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Chipset: "GenuineIntel"
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] CPUID 0x1 (Intel): ECX= "c00e3bd"
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Path: "VBoxManage"
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "hostinfo")
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] [System properties] Online physical CPU number: 2
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] [System properties] Online virtual CPU number: 2
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] [System properties] Max CPU number: 4
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] [System properties] Max memory size: 3953
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] get "vboxnet0" from host.only.interface
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] [findHostOnlyInterface] Looking for compatible host-only interface
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "hostonlyifs")
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [warning] [VBox] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] Checking "vboxnet0" interface status ( QHostAddress( "" ) )
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] "vboxnet0" Interface seems compatible
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("list", "dhcpservers")
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] [checkIfInterfaceHasValidDhcp] "HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0" DHCP server is associated with "vboxnet0" interface
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] [checkIfInterfaceHasValidDhcp] "vboxnet0" interface is compatible
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("--version")
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] VM engine version: "4.3.36_Ubuntur105129"
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "S7_API23")
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "S7_API23")
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
Mar 12 13:14:24 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "S7_API23")
Mar 12 13:14:25 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
Mar 12 13:14:25 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Call: ("showvminfo", "S7_API23")
Mar 12 13:14:25 [Genymotion Player] [debug] [VBox] Return code: 0
但是应用程序在HTC ONE(API 17)上成功运行。问题是什么?我该如何解决? .apk来自Play商店,因此apk文件没问题。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
有时这个错误发生在Windows运行android-studio和Genymotion期间,如果你的电脑/笔记本电脑是一周的CPU和RAM和 我在2周前使用了Genymotion,这个错误发生了很多次。
2 - 尝试重新安装您的应用程序,它可能有所帮助或尝试清理数据。
3 - 将您的vBox(虚拟盒)更新为最新版本。
5 - 有时候当你使用像Bluestacks这样的另一个模拟器时发生此错误尝试卸载Bluestakcs并使用One模拟器或更改模拟器的端口。
希望它有所帮助。答案 1 :(得分:0)